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Death Company Terminators Speculation


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I don't think this is going to be a thing. We have begun to see the first wave of leaks that are illicit photos from other countries rather than the stuff GW chose to give us. Don't you think that if there was anything really surprising, like a new unit or an import from C:SM, that would be the kind of thing our mysterious benefactors would be most likely to show us? 

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Yeah the only other new things that are currently un-released are the Terminators and Terminator Librarian. They, along with the tactical kit and Sanguinary Priest, featured heavily in the plethora of Codex's ipad preview pages TheHarrower compiled. If there was anything else coming I would have expected it to have just as strong a presence in those photos.

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Yeah the only other new things that are currently un-released are the Terminators and Terminator Librarian. They, along with the tactical kit and Sanguinary Priest, featured heavily in the plethora of Codex's ipad preview pages TheHarrower compiled. If there was anything else coming I would have expected it to have just as strong a presence in those photos.


I agree with your point and disagree with your logic. I do think that it's possible for GW to decide to hold back some big deal thing out of some marketing decision to reveal it at a later date. I don't know why, but we all know that marketing isn't GW's strong suit...


The long and the short of it? I don't think we're getting anything new or any C:SM imports. The exceptions being:

  • A psychic power discipline
  • Grav in the army in various places (not sure where yet - I'm still hoping for grav pistols on assault squads and sanguinary guard to exploit Concussive when assaulting big nasties) and heavy flamers on tac squads.
  • Some application of terminators that allows for a company banner (my guess is terminator honor guard, but I could be wrong).
  • Several new kits.
  • Various reorganizations, recostings, and other non-model alterations to our rules.


At this point, I don't think we're getting storm talons, centurions, or the AA tanks. Which is annoying, because I'm sick of being stuck with my storm raven as my only flyer/AA option. I don't think I'd put money on it, yet, but I'm willing to go out on a limb.

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I keep seeing 'suicide mission' as a reason for dc terminators... the problem with that is if its that important a mission, how/why would you send a barely controlable bunch of madmen on it. Suicide, yes, but mission, no they'd most likely forget about it so fail in the single reason they're there at all.

Mission could be: Dinobots: destroy Devastator. Death Company: Kill that hive fleet.


It's a mission that they, or anyone else would probably die on. And the Death Company will have a damn good go at it.


Other examples are: Space Hulk mission one. Bloodquests, the penitent mission Dante was on when the Sanguinor intervened to save them from the suicide mission.


But each of those had a mission that was more than just kill stuff till you're dead. BloodQuest was to reclaim a lost artefact of the Chapter, then to track down the captain and free him if i recall. Dante was there to kill the ships captain, not slay every chaos-infested heretic and traitor on board, etc. You are confusing a method - kill anything that twitches, with a mission. And yes, sometimes the mission will be kill everything that twitches but if the mission is 'hold this hilltop so we have a safe LZ for additional troops' (Battle of Ia Drang) or 'stop anyone here at this chokepoint' not down in the valley where they can get past you' (Themopylae). Even in a space hulk the death company wouldnt be able to hold a defensive cordon - they'd simply be a massive vulnerability since they'd most likely chase after stealers instead of holding a position, and just get everyone else outflanked and dead.


Thats what Terminators are for - they are the immovable rock and the unyeilding hammer, utterly undistracted and totally focussed on the mission as required of them by their commander, not on personal glory or a death wish. You dont waste that capability by putting a bunch of unreliable, ill-focussed, easily distractable, hallucinating madmen in your limited amount of terminator armour, recoverable or not.

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