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What will you add?

Praefectus Invictus

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So, in preparation for the new codex, I would like to know what you are planning to add to your armies.

Of course this will change when we get our hands on the codex, but what models and tactics are you planning to use?


For me, I will be adding

2x razorbacks

2x drop pod

new tactical box

9x vanguard veterans


I want this thread to inspire veterans and newbies alike to add to their armies, and to draw more players to the sons of Sanguinius.


For The Emperor!

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I'll actually be wanting to get Dante, Astaroth and Sanguinary Guard which I'm glad about. Always wanted them, never seen a point to getting them. Also, tactical squads for the first time. Always need more drop pods. Mooore drop pods!

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Now that Mephiston can join units and it isn't a categorical pain in the ass to field him, I'm going to be kit-bashing up a version for my army! A new sanguinary priest as well (not that I need any more... I've already got a jump priest and a foot priest painted up, as well as two more foot priests awaiting paint. And I'm pretty sure my secret santa present is going to be... a biker priest. Well, that present just got a lot more important biggrin.png. I guess I'll rip the backpack off one of my remaining foot priests and make him into a second jump priest. That way I can have two priests on foot, two in the air, and one on a hog! That's more than I'll ever use outside of Apocalypse or double-Detachment shenanigans... maybe I should see what the options are and look into giving some of them power weapons..?

Other than that, I think I already own everything I want. The question is, what do I prioritize getting painted?

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Well, I'm currently working on my latest 10 assault marines.  I pre ordered the tactical squad, probably add one more since we can equip them with heavy flamers.  I have another 5 sang guard almost built.  Going to build a Libby dread from deathstorm, and will pick up the new terminators and terminator libby just to have it...

It's hard to say how I'm going to want to play my BA until the dex is out.  I have 30+ DC on wings/on foot.  Time will tell, but overall I am excited for the release.  Cheaper DC is always a welcome site.

I have an old metal Dante I need to paint up, might have to give him a winged jump pack though, or kitbash one as well for a more appropriate model.  

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I'm adding the starter set dataslate DC and DC Dreadnought to my collection, since oddly enough I don't have a Dread with Magna Grapples, nor DC with so many "toys" on them. I reckon they might see some play since they are still Troops despite all other DC becoming Elites.

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Im going to make sure that the death storm and new terminators combine with the space hulk ones to make 10 tactical and 10 assault, because I won't be taking just 5 in a squad with how crowded the elite slots just became.


Need to put finishing touches on an old tactical squad so I can intersperse them with the new tacticals, and some sternguard who will be repurposed as tacticals until I can get 20 built and painted. Because I hate scouts, for their rules and models, so I don't want to be fielding those.

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I have pre-ordered a single Tac box and really hope I can get my Tyranids from the Deathstorm box sold so I can buy the terminator command squad when it comes out.


I really want the Sanguinary Priest box but $30 for a single model is a bit too much for me. That Terminator Librarian looks nice too.

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Thinking about cancelling that tac squad I pre-ordered and just get some weapons from FW instead. It's a nice kit but a little heavy on BA iconography for a successor build.


Ironically my next purchase will probably be a space wolf storm fang for some proper anti air.

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Ordered a tac squad, and looking to add 20 DC so i can run 3 Jump units, though not sure if Astorath is still a requirement for running multiple units. Probably need to magnetize 10-15 DC in case i want to run them with Corbs in a transport. It's temping with WS5 I5 DC, though i'm leaning towards jump packs.

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I don't really need to add anything! Maybe I'll make some more on foot DC and actually make some with jump packs... maybe.


But I already own:

Dante (custom)

Tycho (custom)

Mephiston (custom)

2 other captains


Honour Guard with Jump Packs (they are in the codex, I've had confirmation)

chaplain on foot

chaplain with pack


terminator librarian

4 priests with varying equipment


15 sanguinary guard

8 vanguard

6 sternguard

10 tactical terminators

5 assault terminators


2 contemptor dreads

6 death company on foot

60 tactical marines

6 rhinos

20 assault marines

20 devastators

10 sniper scouts

3 bikers

1 attack bike with MM

1 flamestorm baal

1 assault canon baal

1 lascannon pred

1 vindicator

1 storm raven

1 storm eagle

1 thunderhawk


I then will have the BA tactical squad coming, new priest, the new terminators and terminator librarian, I also have parts for 5 breacher marines, a bunch more assault marines, more vanguard, more sternguard etc (I had at last count about 30 sets of legs and a lot more heads and bodies in my bits box)


that being said, I'd like a sicaran, spartan, regular land raider, maybe another 5 sanguinary guard... who knows what else!

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Toughie for me - definitely need another Tac Squad (though I have enough FW stuff to make my own) so they will be priority. They already have rides though. After that, then I am kind of stumped as it depends what type of build I start using. Most likely DC with either jump packs and Astorath, of which I will need to buy more, or running them with Corbulo in a LR redeemer/spartan with either a Libby or Chaplain. Also depends how large the squad can be....


I fancy more SangGuard too, :D

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I have a unit of tacticals that I will need to put together, and a bunch of magnetized jump packs for my death company that will need to get painted. For buying stuff I am definitely getting my sanguinary guard up to ten so getting some more of those, and I really want to get Dante. I have been meaning to get him for a while (I have a special character based on him) and new codex time is a good a time as any to pick him up. 

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Might get an Astorath if the codex does him justice. Love the idea of veteran chaplains, the reclusiarch was my HQ of choice. If Lemartes was HQ it'd be him, but alas... I do like the Astorath model, but I also have one of those 8th company captains with the badass looks on him waiting for an excuse to be painted. And he happens to have a mean double-handed axe as well! I'm also looking forward to including SG and Dante in my builds.

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