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What to take?


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Hey guys and gals. I have been rebuilding my Nightlords army for a few months now and took them out for a spin the other night and got spanked by the sisters! So, my main question is would you take a 10 man troop squad with 2 plasma guns or a 5 man havoc with 4 hvy bolters? Since the only way to get heavy weapons is in the old havoc boxes (that I know of) I really can't afford to get them at this time. Or would an all las predator be better? Thanks in advance and keep in mind I play fluff so no marks of chaos.

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List choices don't exisit in isolation, so trying to pick a single squad without knowing what else they're accompanying is hard. However, one thing that is clear is 4 x Heavy Bolters is definitely not worth it when for the same points you could have 4 x Autocannon instead (and if you're worried about models, a cocktail stick, greenstuff and a warpflame gargoyle from a Chaos Predator set lets you convert them).

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Wow those are cool! As for the list, well, I guess I shoulda posted that. Here lately we've been playing 1500 pt games so my list is this:


Lord- sigil, power sword, plasma pistol and jump pack, melta bombs and gift

10 man CSM squad- 2 meltas, all cc weapons; Sgt/ power sword, gift and melta bombs in a rhino w/2 combi-bolters, dozer, dirge

20 man with plasmagun, las cannon; sgt w/ meltabombs and gift

Defiler w/havoc


10 raptors- 2 meltas; Sgt w/ melta bombs (have to look into him, seem to have forgotten to upgrade his weapons)


and this 10 CSM- 2 plasma guns; sgt w/P sword, melta b's, gift  //// or use something else, so auto cannons instead, hmm will take that under advisement.


This = 1500 on the nose



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