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New BA: Wow...


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The codex isn't out yet but at 65pts, the new Librarian should be an auto include at anything below 1,500 pts.


That depends on 3 factors.


1)  How good is the psychic discipline?


2)  How many useless warlord traits are there on the table?


3)  Which Special Character comes with a good warlord trait?


4) Wether or not you accept the existance of filthy spykers.... :P

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The codex isn't out yet but at 65pts, the new Librarian should be an auto include at anything below 1,500 pts.

That depends on 3 factors.

1) How good is the psychic discipline?

2) How many useless warlord traits are there on the table?

3) Which Special Character comes with a good warlord trait?

4) Wether or not you accept the existance of filthy spykers.... tongue.png

For me, I find the HQ is more a necessary unit needing to be filled, and at 65 points, its pretty awesome. Though, mine will probs be 105 ! (JP and PML2) - still cant really beat that.

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I hope priests are like techmarines are for codex: space mareens. Taking a force org slot stinks. I do hope jumpers are still troops though. Thats why I s tree arted playing this game with blood angels, and the main reason why I would still play them.
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I deliberately didnt follow the rumour and "leaks" over the new codex after my disapointment with the DE and CSM releases.


So I understand assault squads are no longer troops BUT we can take a LibbyDread as our HQ? Pretty cool, I was running Tactical squads anyway. A terminator HQ squad would be a dream come true for me ( I have 30 Termies I never field).


As long as we retain our decent of angels, reclusiarch's and fast rhino chassis I am one very happy camper.


And im not sure why, but my Granny used to laugh till she cried when she said; "Spise mine ord, men ikke min ost" - something about cheese being more useful then opinions.

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So I have to buy Tacs to get a legal BA list?


I'm going in the corner to cry!! For real...


There's nothing better than red Tacticals with S5 I5 on the assault, especially when they can get Heavy Flamers.  You should be doing the happy dance.

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So I have to buy Tacs to get a legal BA list?


I'm going in the corner to cry!! For real...


There's nothing better than red Tacticals with S5 I5 on the assault, especially when they can get Heavy Flamers.  You should be doing the happy dance.




We are better in assualt but are no longer in possession of assualt based troops so our new rules would of been great in the last codex, the new one they are very lack luster.

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I'm sorry did they somehow remove the Assault Squads or other assault units such as Assault Terminators, Sanguinary Guard, Death Company, Furioso dreadnaughts etc. from your codex?  How is army wide FNP bad all of a sudden when you now have to take a few Tactical Squads?  Tactical Squads that can take Heavy Flamers in addition to Special Weapons if I may add..


The new codex sounds awesome.

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worth noting that the +1 WS isnt just on the charge... so the unit the priest is with is just flat out better, WS5 tactical squad suddenly is hitting enemies back easier - even when charged. It sounded like Corbulos bubble is a flat +1 init, rather than the +1 init when charging that the alternate org chart gives... if thats the case, when most marines charge us, we strike first and are more likely to hit, if we manage to get the charge, we strike first, are more likely to hit, and more likely to wound. With the right combos, i could see the above being brutal...


Also +1 WS and Init - put corbs near mephiston, have mephiston take biomancy with the hope being to get iron arm. Mephy is then WS 7, Init 7, S 8 T 8 AP 2 with 5 attacks base. If corbs doesnt take up a slot (he obviously will) you then throw a regular libby in to add the quickening to Mephy... so that he is potentially getting 8 attacks and being init 10...

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With Dante's new stats, he doesnt need a points reduction (admittedly we dont know everything about him yet)


K&F, I actually have never used Mephiston in a game, ever :P, if i want him to just be a decent troop killer, i'd just give him the BA discipline, and avoid 2+ units, I could see him working well as a bully, one that can fight the odd challenge when needed (fists still cant ID him).


Dante is a LoW so how much use he gets will depend on your gaming group I imagine, my HQs for the past 10 years or so have always been Dante, Tycho or a standard librarian, depending on who I play and my mood at the time :)


we know Dante apparently has an AP2 +2Str MC axe that strikes at init, and he has eternal warrior.

What we don't know is:

Have his stats changed? (I could see them dropping his init down to 5 for example)

What does his mask do?

Does he have a warlord trait? if so, what?

any other special rules?

Is his pistol a regular infernus pistol? or has it gone back to being the perdition pistol?


all the above will have an impact on how much he should cost points wise.


but if his stats remain unchanged and he has the axe and eternal warrior as described... 225 isnt unreasonable, he is going to beat on almost any character thanks to striking first with lots of attacks at high strength AP2...

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We've only seen Dante's rumored rules, but still know nothing of his stat line or price...can't know if the former are worth it without the latter, no matter how brutal he looks. An SM CM with artificer armor,  burning blade, shield eternal and JP would cost around 270, his save is 3++ and the burning blade is +3S and blinds, but burns back. He also loses one attack due to the shield. And has an orbital strike. So would a Dante with his current stats and the rumored axe be still worth 225?...guessing when you compare him with the vanilla beatstick the answer is YES.


Edit: Corrected Dante cost

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yep SonOfThunder, I agree completely (see my post that id been editing as you posted! :) )


hes 225 now, with a better than chapter master stat line, I'm interested to know what the mask does mostly... we can take a fair guess that his warlord trait will be the one that looks the same as he does now. S6 and S7 are effectively the same in a fight between space marines, blind is awesome, but not reliable.


so said captain will be WS 6, S 7 I 5 with 3 attacks (or do they get 4?) +1 if he charges (unlikely when Dante is the one with a JP) Said guy also has no gun.

Dante would be WS 6 S 6 I 6 with 5 attacks +1 if he charges (more likely, not to mention possible hammer of wrath) and if he charges he also gets +1 S (and maybe +1 I if hes in the right org chart) Dante gets a reroll as well, whilst the chapter master doesnt.

Chapter master has a slightly better Invulnerable, they both have 4 wounds (or do regular chapter masters only get 3).


If Dante retains Hit and Run and has something fun for the mask, I'd put money on him winning that fight every time.

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'only' T5, no invul, no EW and only 3 W is not a very good statline for someone who will find himself in harms way. Dante would have to be pretty bad to be worse than that.


The second issue is mobility, how will you get Mephiston and his almost mandatory body guard into the fight? 

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