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New list thoughts....


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Do you guys think it's better to put tacticals in rhinos or drop pod for general purpose?

I would definitely throw them in a Drop pod for a few reasons:

1. You pick wear it lands(minus the scatter)

2. It is more resilient than a rhino 

3. It is cheaper than a rhino

4. "Objective secured" drop pods



1. The scatter actually means you don't know where it lands, although you know where the rhino deploys and where it moves too

2. Yes but the Drop Pod isn't a Land Raider either.

3. It's actually the same price as a Rhino, after discounting the Fast tax.

4. Rhinos are also objective secured

5. Rhinos can move and tank rush

6. You can reliably take cover behind a Rhino or hide inside it


It's not really that clear cut.

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I dunnow if this has been addressed but we now have a really cheap and efficient way to achieve first blood:


5 man ASM (remove jetpack)

2 meltaguns

Sergeant w 2 inferno pistols

Free drop pod.


Clocking in at 135p, this unit will do four melta shots in your first turn.

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I would definitely throw them in a Drop pod for a few reasons:


4. "Objective secured" drop pods

Pods only gain ObjSec if you run a CAD but that means giving up the +1I bonus from the BSF. Personally I would rather take the initiative boost for more killyness.


If Space Wolves proved one thing with the CotGW detachment, it is that ObjSec does not benefit your opponents Troop units if they are dead! :D

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I just had my first game with the new codex against Eldar at 1500.


He took:


3 Waveserpents with min dires

3 wraith lords with one of them being the seer from the supplement


i took:


libby lv2 JP Ip

12 DC JP 2 PF 2 PW

10man tac 4 flamers pod

5 man tac 3 meltas pod


5 man ras 4 meltas pod x2

Culexus assassin pod


The assassin so freaked out the Eldar player with his jetseerstar that he castled up in one corner with everything pushing out more than 12" which is the range of the anti-psyker bubble.


I dropped in the 2 ras and the 10 man tac squad, got down 1 serpent and stunned the other, killed off a dire squad.  on the counter shooting and charge I lost both ras squads but my tac squad held in combat.  In came my other two pods and Dante's mega squad. Both serpents went down and then.... the assassin took out three seers with his 8 shot Animus Speculum  thanks to the jetseerstar not having rerolls which forced a leadership on the jetseerstar which broke then flew off the table.


Dante and co mopped up.


So maybe not a normal game but I felt slightly on par with the eldar.  What was interesting was the wall of pods i was able to build which stopped his wraithlords getting out into the mid field.

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Think I'm sold on Drop Pod Tacticals for my core Troops, but how do I equip them?  Figure I'll take at least 3 MM attack bikes in fast, and those 10 SG that have been sitting on my shelf for the past year, and hopefully a jump DC squad as big as I can fit in. 


So the question becomes, what goes best with Tacticals?  I litterally have no models built yet, since I built all assault marines, all the time, last edition.  I was thinking maybe melta/MM or plasma/grav and MM for de-meching on the drop?  Or would it better to go cheap as possible, and combi-melta/meltagun on 5 tacs?

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Flamers of DOOM 1850 list i wanna roast my friend who plays foot IG

180-Captain-Artificer armour, Storm Shield, Jump Pack, Valours Edge

100-Sanguinary Priest- Jump pack Power fist

180-Sanguianry Guard- Death masks, power fist

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

130 Predator Lascannon sponsons, Lucifer engines, storm bolter

130 Predator Lascannon sponsons, Lucifer engines, storm bolter

130 Predator Lascannon sponsons, Lucifer engines, storm bolter



Tactics: Deep strike Bling wings, Priest and Cap'n. Use this unit to assault and tie up important guard squads. Use 3 pods to start mowing down guard, Predators handle chimeras and basilisks. Clean up with remaining to pods. no more speeder just hand flamers!


He then surprises you and bring a steel host list with 12 leman russes. And a hydra.



Then you assault his line of tanks with your S5 Astartes and tear them apart with your crimson ceramite gauntlets.  60 Furious Charging Astartes is a lot of pain, especially when you can drop right on top of the tanks and wall them off with pods.

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Think I'm sold on Drop Pod Tacticals for my core Troops, but how do I equip them? Figure I'll take at least 3 MM attack bikes in fast, and those 10 SG that have been sitting on my shelf for the past year, and hopefully a jump DC squad as big as I can fit in.


So the question becomes, what goes best with Tacticals? I litterally have no models built yet, since I built all assault marines, all the time, last edition. I was thinking maybe melta/MM or plasma/grav and MM for de-meching on the drop? Or would it better to go cheap as possible, and combi-melta/meltagun on 5 tacs?

Between MM attack bikes, SG and DC, you potentially have plenty of anti-armour in your army. I would be looking at ways to increase you anti-infantry abilities. Marines with bolters rock against hordes so maybe work with this by taking a large pod squad with heavy flamer, regular flamer and either combi-flamer or hand flamer on the serg.


