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If End Times happens: How youd have your Legion?

Noctem Cultor

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Hi all,


Now the 40k End Times Rumour has been debunked (maybe an early show of the hand or a complete misfire)


But it did get me thinking how would I want my Legion represented at the End of Times?


The rumours stated/state that the Golden Throne will fail and that Guilliman Primarch of the Ultramarines takes the stage once more. This was then assumed the other Primarchs would also return (except the two loyalist primarchs that are known to be dead). But there was no mention of us 'Traitor' Legions, I picture with all the Daemons pouring out due to the throne being down that Abaddon would except God /Primarch like power and lead the Daemon Prince Primarchs and their legions in another Black Crusade.



I see the VIII Legion fighting the long war the same way we do now, with no extra gifts or mention. But upon thinking about it id like to see Decimus visions lead him to Sevatar who has been cut off from the Legion where he has mastered his psychic powers. Upon his return a shake up and bit of a Witch Hunt to destroy the corrupted in the legion or at least exile them, maybe even a duel for power with Krieg the Axemaster resulting in his death.




But I ask How would you want to see your Leguon at the End of Times?

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