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New list thoughts....


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Its still early, and the info isnt fully out yet- but that doesnt stop thinking, speculation and brain-storming.  (especially not if we have the SM dex to work costs off of) 


I will DEFINITELY have a return to jump pack marines (ironically, since people are crying about invalidated jump armies) and I think they have more potential now than before. 


This is what i've thrown together at 1850 (just off top of my head).


Libby -  lvl2, JP Relic  



8x Sang Guard - Fist, IP

8x DC  - Fist, JP


10x TAC - HF, MG, P.Sword (yay return of the humble sword!) and Vet. 


5x TAC - Grav 

Razor - Las/Plas

5x TAC - Grav 

Razor - Las/Plas


10x ASM - 2MG, Fist, Vet
10x ASM - 2MG, Swd or Claw, Vet

2x Attack Bikes - MM

SOOOO much stuff and new stuff.. GWAAARRR *drools*

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Nothing too specific right now. But SG and DC are definitely making a return after being put on the back-burners for the last few months.


Tomorrow should be interesting because I'll be fielding Dante and my 2 squads of SG for one last hurrah. Unless, of course, the codex is there waiting for me. At which point, I don't know if I'll be able to get a game in with all of the reading I'll be doing.

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That's the beauty of the update. Even without all of the new relics/warlord traits/shiny, we knew the prices would be fixed. That tax has costed me a game and I won't be sad to see it go.


I know the first new BA list will have a Priest in the lead. Gonna include some TAC squads to test out this newfangled grab gun I've heard so much about.

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A nice death company list could be


Hq- astorath

Troops- Cassor the damned, squad Raphen

Elites - 1 squad of death company in a land raider, 3 squads of death company with jump packs

Fast attack - drop pod for Cassor ( don't think you can add dedicated transport for him because of his data sheet doesn't give the option?)


Add the rest as you see it but we actually have a death company battle forged army.

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For the 10 man tac, I'd go aaaaaaall flamer! If I was playing any eldar or men, bop a flame pistol on them to!


I wonder if the assault sgt will still have the option to be a gunslinger.. Probably not, but would be pretty cool!


I'm jut happy I can unbox them again, and adapt all my wonderfully painted guys with extra ba bling!

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For the new detachment: (roughly 1750)

Still not sure, but something along this line


3 x 10DC JP and one fist in each

1 x  5 man bike squad with 2 gravs (perhaps a combi grav on sarge)

1 x  2 MM attack bike

2 x  5 Tacticals one LC in each

1 x  Libby Dread ML1

1 x  Stormraven (Libby dread attached)

1 x  Libby ML2, JP, Powersword

1 x  Rifledread

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Hm. Has the DC unit restriction been lifted?

No that I know off but I was told in the deathstorm supplement Cassor and Raphen are troops choices? (I'm currently away so haven't opened my box yet)


Edit: oh you mean max 1 unit? I actually have no idea about that :(

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Remtek indirectly reminded me of that, and it occurred to me that we haven't heard anything about that restriction in the rumor thread. Actually, are there any unit restrictions for whole armies now? Or would it be a restriction just for a detachment?

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What i'm currently thinking


Astorath (with DC)

Sang Priest w/ JP (with SG)

10x Sang Guard

15x DC w/ JP

5x Scouts

5x Scouts

3x Bikes w/ 2x Grav

3x Bikes w/ 2x Grav

3x Bikes w/ 2x Grav

5x ASM w/ 2x Inferno, 2x Melta, Pod

5x ASM w/ 2x Inferno, 2x Melta, Pod


Is very roughly 1500

Mostly MSU, but with two blocks of punchy stuff


Edit  -Just realised I've gone over my FA slots - that's what you get when your used to ASM being troops. Interesting that I'm over on Fast slots, rather than elites.

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My first list will definitely have DC and SG in it.  Only question with the DC is jumpy or riding a land raider.


Beyond that, Not sure.  Thinking 2 tacs in Rhinos, Dante, Libby or priest, attack bikes.


Jump. Beacuse you're always going to want Astorath if you're running 10-15 DC in a slot.

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Thinking about something like this for 1250. I'll miss the MM attack bikes, but the assault marine drop help with anti armor. 

Scouts close combat 55
Tactical with LC 90
DC 15 JP 2 fist 395
Rifledread 120
Bikesquad with 2 Grav 135
Fragioso with Pod 165
ASM 4melta with POD 135
Astorath the grim 155
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My first list will definitely have DC and SG in it.  Only question with the DC is jumpy or riding a land raider.


Beyond that, Not sure.  Thinking 2 tacs in Rhinos, Dante, Libby or priest, attack bikes.


Jump. Beacuse you're always going to want Astorath if you're running 10-15 DC in a slot.


Probably a good call, and I like my Astorath model (removed the big wings jump pack and he has a FW old style jump pack and replaced the axe with a sword).  

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Thinking about something like this for 1250. I'll miss the MM attack bikes, but the assault marine drop help with anti armor.

Scouts close combat 55

Tactical with LC 90

DC 15 JP 2 fist 395

Rifledread 120

Bikesquad with 2 Grav 135

Fragioso with Pod 165

ASM 4melta with POD 135

Astorath the grim 155





Astorath 155 points, couldn't ask for anything more in a the codex than this. (Maybe some decent fluff but who cares we got good rules) jo know tycho didn't get as good a role but putting him in a squad of death company in a land raider is something I will try just because I have always wanted to.


Edit: messed that up a little then

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Ironically on last Monday I ran



Lib dred,

Hammer nators,

2x full tact squads, in rhinos

7 man death co no jump pack


Versus some brutal nids with new gribbles. No jumpers in sight.

Tabled him, this is before new dex makes things cheaper/better

Simply cannot wait it's killing me! Lol


Oh and for the record mort if you cast your mind back to my question on ravens versus flyrants, his must've been distracted at the thought of the shiny new codex. Lots of perils and grounding in front of meph... Oh the look on his face :)

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Here's two items that may be of interest:


#1 -

Take two squads of tactical marines. Put a heavy flamer and meltaguns in each and take a power sword on the sergeant. Now put both of these squads in drop pods.

Take a squad of 9 DC with various power weapons and at least 1 fist/hammer the rest with bolters. Put Corbulo in this squad and in a drop pod.


Have corbs squad and one of the tacs drop down first turn right next to your enemy and unleash hell. Next turn, try to drop in the third pod as fire support while Corbulo hops into the first tac squad and both them and the DC charge into a juicy unit.





Put Mephiston in a squad of assault terminators all with Th/SS. Put them in a redeemer or crusader of your choosing.


Run straight into enemy's biggest, baddest unit. Have terminators soak up any ap2 hits while Mephy beats the ever living crap out of anything and kills off any faster units with 3+ saves.


Laugh maniacally.



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