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New BA: Wow...


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So I just now saw the new BA tactical squad and all I can say is: WOW.


Im a long time Ultramarines fan, but Ive always had a bit of an interest in the sons of the Angel because of their flair for Close combat and master crafted armour and weapons. That BA squad just turned me on (In a good way... you pervs... :P). Im actually thinking about making the DIY chapter Im working on into a BA succesor. 


So, to those of you who have a BA army, any suggestions for what I should get to a small 1000 point force?


Cheers, Anaziel.

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Guess I will have to wait for next week then tongue.png Although, current codex wise, would you say tactical squads are a viable option?

One thing I do hope for the new codex would be the ability to make custom chapter masters, the old one didnt have it.

The codex may not be out, but you can still answer me some fluff questions, right? First off, do all succesors follow the BA standard codex organization and would it be unorthodox/weird to change it? The same goes for the company markings and squad markings, etc.

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Current codex Tacs are a bit of a weak option, but with the weapon options in the new dex and the new special rules that may change!


Honestly though, if anyone gives you advice that is anything other than "hold out a week or two to see", then they may be blowing smoke up your whazoo!

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The BA tacticals is probably one of the best valued kits in the game now - all those bits combined with the amazing new tac marine bodies, and the icons/flare added directly onto the new sculpts, larger modern bases...


I have pre-ordered 2 boxes myself and a Sang priest- can't wait for next sat.

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I really hope they make tactical squads uself in the book because that was one of the problems I had in this one why should I take a tactical squad when I can take an asault squad. Also anyone notice the strange color they gave the sanguinary priest. I just realised they got rid of the sanguinary priest sad.png . Oh well

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So it seems that BA will get a terminator command squad (based on the company banner one of the terminators carries). That would be awesome, but I cant help feel that they look a lot like the standard terminators when you compare them to the highly detailed Deathwing the DA got.


Still Im super exited and Im definetly going for some BA succesor when Ive seen all the new stuff.

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So it seems that BA will get a terminator command squad (based on the company banner one of the terminators carries). That would be awesome, but I cant help feel that they look a lot like the standard terminators when you compare them to the highly detailed Deathwing the DA got.

That last sentence tells me that you haven't actually seen any closer up images of the new termies. Look again smile.png

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So it seems that BA will get a terminator command squad (based on the company banner one of the terminators carries). That would be awesome, but I cant help feel that they look a lot like the standard terminators when you compare them to the highly detailed Deathwing the DA got.

That last sentence tells me that you haven't actually seen any closer up images of the new termies. Look again smile.png

I will eat my words (dont know if that danish frase makes sense in english... :P ). I found some better pics than the ones I have seen. Awesome terminators.

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The codex isn't out yet but at 65pts, the new Librarian should be an auto include at anything below 1,500 pts.


That depends on 3 factors.


1)  How good is the psychic discipline?


2)  How many useless warlord traits are there on the table?


3)  Which Special Character comes with a good warlord trait?

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