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What will you add?

Praefectus Invictus

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Oddly, the new codex might see me buying less than I was originally planning. You see, I had this plan to make a death company on foot who could ride around in a dedicated land raider... but rumor has it that land raiders are now only dedicated transport options for terminator squads. If it's a "they're heavy support and only terminators can take them dedicated," like C:SM, then I could still see it. If they are still only dedicated transports and only for death company, then I have no need for death company on foot... I'm not about to put them in a rhino and they're still too expensive (and lack a ++ save) to go in a stormraven.


Also, with death company and death company jump packs falling in price, I feel less of a need to have death company on foot in my collection.

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I think the "only dedicated transport for termis" meant that the only unit that can take them as dedicated transports is terminators, not that the only way to get land raiders in the whole dex is as dedicated transports for termis. I think they'll be HS choices as in other marine dexes.


They are cooler with JPs anyway ;)

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Since I ended up selling most of my stuff of a while back, there's a lot for me to add: *sighs*

A box or two of the new Tac Marines. (Though, I'm running a successor chapter, it might be hard to use some of the stuff)

Regular Tac Marines




Death Company


Assault Marines


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Initially, I planned to add a unit of 5-10 VAS, but with the rumoured changes they seem to have become just another elite assault unit - of which we've got a lot already. No point in buying and painting them up to put them on the shelf. Smart move, GW. laugh.png

So far, it's going to be just the tactical squad.

I'll finish Karlaen(he's not too bad with a unit of shooty terminators!) and then...who knows? I've got my SG, DC and Furioso all painted, an assault squad that's on my current standard, so no sweat here. Since I don't really want to play Rhinos after this long span of time(stopped when 6th hit), I can't really see myself using those again. Maybe a pod for the Tacs, but that's about it.

Gotta wait 'til the codex drops!


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The new Priest model, for certain.  I never could kit-bash a Corbulo I liked enough to keep.  


For what it's worth (approximately nothing); The DC and DC Dread in the Deathstorm campaign book both bear the Troops symbol.  I hope that the RAS and DC remain troops.  I don't think I can field a playable BA FOC or CAD without them (grand total of 10 Tactical marines and 7 Scouts).

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I'm adding 2 tac squads, since I pretty much don't own any tacs right now (1 old squad is all I have left) and the new priest (I don't need him but man that is an awesome model).


If I added anything else it would be drop pods but no, don't want them.

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Based on current rumours, I will be getting (or kit bashing) the following in the short term:



Tacticals x2

Death storm

Something for tacticals to ride -- rhinos or pods


In the context of already having Dante, 10 SG, 5 DC, 20 assault marines, 2 libbies (one jump, one foot).


Long term I will get those beautiful assault termites and a land raider for them.

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As I'm starting from scratch, I have so far:

Deathstorm models

Metal (never painted! happy.png ) Seth

The BA Captain/Tycho (pre DC version)

What I'd like:

Assault/DC models

New Priest


Storm Raven (first one! happy.png )

Razorbacks (love that model wub.png )

Baal Predator (never had a Pred before)

New Tacticals smile.png

Devs (I know BA are a CC army traditionally, but I do love bringing another type of "rain" too smile.png )

Kitbashes of:




Not sure about the Sanguinor - Might kitbash one and if I choose not to use him, have him as an objectivev marker.

Still musing on other things, but can't decide until I have the 'Dex in hand smile.png

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I really like the new HQs but I've got more of those than I could ever hope to field.


BA Tactical Squad x1

BA Assault Terminators x1

SM Devastator Squad x1

Land Raider Redeemer x1

Drop Pod x1

Deathstorm DP x2 (one missile, one assault cannon)

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I have about 15 Marines built up to just body and legs using the black templar sprue (which I heartily reccomend for adding character to a unit! I have a lot of pieces somewhere but they are losy in the warp with my bikes and tanks.... but I digress) so I will be combining those with the new tac box and then the inevitable desth company and sang gusrd boxes I buy on Saturday to make a core of my army. Most likely some kit bash count as characters, Sang Guard, add to my death company and a few tactical and assault marines to taste.


Then I will be saving for some armour, there is a caestus and some dreads with my name on them...


Edit: Also finding a use for the ten DC jump packs I got on the cheap a while back hoping to grt more jump units...

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I have a metric :cuss: ton of unpainted Tacticals, 10 Sternguard, 10 Vanguard Vets and ~20 Scouts + Space Hulk Terminators.


All I'd need now to make a decent BA force is: 10-15 Death Company, 10 Sanguinary Guard, Mephiston, Dante and 1-2 Sanguinary Priests or bits to convert one that looks less static..

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I want Dante, he's fantastic according to rumor. I'll also buy a Libbynought with pod. I'm gonna try a list with nothing on board turn one. Like 3 pod with noughts, 2 with troops/DC/whatever + some deepstriking Sanguinary Guard with Dante (a must for the reroll reserve and descent of angels). Not gonna be the strongest thing, but definitivly cool. 

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