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Teaching 40K in 50 minutes

wulfgar hammerfist

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So, I am currently attending the Army Basic Instructor Course and I have to give three presentations on a subject. Each session will include the previous presentation and then add to it during the subsequent presentations. We are allowed to pick any non-military subject that we wish so I chose to do mine on "Introduction to Warhammer 40k".


The audience will be comprised of people who have never played and have no idea what the game is about. My first presentation is required to last 20 minutes and is basically a lecture style presentation. I figured with that first session I could give a brief overview of the game and history and then talk about the basic stat line and a very scaled down turn sequence. The second presentation includes everything from the 20 minute but then adds in a demonstration and then a practical exercise. The final 50 minute presentation includes both previous parts and then an evaluation on their performance.


Here is my plan to tackle this:

Presentation 1: (20 minutes)

Intro - talk about the game origins and, briefly, the background setting.

Explain the basic statline. Check on learning could include questions about what a particular stat does.

Movement Phase - explain the importance of this phase, squad coherency, movement distances, positioning, etc. Again very basic.

Shooting Phase - explain the roll to hit/wound, armor saves, weapons ranges and abilities.

Assault Phase - explain charge distance, movement into close assault, roll to hit/wound, armor saves, etc. I'm keeping everything basic so everyone will only get one attack, no overwatch, etc.


Presentation 2: (40 minutes)

All elements of presentation one with the addition of a demonstration of the turn sequence followed by a practical exercise where the students will demonstrate each phase separately.


Presentation 3: (50 minutes)

All elements of 1 and 2 with the addition of an "evaluation" where the students will play out one game turn. It will be very simple with 3-5 space marines against 7-10 IG.


So, with that basic information, what elements would you include or how would you simplify the rules to teach en mass within a short time period?



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One of the things I've been looking at in my teaching of astronomy to non-majors is paring things down to bare essentials. So in your first lecture, are the game origins relevant or necessary to learn it? I'd say no, and save that time for other things. The background setting is more important, in my opinion, so leave that in - though I can (imho) summarize it as "A dystopian future set up so that any army can battle any other army (including themselves) without it seeming contrived." biggrin.png

The stat line discussion is your first stage here. A check at the end with a one minute lightning quiz with binary answer choices and polling by hand raising is a good, quick assessment tool.

Then the phases - movement is good. I'd focus on just the infantry as you seem to suggest in your later demo/evaluation parts.

Shooting and assault look good too. I might suggest SM vs Orks. I would also allow more than one attack. That shows important lessons, and why you might want an army other than Space Marines. Use SM with 1 attack each and basic Orks with 2 attacks each. I think this fits too with GW's intro style - many of their prepackaged sets (until recently) were SM vs Orks. I'm sure others will say I forgot lots (sorry!)

That would be my suggestions - and this is an awesome idea!

If you're using IG because that's what you've got, I guess sticking to that is good - but I think the multiple number of attacks is not necessarily too much complication.

When do you you make these presentations?

Two sources:






2) You local GW store employee. They are trained to explain 40k to small retards within 15-20min including a small example game of unit vs unit with the Dark Vengeance models (usually 5 Tacs without heavy weapon vs 10 cultists).

Ask one of those or simply watch them. Mine does a pretty decent job.


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