If you can afford to take 3 pods, take one 10-man tac loaded out with flamers, one squad (could be assault) loaded with meltas and one other of your choice (Sternguard or Furioso would be my choice).


Then you can chose to drop whichever 2 pods will do best against your enemy on turn 1. For example, if you enemy has put his troops in transports, land your melta stuff first to bust them open. Save the flamer squad for turn 2 once some of his infantry have been blasted out of their transports.


If you opponent has gone infantry heavy, land your flamer squad turn 1 and bring the melta guys down on turn 2 instead. That way you can fine-tune how your army arrives without even having to modify your units. Pretty handy for tournament play.

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Okay so I've been thinking about this all day and I need to get it down.


This list is called "Baals to the Wall" B)



Primary detachment - Baal FOC




Chaplain w/jump pack relic


5 terminators

+ 5 TH/SS


10 tacticals

+ heavy flamer, melta gun, drop pod


10 tacticals

+ heavy flamer, melta gun, drop pod


Land Raider Redeemer (DT for hammernators)

+ MM


Secondary Detachment - FT blood rain formation



+ frag, blood talon


10 Vanguard Veterans

+ relic blade, power fist, 2 power axes


10 Death Company

+ jump packs, 1 power sword, 1 TH


5 man ASM

+ 2 melta guns, sergeant with twin infernus pistols





If someone with a new codex could total that up I'd be super appreciative! The new detachment is in the new WD. I'm trying to get this into an 1850 list so tell me what I need to cruch :)


So this list I wanted to use the new stuff and make it competative. For those who don't know, the FT rules are:


"1 DC, 1 VV, 1 ASM, 1 furioso, 1 Stormraven. Everyone must either have a JP, or be embarked in the raven. Units disembarking from the raven can reroll charge distance and have Rage when they disembark. Everything starts on reserves. Roll once for the whole formation. Can reroll. Units arriving by deep strike have counter-attack and fearless till their next turn."


My thoughts on it are as follows -


1.) Roll for everyone at once, drop the ASM in first next to tanks and AA. Drop the DC with an attached chaplain with the Jp relic to drop all interceptor shots to snap shots (cheeeeese!!!) and drop the DC in front of the ASM to give cover. Have raven fly in too.


On shooting phase, destroy any MCs, tanks, and AA with the ASM and shots from the raven.


Next turn just assault with your DC and have the VV and fragioso pile out of the raven (fragioso gets rage!!!) and assault things.


2.) Mephy goes with the Hammernators in the redeemer to soak up fire and totally trash anything on the enemy's side. The drop pods also hop down first turn to distract the enemy, assault turn 2 to prevent shots at FT detachment DS, and possibly combat squad so that the extra melta shots go where needed.



Any thoughts? Can someone tally the points please?


I want to go Baals deep with this list.

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Flamers of DOOM 1850 list i wanna roast my friend who plays foot IG

180-Captain-Artificer armour, Storm Shield, Jump Pack, Valours Edge

100-Sanguinary Priest- Jump pack Power fist

180-Sanguianry Guard- Death masks, power fist

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

200-Tac squad 10 man flamer, Heavy flamer, hand flamer, Pod

130 Predator Lascannon sponsons, Lucifer engines, storm bolter

130 Predator Lascannon sponsons, Lucifer engines, storm bolter

130 Predator Lascannon sponsons, Lucifer engines, storm bolter

Tactics: Deep strike Bling wings, Priest and Cap'n. Use this unit to assault and tie up important guard squads. Use 3 pods to start mowing down guard, Predators handle chimeras and basilisks. Clean up with remaining to pods. no more speeder just hand flamers!

It seems all that fire did an effective job at keeping any filthy witches from sneaking into your list thumbsup.gif

This list is called "Baals to the Wall" cool.png

Booooo. down.gif

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I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but:


Our chapter planet's name is Baal, pronounced like Bale or Bail.  Hard A there.  So no, you cannot use "Baals to the wall" as a name for anything.  Ever.  Please.


And that concludes my pet peeve of the day.


In other news, going to grab a new Tac kit so i can build a combi-grav sergeant to go with my plasma gunner and MM devastator for my first tactical squad.  Second tac squad will probably be Dual Hand Flamer sarge, Flamer, Heavy Flamer.  Depending on points of course.  Both in pods.  Third pod gets to be my all-star Fragioso.


EDIT- Had HF for hand flamer and heavy flamer abbreviations, confused myself.

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"Achtung! Achtung! Ve have unt fun nazi here!!!"




Jk and I know it's pronounced Bale as in the old god worshipped since Mesopotamia era on up.


I like to just use the word play for some *ahem* jocular humor :D


Anyway I'm thinking that list I made will eat more faces than Curze on bath salts...

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