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Will you buy the new Terminators?


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Well, termies don't need a sang priest to get furious charge anymore.  A squad of 4 hammers with a lightning claw sergeant for challenges is even more deadly on the charge than our vanilla brothers and we don't have to pay the SP tax anymore.


I'm still undecided.  Maybe I'll pick up a squad if the landraider or stormraven rules work well for them, but right now I'm concerned with making more DC and SG.

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Is that something new in seventh? I thought it was x2 then +1 so nine rather than ten. Still good but doesn't double out t5 models and all the rest.


That's what I thought as well...but under the entry for weapons like thunderhammers and powerfists it says "strength x2" and FC adds to the strength value. To me, that means add FC and double the strength afterwards.



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S9 PF and Thammers are still incredibly good.  For example, a charging DC marine with a power fist is essentially 4 lascannons.  Despite it being the logical thing for GW to do I'm slightly disappointed DC lost WS5, but easier access to jump packs really makes up for it.


For now it's all just a waiting game until the codex is in our talons.

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S9 PF and Thammers are still incredibly good.  For example, a charging DC marine with a power fist is essentially 4 lascannons.  Despite it being the logical thing for GW to do I'm slightly disappointed DC lost WS5, but easier access to jump packs really makes up for it.


For now it's all just a waiting game until the codex is in our talons.


Who knows, maybe they will get WS5 on the charge, or part of a formation, or in a supplemant if we get one.

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I already have more Termis than I can actually play with, but I'm still liking the sculpts. I'm thinking between the leftover bits from Strike Force Ultra, Deathstorm and the new kit, I'll probably bash up some squad leaders or end up using them as is to make a command squad to supplement the DV Termi command squad I did. I badly wanna play around with the new bits :)


I just know I want more TDA Chaplains, I probably won't buy the new Libby unless I can figure out what other sculpt I can use to make a Chappy (Cap'n Karl will be receiving a head transplant along with a new crozius)

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No.  Why? Because I already have 5 2e terminators painted, and I have yet to paint my: AOBR Terminators (5), Dark Vengeance Terminators (5), Space Hulk Terminators (5).  I will have more than enough by then.  Depending on their options (i.e. Terminator HG loadouts, options, etc.) I may end up converting the DV terminators to one of the new units, though.  They will require some heavy feather plucking anyway.

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So I personally have 8x 3rd edition tactical termies and a 4x squad of assault termies. I was going to sell off my Deathstorm termies but given that the new kit has both assault and range option, I am now reconsidering.


Don't know yet if I want the new kit to be assault or tactical loadout until I see the codex.

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Nope.  Purely for monetary reasons.  I've got the Deathstorm box incoming plus I've got 2 unbuilt squads of Tartaros terminators, not to mention 15 built but unpainted terminators of various flavors.  If I get any more terminators, it'll be a squad of Cataphractii...because want their armored menace in my army.


I don't need the bling parts and, frankly, they've got no part, aesthetically speaking, in my Flesh Tearers army.

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I'm going to get them, probably, after the codex hits.  Seeing that banner makes me think either new option or new squad, and perhaps being able to take a command squad of terminators without using those precious Elite slots in the FoC?


Though now I'm going to have to look into buying Land Raiders, as I only have 2 Stormravens, and thats not enough to carry my current 15 termies, let alone another 5.


Has anyone seen the rumored warlord trait that deduces deep strike scatter?  With it being a warlord trait, perhaps it will work on units that don't have jump packs too, like Terminators and Land Raiders?

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I'll wait for now. You never know, with a few rules modifications and/or price changes these terminators could be an interesting choice on the field. I see one is modeled with a banner, and if the points are right it could be a great bonus. There could be some great synergy with the new priest too. At the same time I've had concerns about delivery of terminators for a long time, with deep strike generally being inaccurate and land raiders getting very pricey. That being said I love terminators but I have enough of them until I see the new rules. I do like the bits though...

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