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How to best use Scouts with sniper rifles?


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Hail brothers,


I just bought a relatively cheap set of scouts armed with snipers from eBay. I'm very new, still painting what I have and slowly adding to it. Anyways, whats the best way to deploy a 5 man scout squad armed with sniper rifles, and what impact can they have?


A speed bump?


Do they need a dedicated transport? Or not?






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Just bear in mind that a lot of people will tell you that Scouts aren't worth the points and to replace them with something else. My advice is to just keep building your army a bit at a time and remember that not everything you get told on the internet is true! I play Dark Angels and I run a small Scout Sniper squad in most of my lists. Most people don't take any notice of them because the general consensus is that they're not dangerous. Sometimes they'll underperform and fail to kill or pin anything but sometimes they'll be an absolute nightmare for your opponent.


The most important thing is that you enjoy your hobby, enjoy your games and kill them all in the name of the Emperor!

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  1. Deploy them on a backfield or flank objective.
  2. Use camo cloaks.
  3. No transport (also, it looks like we didn't get the scout transport in our new book).
  4. Shoot at things.
  5. Be really hard to shoot at ("thanks, camo cloak!"
  6. ???
  7. Profit.


I'd say they are definitely too good to be wasted as a mere speedbump. Put them somewhere out of the way and force your opponent to either deal with the occasional casualties or redirect resources to deal with them. Additionally, they can make a really good "anchor" for a minimal deployment army with lots of stormravens, jump pack infantry, outflanking Baals (if we still have those) and other elements that start off the board. It's pretty easy to infiltrate them to somewhere pretty safe, and their locator beacon can help to bring in Deep Striking elements.


I predict that we will see many more scouts of various kinds as a way to pay the "Troops Tax" of our new Detachment. Put some bolter scouts in a stormraven - they're cheap, so you won't suffer if it dies! - and have them hop out to claim/contest objectives in the late game.

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First off, always remember that they are infact Scouts and so they get a free move before the game starts. Meaning you can always move to that desired position and still fire in the first turn if you need to.


Regarding the Stormraven and Bolter/Combat Scouts that's not a new idea but it can be very useful. The best part is that as they are Scouts they automatically pass all Terrain checks so feel free to deploy via Skies of Fury without worry :)

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First off, always remember that they are infact Scouts and so they get a free move before the game starts. Meaning you can always move to that desired position and still fire in the first turn if you need to.

Regarding the Stormraven and Bolter/Combat Scouts that's not a new idea but it can be very useful. The best part is that as they are Scouts they automatically pass all Terrain checks so feel free to deploy via Skies of Fury without worry smile.png

I never claimed to be the inventor of that idea. I haven't even done it yet - I don't even have any bolter scouts yet! I hadn't realized about the terrain checks. That's pretty cool!

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Can they be good? Sure. However, most of the time they leave me wanting. With sniper rifles, they can't move and shoot at full BS. This means, they're immobile. Because of the lower BS, the squad only averages 1.33 wounds per round. Unless they get lucky and rend, the target is getting an armor save, so the unit often does zero damage. The unit isn't very durable and more often than not they will die before earning their points back....at least that has been my experience. When I run them, it's usually because my list is short on points and I need more troops.

In a CAD list, they can be useful because they can infiltrate onto an objective and then use their camo cloaks to try and survive to earn you some VPs (however, they won't have OS in the new codex detachment). Another nice thing about them is that they don't need a transport...just infiltrate to a good position and then camp out there the while trying to snipe censored.gif.

They're not my cup o' tea, but if you like them play them. smile.png

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The only time I don't give the boys sniper rifles is when I load them up in a Stormraven and have them claim late objectives. The snipers are currently free for now (if I remember right), but I know they cost more for the standard space marine, so I expect that to carry over into our new codex. Not a huge difference, mind you, but it could mean that some lucky sergeant gets a melta bomb.

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Id keep them cheap and cheerful.  


No cloaks (unless of course your gaming environment doesnt have a lot of Ruins, then its a worthwhile consideration but) -  there's generally too much ignore cover to make it worthwhile. 


Also,  if you play with 2x HQs, then consider taking them in a Combined Arms Detachment- that way they can be Obj Sec. 

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I have a 5 man squad that has 2 SRs, 2 Boltguns and 1 ML.  On low point games I used to use them as an objective camper.  Back in the day, I would use the 2 Sniper Rifles for pinning stuff I wanted immobile, which was quite useful.  These days, I am often not taking them at all.


I would advise using the Scouts + Blood Raven strategy, though with the +1I +1S we get, I'd advise going for the CC variety.  I have a 10 Scout squad awaiting painting, 5 Shotguns, 5 CCW/BP.  They'll ride in the Storm Raven for low point games.

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No cloaks (unless of course your gaming environment doesnt have a lot of Ruins, then its a worthwhile consideration but) -  there's generally too much ignore cover to make it worthwhile. 



I don't really agree here. If you can get them a 2+ cover then it's pointless to shoot at them with anything other than ignore cover weapons. 


Scouts unlike pathfinders and such doesn't fold to a simple flamer, so if they die it's because the opponent directed some serious fire power their way. 

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