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Help with DIY chapter.


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So, Im asking you veteran Blood Angels what your opinion is on this colour scheme for a DIY BA succesor chapter Im working on:


Now I know most (or almost all) of the BA succesors have VERY similar colour schemes, usually red and black as the main colours so I wanted to stray away for that and with a bit of inspiration from the lamenters scheme and the Ultramarines I came up with this mix.

Im thinking the armour details (aquilas, wings, etc) should be either silver or white, not sure yet. Another problem Im having is how to represent each squad type, company and squad numeral. According to the fluff these guys are recruited from a feudal world and have only 8 companies (which are larger than regular companies), so I was thinking heraldry, something likes this:


or this:


(Although this last one is very basic and might be better for a 10 company chapter).

The main concern with insignia for unit types would be "what to do?". BA have blue helmets for devastators and yellow for assault marines, but with the scheme I have I dont like how it looks. Any thought on that? Also veterans, maybe gold helmet? Maybe white?

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Hmm. It's a very loud color scheme, but much depends on what shade of blue that comes out looking like. I think if you go darker with the blue (or at least use some heavy washes), the contrast between that and the yellow will pop nicely.


And I have no advice on the heraldry, since I am trying to figure that stuff out for my own army without much success!

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Marshall Sampson: I actually had the complete oposite idea. A lighter blue and yellow would fit together nicely because one wouldnt be "loud" and the other "dull". Thanks for the input though.

Knife: Here is a devastator with that idea in mind:


It just feels weird? All half blue and yellow and a whole blue helmet? Although I guess it could work?

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Marshall Sampson: I actually had the complete oposite idea. A lighter blue and yellow would fit together nicely because one wouldnt be "loud" and the other "dull". Thanks for the input though.

Knife: Here is a devastator with that idea in mind:


It just feels weird? All half blue and yellow and a whole blue helmet? Although I guess it could work?

I think going for slightly subdued colors is great idea, the color scheme is already loud enough.

I like the symbolism.

Tactical squads stand for a harmonic blend of offense and defense, the aggressive yellow and subdued blue.

With blue helmets you represent the more static devastators and with more yellow the proactive assault squads.

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I have to admit that with my Knights of Blood - silver and crimson - I use red helmets across the board (except veterans, who get gold helmets). I think that too many different helmet colors would make the army look too scattered.


Personally, I support having this successor distinguish their squad types in a different way. Perhaps the color of a knee plate?

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Nice description of the symbolism Knife, Ive got to consider it now, that makes a lot of sense. I think for veterans I will be going for white helmets rather than the gold helmets we usually see on the sons of sanguinius for 2 reasons: 1. Its a nice contrast colour to both blue and yellow. 2. Gold and yellow are in heraldic terms the same colour so they tend to blend a lot. 


For sanguinary guard and death company Im thinking the traditional gold and black. 


And for chapter badge Im not sure yet, I have a lot of diferent ideas. But I found this image which actually helped with the inspiration for the badge:




The main theme for the army is they recruit from a feudal world (think of europe in the late dark ages, circa IX - X century AD). So and early feudalism and knights theme rather than the sofisticated renaissance and chivalry. So, a combination of early feudalism and the catholic saints/angels image. (Also a slight inspiration in the Knights of Saint James of the Sword or, otherwise known as, the Knights of Santiago).

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How about silver helmets for veterans? I think they would look better than just flat white. 


Probably a very light silver (whatever it's called these days) so not lead belcher on a black base. A thinned out blue wash for a subtle tint and a normal nuln oil wash works nicely. 

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Do you have any plans on how you will make them visually Blood Angels successors? Perhaps through icongraphy?

Yes, I will be using the new BA units and their bits to add the angelic wings and blood drops to tie them in with other BA successors. I will be painting most details (wings, tabards and such) in white and red (blood drops). As well as their chapter badge, still working on ideas, will include wings. Their chapter banner will without doubt be a banner of sanguinius (like the sanguinary guard banner).

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Why was the chapter founded: Crusading force.

When was it founded: Unknown.

Founding chapter: Blood Angels.

Geneseed purity: A new generation.

Codex demeanours: Brothers in battle / Cleanse and purify.

Homeworld: Feudal world.

Relationship to Homeworld: Distant rule.

Divergent chapter. 8 Companies, with their own veterans and initiates. Chapter Master also master of the Sanguinary Guard.

Combat doctrine: Close combat assault.

Special equipment: Rare weaponry.

Beliefs: Honour the ancenstors, the primarchs, the Emperor, and the purity of mankind.

Current status: Unknown, not full strenght.


The Angels Numinous are a succesor chapter of the Blood Angels, in an unknown founding and serve as a dedicated crusading force accros the Imperium, mostly protecting holy sites such as shrine worlds and searching for relics.


Their homeworld, (...), is a little known feudal world located in the Dominion of Storms, in the Ultima Segmentum. The chapter follows many of the traditions of this primitive society from where they are recruited. The tribes of the planet are divided into 8 feudal kingdoms dominated only by the chapter master of the (...). As such each of the 8 companies of the chapter recruit from one kingdom and have their own unique heraldry.


