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What will you add?

Praefectus Invictus

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Ill be adding a furioso librarian and always run it.. the potential 14 attacks on I10 is just awesome


How so? What combo of powers?



Rampage from a warlord trait, d3 from the BA primaris, rage from BA power, 3 from biomancy power, 1 from sanguinor attack bubble. 


A possible 3+3+2+3+1 = 12 bonus attacks on the charge.


Far fetched but hilarious.  

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Why? Just keep them as they are

RAS can't take razorbacks.Unless you take them as FA. Technicly possible to take 2 RAS in 2 razors, but you would have to multi cad for it and take no other FA , other then ally.


10-20 DC imo a must buy. 5-6A with TH per one model are beastly and you won't need more then 2-3 meaning the squad won't go overboard with cost. There are no rules stoping other HQs from joining DC. So in go divination libbies on bikes/jumppacks or SM smashammer chapter masters. The BA disc is probably one of the better one they made. All powers are good, but just like divination, some powers make units great. A mix of divination and Sang will be beastly. Can you imagine 7-8DC with a BA libby and an sm chapter master buffed by divination and the rage power.



Fragis are cheap and nice. I would probably still take bikers from the sm codex, just because they can be troops, but the BA ones are ok I guess. As fun as some things may seem[danta, mefiston o astarot] I personaly would avoid them. Sure they got buffed and/or got cheaper. But a libby is still cheaper and everything a mefiston can do, so can 2 extra TH on DC[and they are cheaper].


There is some pretty sick synergy between GK libbies and foot DC, if someone isn't playing MS missions and can turtle.

FA pods for 5 man scouts or pods with 5 man tacs will be a nice troop option. IMO there will be a lot of BA formation only[for extra elit slots] or minimal troop armies [multi CAD probably].


All in all compering to the tyranids, DE and IG dex the BA one seems fun. As long as you don't mind droping razor RAS and losing speed on some stuff. IMO the army got easier to use too. The old BA had a too high[iMO] skill cap to use. This in addition to random aspect of the game offten ended with less fun for people. I can imagine a new player starting BA and having a nice time with them. And unlike the GK[who are fun too] the BAs aren't limited to taking 4 units, even if they too get a lot better by adding ally.

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There is some pretty sick synergy between GK libbies and foot DC, if someone isn't playing MS missions and can turtle.

FA pods for 5 man scouts or pods with 5 man tacs will be a nice troop option. IMO there will be a lot of BA formation only[for extra elit slots] or minimal troop armies [multi CAD probably].



What did you have mind for those GK libbies? Hammerhand + gate? Haven't looked at them in a while.


Back in 4th I ran terminators I used them in pods, best way to deploy tac termies. I don't think they are quite worth it now but perhaps GKTs could be interesting if we're already talking GK allies.

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Even If I don't start playing BA again I'm picking up the codex and a tactical squad because the humble tactical squad is what made me want to play blood angels. I'm thinking of buying the priest the ones I have are horribly painted like the rest of my army( anyone know how to get paint off models easily I hear simple green works but it's pretty slow) however the priest is 30 freaking dollars that's forgeworld territory hell for there space marine apothecary set it's $33 for two and there's free shipping! You no it's over ousted when forgeworld is a better deal than you....
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I'm updating my Kanban board add this very afternoon.


1)  Convert a Dante model, using a GK helmet and a bunch of Sanguinary Guard bodies

2)  Finish painting the FW Ironclad that I turned into a Furioso Librarian

3)  Pick up another Sternguard box, build two heavy flamers, a second power armored flamer trooper, and 2 BA Sergeants with combi-flamers

4)  Build 2 more lascannon legionnaires to add to the freshly demoted Tactical lascannoneers to build a Lascannon Devastator squad

5)  Build 5 more jump pack Death Company

6)  Add three Rhinos with the Forgeworld Extra Armor kits

7)  Build a squad of 3 FW Legion Outrider bikes with 2 graviton guns

8)  Finish painting my squad of 3 multimelta attack bikes

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I'm updating my Kanban board add this very afternoon.


1)  Convert a Dante model, using a GK helmet and a bunch of Sanguinary Guard bodies

2)  Finish painting the FW Ironclad that I turned into a Furioso Librarian

3)  Pick up another Sternguard box, build two heavy flamers, a second power armored flamer trooper, and 2 BA Sergeants with combi-flamers

4)  Build 2 more lascannon legionnaires to add to the freshly demoted Tactical lascannoneers to build a Lascannon Devastator squad

5)  Build 5 more jump pack Death Company

6)  Add three Rhinos with the Forgeworld Extra Armor kits

7)  Build a squad of 3 FW Legion Outrider bikes with 2 graviton guns

8)  Finish painting my squad of 3 multimelta attack bikes


Kanban board, huh? You don't happen to listen to the Independent Characters, do you...? How much do those things cost, anyway?

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  Definately looking at adding a full 4th tactical squad using the new squad kit to go with the 3 I have already, but beyond that, it's painting models to expand and / or tweak existing units (ie enough bolter marines to replace heavy weapon marines in my existing tac squads and set up a devastor squad with those).  

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