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Closer to one book to rule them all.It seems from the rumour

Brother Hadafix

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Firepower, you lovable geezer. Anyway, as it's been mentioned, little chance of us getting re-absorbed into C:SM. I honestly think it'd be more likely we would rejoin the Dark Angels for Angels of Death, and that would be a good few years from right now.


And, quite frankly, while it might not require too many new codex entries for the units, I'm not sure if you can fit all of the BA fluff into C:SM without gutting it to a heretical level.

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Am I the only one who doesn't want to see "One Codex To Rule Them All"?In my opinion more would be lost that gained. In exchange for shutting up the "but I want that weapon in my Chapter" people and maybe a faster development cycle (which either goes faster at the cost of innovation or slower to perfect the super codex) we can possibly lose the character, uniqueness and flavour of the Big 4. It happened to Templars. I just don't see the benefits outweighing the costs of such a move.

I think the point is almost all of the "character, uniqueness and flavour" comes from models and fluff, and there's no real functional barrier to rolling them all together. Now whether you believe GW will make a good job of it or half-ass it like they did with BT, or whether you find it a desirable idea is another matter, but it's possible; eg, assuming appropriate Chapter Tactics for Blood Angels, and the option to take Inferno Pistols, Hand Flamers, and Jump Packs was added to the generic Honour Guard squad - what would the functional difference be compared to Sanguinary Guard? A minor nerf to their pre-charge bolter weapon shooting? Honestly, for my money, I'd rather see GW sit down and take serious time to craft the next edition, building all the basic, core faction lists concurrently aiming for a reasonable compromise between balance and flexibility and including all of them in the BRB - end the "Codex cycle" entirely, then drive sales with campaign books and boxed sets containing variant army lists, and use those as an excuse to release new stuff for factions rather than tweaking the codex every few years. Hell they could go nuts and actually fill in the largely vacant 8 millennia between the end of The Scouring and "present day" 40K - Heresy-style Age of Apostasy series anyone?
It would be nice to see some decent codeces for a change. It would be cool for the codeces to be written from the point of the Emperor so that the fluff would be more consistent and to force the writrrs to collaberate more. You could just say that the changing writing styles are due to tje Big E's Godhood forcing him into Pschyzophrenia. Also, they could add a new faction; Emperor's Daemons, aka angels (Legion of the Damned basically become their CSM). Then, make Legion of the Damned just SM Veterans and heroes; something like "Only the greatest of the Emperor's Astartes are chosen by the Emperor to serve him for eternity amongst the Legion of the Damned; for only the heroes amongst heroes can claim to be worthy to resist Chaos until the end of time"


Of course, make the rules more stable, but the fluff is what draws people to 40k, not the game itself. I don't give a rat's ass about the game, I just love the settin itself. Of course, better rules would make me actually want to start playing the tabletop game...


Also, srry bout gramatical errors, Im on a tablet with a crappy keyboard rite.now

We don't see things from the Emperor's perspective, he's a god, it would never work, humans cannot comprehend his thought processes. And in 40k, he's a vegetable, he doesn't think anymore.


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And I came onto this link thinking people were going to talk about this edition of blood angels being better than the previous iterations.


The thing is gw is a profit making industry and there is more profit to be had making blood angels and c:sm separately because alot of people that buy blood angels also buy c:sm thus gw are getting more money from the same person. Now weather they decided that they hated black Templars and they were doing it all to get back at there fan base I don't know. The more realistic options seem to be a) there wasn't enough fan base to support them as an independent codex giving gw les money for the time/resources of making the chapter. Independent. Or b) they came to the conclusion that 6 marine armies was 1 to many and decided to roll the one that was the least popular into the c:sm


It's all well and good comparing blood angels units to black Templar/space marine units because yes they are similar because they are marines. You do get benefits of being in c:sm as well with the units blood angels don't get (storm talons,hunters,stalkers,etc.)


Is it possible blood angels will get rolled into c:sm? Sure. But is it likely in the next 5 years? I personally can't see it.

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I don't think this fear is justified at the moment.   The GW trend right now is clearly more;  more supplements, more dataslates.   With their stock and profits in decline they will not turn off the BA revenue stream.   The closest BA came to being absorbed by the mother codex was probably in 2008 with the 5th edition Codex Space Marines one year after the much-maligned WD dex.  

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I'm not sure if you can fit all of the BA fluff into C:SM without gutting it to a heretical level.

I can vouch for this. :(


Blood Angels won't be rolled. So there. :P

I disagree. Getting rolled into one codex doesn't gut your fluff, bad writers gut fluff.


The one codex to rule them all idea has already been tested, and it was extremely successful. I'm talking about the Horus Heresy series by FW. They are full of well written fluff, they allow for a lot of freedom in list building, and no one has ever complained that their legion's character has been watered down simply because another legion was included in the book. The only problem they have is that they are twice the cost of a normal codex.


The reason I don't think SMs will go down to one codex is GW isn't going to make their poster boy army the most expensive army to get into. Between this theoretical codex and the rule book, that would be over $200+ in books alone.


Being rolled should not be insulting, or a bad thing in general. If done right, it would only be a good thing for everyone.

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As said before, GW is all about profit. When BT got their own options sprues and special units you could find even the limited edition stuff everywhere. If you were not on within an hour or two of launch you could not preorder anything for BA other than the sang guard edition codex and I think that was purely price driven. Dice were out immediately (ticked about that as I checked the website immediately after work). And shield of ball has been the same. Too much money for them to drop us down a peg. And all of these are dropping when most people are at their most strapped for cash point of the year. I think we are safe.
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