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Black Mace Nurgle Prince


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usual kit, and a spell familiar

any tips on using him well?


i'm finding that if you don't roll the decent spells on biomancy, and then successfully cast then, he's just not a sound investment


between a perils (even with spell familiar), wound from the daemon weapon, and 1 from massed overwatch, he always ends up losing the final wound in combat. i've tried keeping him on the floor, but with weight of fire, it's easy to roll a couple of 1s on that 2+ cover save.


i've tried keeping him in the air, but then you're not getting into combat until at least turn 3


i suppose he's a great fire magnet, and alongside the land raider full of terminators, it forces your opponent to focus fire on one or the other, but they just ain't pulling their weight


thinking of swapping him out for a couple of maulerfiends and a few spawn

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You're paying a fair whack of points for just a fire magnet.


This. The best 'fire-magnets' are cheap units that are still threatening enough to warrant attention from the opponent. Multiple Maulerfiends are a good example of this.

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You're paying a fair whack of points for just a fire magnet.


This. The best 'fire-magnets' are cheap units that are still threatening enough to warrant attention from the opponent. Multiple Maulerfiends are a good example of this.



And one that lacks the immediate effectiveness of the stated Maulerfiends!

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For fun and games, take a Helbrute mayhem pack and Deep Strike them in on the same turn as the prince lands. The Helbrutes are cheap enough fore magnets, especially if thwy're in charge range of vehicles, artillery or a gun line and the prince should be maneauverable enough to get close.
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From what I read at the nova and feasts of blades tourneys Nurgle Circus is quite OP until you encounter Knights.


You would have your 2 flying nurgle DP with spell familiar and ML3 and leave them in the air summoning tarpits, screens, and troops on objectives. You take 1 roll on malefic hoping for cursed earth if not swap for summon and roll biomancy ( I forget if you have to dedicate 1 roll to nurgle power or not).


You play for points and to survive not to table your opponent, something nurgle still does great at. Don't bother to land til major threats are dead or tarpitted well. If you ally in Belakor you can invis your main killy unit and bring in a soul grinder that way too.

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