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Best use of R&H allies for CSM

Lord Asvaldir

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Thinking about how to use R&H to supplement a CSM army, bit stuck with choices. Why you take R&H allies is clear-spam hordes and artillery, and the heavy support choice is easy-wyverns, thudd guns or medausa, but I'm then left with the point sink of the command squad, and what to do for the troop tax. One  thought is command squad just with a lascannon or flakk missile launcher, net command vox and banner of hate, along with an infantry platoon, 3 squads of 20, 2 autoannons in each squad. However that doesn't really supplement my assault oriented CSM army terribly well, so my second thought is 50 man mutant rabble squad, covenant of khorne on the champ and just rush them forward with the arch daemongue, his command squad can hang back and shoot stuff. I'm leaning towards the second choice, but the bigger problem than the list building decision is the modelling one-sure I could use 50 cultists, but I'd much rather use some unique models. 


Now if spawn could be used as the troop tax-that be an easy pick. I plan on taking 3 spawn with my R&H allies since they are super cheap compared to CSM spawn. 

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I'd suggest that a CC orientated troop selection is the way forward to both screen your hard hitters and tie up targets to make them easier to attack.


As for modelling unique models, I've seen some effective conversions mixing in Chaos Mauraders, Empire Free Company and weapons from the Cadians and Catchan troop sets (plus maybe Forge World renegade spures)

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I'm leaning towards mutant rabble horde, partially because it will be cheaper money wise to acquire. 


Marauders+forge world sprues might actually work, since it looks like you can grab just the marauder legs off ebay fairly cheaply. I was also thinking of just converting cultists-use green stuff for some mutations, change out some of their weapons so they look more unique. 

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You could mix in fantasy forsaken, they are pricey but lots of parts to convert other kits with, be tricky because they are odd fitting but I'm sure it can be done.


Empire flagellants work well too.

Two of my fave kits for converting :tu:

The forsaken kit makes better possessed than the actual possessed box, and you get some nice god specific bits as well 

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Empire flagellants just come in handy for everything as well. Might pick up a few more boxes and another set of Forsaken over xmas, my Word Bearers/Crimson Slaughter could use another blob of Cultists and another 20 Possessed

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When it comes to converting and kitbashing the right models to represent you traitors and/or mutants, there's a very good inspiration thread right here.

Which is the thread I couldn't find but thought of when this came up smile.png

The Cultists in there are seriously top-notch conversion work and painting

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If dollar cost is what you're looking for, you can't beat skaven for mutant rat-cultists! 20 bucks on ebay will net you 40 of the blood-isle clanrats. Pick up some dark eldar pistol arms for weapons, and theyre good to go (theyre a bit short for 'humans', but a few boosted bases takes care of that). Conversely, skaven storm-vermin are also pretty inexpensive, at around 30bucks for 20, and they come with lots of bits and more human scale. They make for good weapon and sigil carriers, as well as squad leaders.



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I despise Skaven, I could never bring myself to buy a single skaven model, beastmen ungors on the other hand would work well for mutants. 

Just curious as to why? The old skaven models were some of the ugliest things ever made, but all their new sculpts are of fantastic quality. Just don't like rats?

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If dollar cost is what you're looking for, you can't beat skaven for mutant rat-cultists! 20 bucks on ebay will net you 40 of the blood-isle clanrats. Pick up some dark eldar pistol arms for weapons, and theyre good to go (theyre a bit short for 'humans', but a few boosted bases takes care of that). Conversely, skaven storm-vermin are also pretty inexpensive, at around 30bucks for 20, and they come with lots of bits and more human scale. They make for good weapon and sigil carriers, as well as squad leaders.



I actually like this idea a lot. However, I am will likely add human heads and varying body shapes then rely on painting to establish a more distrubing mutant theme. 

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If you need a lot of models on the cheap there's wargames factory great troops


Also some nice renegade heads


WGF bodies are great, but the heads and arms are ugly as sin. I got a few of the bodies as part of a big IG trade, threw on some Pig Iron heads and Cadian flamers, and they fit right in with my GW auto gun cultists for some R&H traitors.
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I despise Skaven, I could never bring myself to buy a single skaven model, beastmen ungors on the other hand would work well for mutants. 

Just curious as to why? The old skaven models were some of the ugliest things ever made, but all their new sculpts are of fantastic quality. Just don't like rats?



Nothing to do with the sculpts, just don't like rats, especially man sized versions of them. 


Lots of good ideas, seems with all the plastic kits GW has floating around these days some kit bashed mutant rabble won't be difficult. 

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I plan on taking 3 spawn with my R&H allies since they are super cheap compared to CSM spawn. 


unfortunately, this is impossible. Spawn may only be used as non-compulsory troops choices when your Arch-Demagogue has the covenant of tzeentch and is your WARLORD (which means: not from an allied detachment).


The big problem here is that CSM also very much depend on your HQ being the Warlord, as his mark determines what you will be able to bring as troops. doesn't matter if you don't field a chaos lord, but cultists are redundant with renegades, CSM suck and chosen (black legion supplement) are overpriced, all of them lacking good transport options. IMO, 5 noise marines with a blast master is what you want, and thus: a slaaneshi chaos lord as your warlord.


R&H as ALLIES are propably best served with minimum command squad (Las/Plas) and infantry platoon (military training and ACs) plus either some wyverns or earthshaker emplacements or a colossus. Aegis + icarus (demagogue) would be a sensible inventment.


a 2nd CAD would open up more HS slots to bring all the guns, but that's also another 150 points of abovementioned infantry.


if you bring mutant rabble, add an enforcer with drug injector and LEAVE YOUR ARCH-DEMAGOGUE OUT OF THEM (you gain nothing from him but make him vulnerable to assaults). Instead, put your CSM HQ here for CC punch and fearless. Khârn or a dark apostle with MoK wouldn't be bad either for max overcharge. Don't expect to get the charge with footslogging infantry, though, and after the first turn of CC, all your bonuses are gone and you're worse than cultists/nothing but sheep to the slaughter. 

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I plan on taking 3 spawn with my R&H allies since they are super cheap compared to CSM spawn. 


unfortunately, this is impossible. Spawn may only be used as non-compulsory troops choices when your Arch-Demagogue has the covenant of tzeentch and is your WARLORD (which means: not from an allied detachment).



That's a shame. 


However I disagree that CSM depend on your HQ choice being your warlord. Sure noise marines are good and they would go rather well with R&H, but if you're not using cult troops, which I never do then it doesn't matter. 


R&H with allied CSM is actually probably better than the reverse I imagine. 2 infantry platoons for troops, you can then take loads of chaos spawn super cheap, load of heavy support with artillery, then use allied CSM for air support (either a drake or hell blade), a noise marine squad and oblits. 

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doesn't in 7th the wording primary detachment also apply to your allies now?


p. 117: "...whichever Detachment contains your Warlord is your Primary Detachment."

p. 122 (Allied, detachment, Restrictions): "Your Warlord can never be choasen from this detachment."


@Asvaldir: what HQ & Troops do you use?

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