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What to do with chaos 1000 pts lists?

Lord Kallozar

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Hi guys.


I have never ever played 1000 pts games before and therefor never had to make a 1000 points list before.


But if I was to build one what would be suitable units to take? For example what's the normal amount of troops choices to take at 1000 pts etc etc


Please help. Cheers.

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Right now I mostly play 750-1000 pts games and in my experience the following things shoul make up the core of a 1000 pts force.


1) Mandatory HQ + Troops (fearless ones are the best and don't overload your HQ with wargear)

2) Anti-Tank Capability in some way (Havocs, Oblits, Melta Chosen/Raptors)

3) Something with AV12+ (Helbrutes aren't that bad but Fiends are better)

4) Something meta-specific (AA for example. Hellblade ftw)

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I've been asking for similar advice on a 600 point force to serve as both a skirmish force, and a core to a larger force.


The conclusions so far were


Rhinos are a must

Plasma guns are still better than heavy weapons


Taking troops are useful for a core force

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I play 1000-1250 point games. If I'm playing to win I tend to take: 


CSMs Primary

HQ: Axe Juggerlord w/toys to taste.

TROOP: 10 Cultists x 2

FA: 5 MoN Spawn x 2 & 5 Spawn (Jugger escort)

HS: Maulerfiend x 2


Or at 1250...


CSMs Primary

HQ: Axe Juggerlord w/toys to taste.

TROOP: 10 Cultists x 2

FA: 5 MoN Spawn x 2 & 5 Spawn (Jugger escort)


Daemon Allies

HQ: JuggerHerald w/Grimoire

Flesh Hounds x 20

10 Daemonettes


I plan on using a Mayhem Pack at 1000-1250 points too soon. Probably Mauler/Rhino MSU there to work plenty of AV12 in.


Edit: As you can see, CSMs have to min max. For me that means MSU troops and maximise points in our 'good' units to make as much threat as possible.



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  • 2 weeks later...

for 1k I have great fun with unbound




Helbrute Mayhem pack:

champ has scourge and combi other guys are base loadout with 4 heavy flamers


some vanlla csm or cultists to hold an objective somewhere.


It can't beat everything but you shroud the troop in ruins to sit there and invis the helbrutes as they deathstar charge up the board. Belakor flys around vector striking and psychic screaming. If the troop runs he can rally it.

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