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Best use of R&H allies for CSM

Lord Asvaldir

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and as long as the main weapon of a vehicle isn't ordnance or skyfire, it may very well pivot and ALSO shoot at a target across the table but lay down its hull-mounted heavy flamer template so that it covers a many models of its target unit as possible (zero) and all of your veterans.


Sorry, as I read the rules for shooting that would not be possible as under "check range" in the shooting section it says "any weapon found to be out of range of all visible enemy models in the TARGET unit cannot shoot" so unless the vehicle can split fire I don't understand how this would be legal, if I have misunderstood please feel free to direct me to the appropriate section in the rulebook.


Lord Lee.

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That is very specific. *shrugs*

applies to most units in the game actually.

Yeah, I was kinda baffled by that... Most tanks in the game with a turret aren't ordnance or AA.


Most tanks in the game don't have a flamer attachment.  


The tanks that do are largely relegated to Imperial Guard and (now) Renegades and Heretics. Otherwise there are units inside the vehicle that use firing ports or hatches to shoot at the veterans. 

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hull-mounted heavy flamers/bolters on every IG/AM tank, pintle-mounted combi-flamer/-bolter on the SM chassis. very common. 


yet alas, the point is moot considering the targeting rules.


what remains is this: 

- you deep strike into small arms range, thus provoke fire that would otherwise not have a target

- small arms kill light infantry, heavy weapons kill heavy infantry

- you want to divert the latter, not enable the former

- 10 guys with 2 melters are just not worth the points they cost.

- Termicide is a bigger thread for the same cost

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I'm going to have to agree with Nehekhare here. 60 points to deep strike a single bs3 Meltagun is terrible. If you manage to roll a 3+ on turn 2 AND don't mishap AND land near a vehicle you still have a 50% of just missing let alone the very good chance that melta shot won't kill anything even if it hits. That squad then disappears instantly. They're t3, 5+, close enough to melta and all bunched up. They will never shoot more than once. For 50 points more you get 3 melta shots on a much tougher platform and that squad can actually do something if it survives the return fire. If you really want deep striking, cheap melta in a chaos army (and I'm not really sure why you do), terminators are the way to go.
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Also what's the leadership on the the guard squad? I don't play chaos but a small 5 man guard squad with bs 3 melta gun isn't going to exactly scare me I mean I have 20 man crusader squad that are trying to go up the board all I have to do is stare at them and they die. A termicide is kinda scary however because they can kill small las/plas squads in my backfield if I don't deal with them immediately though this is all if they don't scatter and mishap of course.
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