The people of (...) are very religious and superstitious, their main religion being a sect of the Imperial Dogma that venerates the Emperor and his primarch sons as gods and the astartes as his angels of war and messengers. As such, being chosen to join the astartes is a great honour for any family on the world. The kingdoms of the world are feudal and primitive in nature, each one ruled by a king. Each kingdom is in itself divided into small Counties ruled by a count. Finally there are the fiefdoms, ruled by a mortal knight. As such their society is clearly divided into classes with more benefits than others. The technological level of the kingdoms is medieval, similar to Terra during the IX – X centuries.


Wars between the kingdoms are not unsual and can often happen on a small scale (one county against another) or on a wider scale (one kingdom against another). The Astartes do not intervene in these wars and usually let them settle themselves. The only time they will intervene is to protect a kingdom when its on the stepping stone of being erradicated, thus saving their own companies base of recruitment. A chapter honour guard will descend from the skies clad in golden armour and tell each of the kings to stop the war on behalf of the Emperor. If a king is to refuse, which does not often happen, the honour guard has the chapters permission to execute him and elect a new king.


The chapter does not follow the tenets of the Codex Astartes in the way their founding chapter does. Instead of 10 companies of a 100 man each, the chapter is divided into 8 companies that vary in strenght and are usually scattered throughout the galaxy on campaigns making it impossible for the wider Imperium to know the exact number of battle brothers in the chapter. Each company (known as a brotherhood) falls under the rule of a Commander and has its own veteran quadre and recruits. The chapters specialist formations however fall under the respective rule of their own masters (forge, apothecary, chaplaincy and librarius) and lend their service to the companies as it is needed.


The chapter is specialised, as most of the sons of the angel, in close combat. But however, they often favour fighting on foot rather than using jump packs, packing assault squads into drop pods or as airborne cavalry and deploying deep into the enemy lines. Being a crusading fleet they have also earned experience in naval combat and boarding actions in the void. An interesting and unusual trait of the chapter is the large amount of MK IV power armour and MK III "Iron" war plate they posses. Where they achieved these items or wether they know how to forge them is unknown.


The chapter venerates the Emperor and the primarchs in the same way as the feudal population, as deities and guardians of mankind. As such they consider themselves the angels of death, the highest servants of the Emperor. While they have great respect for all sons of the loyalist primarchs the superstitious nature of their homeworld has found its way into the chapter and they are therefore suspicious of all outsiders and strangers.





Here is some of the fluff Ive written so far. Be mindfull that this is WIP, its not carved in stone. Im still working on this. 


What I wanted was not the "shinning beacon of hope" vibe that a lot of BA get due to their angelic feel, but more on the direction of "Angels of Death". Sure, they have angelic imagery and such and their war plate is quite "good" in blue and yellow, but thats just heraldry. After all they come from a feudal and very superstitious world where the astartes are the dreadfull angels of the Emperor so it would be obvious that the aspirants have the same image of themselves.


Also edited the title of the thread since this is growing into more than just colour scheme now.


Any help appreciated.

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Its definetly worth a try. Ill have to look up some tutorals for silver since I have absolutely no idea on how to paint silver. 


Ah, and for sergeants, Im thinking just the traditional codex approved red helmet? Maybe? Although it might be too much colour. 


Since sergeants are veterans why just not give them silver helmets? That's what I do with my Flesh Tearers.

Also makes it really easy to swap models between sergeants and different vet squads (sternguard, vanguard, honor guard). 

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Are you planning on incorporating this: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Angels_Numinous? http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Angels_Numinous?
Considering there is almost nothing about them except that they are kind of jerks to their death company, it seems like you could get some neat tie-ins with the universe without having to give up anything you have written.

Maybe their death company are treated that way because they don't fit into the equation of being the angels they want to be?

Anyways totally up to you if you want to say yours are unrelated, as the bureaucracy makes mistakes.

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How about yellow, with blue helmet and trims/ pads or elbows and knees?


When I decide a scheme I always think 'hmm il probably have to paint lots of these' so think what would look cool, and also be fairly straight forward to paint.


So a you could do your yellow, base, wash, drybrush highlight and glaze. Then just work on the details



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I never liked the full colour except for knees and elbows tongue.png I also noticed an "annoying" detail of the new BA kit. Half the pauldrons have the Blood Angels chapter badge sculpted unto them. Now that is nice for BA players but not so much for DIY players.

Another thought would be the "Angels of Retribution. This is the only fluff that exists for them:


So basically I could make a very beaten and small surviving force of space marines, as a kind of "our last stand". (Sorry about the caps)

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I never liked the full colour except for knees and elbows tongue.png I also noticed an "annoying" detail of the new BA kit. Half the pauldrons have the Blood Angels chapter badge sculpted unto them. Now that is nice for BA players but not so much for DIY players.

Just get the standard tactical kit instead, it's great too :)

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