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Salvaging Sanguinary Priests


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With the new codex we are losing our SP as a 1-3 Elite choice.  Further they appear to be losing TDA also.  For most of us this is not a huge deal but there are some who have Terminator Priests and/or an abundance of normal priests.


So I ask you, Brothers, what have you got in your rectory and how will you adapt?



I myself have 5 Termipriests, 3 Jump Priests, 2 Priests on foot, and Corbs (of course).  

  • The PA Priests can be used as needed, fielding them as wargear variants.  No worries here.
  • The TDA Priests though... Two of them I can still salvage as they are not yet complete.  One is completely done and two others are mostly painted already.  I'm thinking I can either add combi-weapons to them and make them a well-dressed tactical unit OR I can attach shields and make them yet another assault unit.

"Plan B" would be to simply create an Apocalypse Formation for them and just shelve them until I got a chance to use them.


[edit to correct some coding glitches]

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I have 1 sanguinary novitiate with jump pack (has an axe, hoping he can finally take upgrades)

1 custom corbulo (will keep and use as regular priest as he actually has a custom grail I made)

1 priest with jump pack and no other upgrades, has the sanguinary guard style armour

1 priest with terminator armour and axe

2 priest on foot with no upgrades, one is in mk2 armour

1 priest on foot with axe


plus the new priest model to arrive.


so I will keep the novitiate, keep the new priest model to be my corbulo, keep my priest with grail to be a regular priest when needed. The mk2 priest will be used in heresy games. I will probably modifiy the jump pack priest to be a member of my vanguard squad. Terminator will become an assault terminator I expect, the priest with axe on foot will get tweaked and likely join a different squad, I'll probably just put the last one in my cast off pile as he's a bit battered and old anyway (I think I've given away 10 vanguard, 5 sternguard, 15 tacticals due to them not meeting current standards lol)

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1 Corbulo stand-in, who'll continue to be the Wielder of the Pimp Chalice of Power.

1 Sanguinary Novitiate with jump pack.  He'll stay in his JP command squad.

1 Sanguinary Priest with jump pack and power sword.  Probably getting retired.

1 Sanguinary Priest with jump pack and power axe.  Probably getting retired.

1 Sanguinary Priest in power armor with nothing special.  Probably retired until a new formation comes along.

1 Sanguinary Priest in TDA.  He's retired unless something comes along that lets us take Command Squads in TDA.


I guess the full details of how the Sanguinary Priests are fielded will determine who's on the field and who's in the dugout.

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I have the following:

  • 1 painted metal jump priest and assault gear.
  • 1 painted plastic foot priest with assault gear.
  • 1 unpainted metal foot priest with assault gear.
  • 1 unpainted metal foot priest with tactical gear (ie. boltgun)


Here are my plans:

  • The painted metal jump priest with assault gear will get spruced up, as befits his status as an HQ, but otherwise left alone.
  • The plastic foot priest is a cobbled together model - his backpack and narthecium are the only "priest" things about him - so I'll probably just shelf him. He's not cool enough to be an HQ.
  • Both my unpainted metal priests are going to get serious updates. One of them will remain a foot priest, the other will get a jump pack. Both are getting various power weapons/special pistols.
  • I am also buying the new priest.


The end result is that I will own:

  • 2 jump priests, 1 bare bones and 1 with some special kit.
  • 2 foot priests, 1 bare bones and 1 with some special kit.


Of course, in both cases, the "special kit" will have to wait until I see what the codex contains.


The logic is this: in a large game, in which I field multiple HQs, I'm likely to want to keep my priest as cheap as possible. His job will be to join a mutual buffation society with a librarian and a captain (possibly with a chaplain and a blood champion - if that person still exists - to bask in the glory). In such a case, the captain will better benefit from expensive weapon upgrades, and the librarian comes with a power weapon standard. Why spend points to put one on a priest?


In a smaller game, however, my priest is likely to be my sole HQ, so I'm much more likely to want to kit him out with the gear that will help him to win challenges (and influence battles).


I'm in luck - I never got around to making a TDA priest. I have a lot of sympathy for you folks who did.

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As I mentioned in another thread, I think it is highly likely that BA get a Supplement released shortly after their main codex (just like the other 7th edition books have so far). Based on the pattern we have seen so far, the Supplement would likely have new Relics, new Warlord Traits, a new BA unique Detachment, and several unique BA formations.


I would not be surprised at all, if such a Supplement happens, if one of the formations was based around Sanguinary Priests, especially since they are so iconic to Blood Angels. A possible example of what this "Sanguinary Priest formation" could look like is below:



*3 Sanguinary Priests (normal wargear and upgrade options from the codex)





Special Rules:

*Furious Charge


*Crescendo of Fervor -- As long as at least two of the Sanguinary Priests from this formation are still alive, in addition to giving their unit +1WS and FNP, any unit a Sanguinary Priest from this formation is attached to has the Fleet USR

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I need to check my organizer but I think I have a Narth arm and backpack still separate from the intended recipient.  If that's the case I'm going to just give those bits to a biker and church his butt up a bit.


I'm actually a little annoyed the separated the Blood Chalice from the Narth.  As I understood it they were the same thing in 5th as each Narth was believed to contain fragments of the original chalice within them.  Kinda like how Terminator Honors are rumored to contain a tiny fragment of the Emperor's armour.

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Two terminator priests 91 is an old 2nd/3rd ed metal terminator with SB/power fist!) who shall remain as they are - i shall use them as priests in terminator armour in apoc games with my gaming buddies even if there are no rules for them as such.


Two jump-pack priests with magentised lightning claws - will remain as they are because you never know......




Two command squad/honour guard squad priests (1 JP, 1 on foot).


Basically - no change here. Some will get more use than others but given i still dig out my old 2nd ed snap-fit tactical squads from time to time its really no biggie.

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  • The TDA Priests though... Two of them I can still salvage as they are not yet complete.  One is completely done and two others are mostly painted already.  I'm thinking I can either add combi-weapons to them and make them a well-dressed tactical unit OR I can attach shields and make them yet another assault unit. 


How about saving one of them and use him + some terminators as an allied deathwing command squad? 

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That's a pretty good idea. Can I getaway with that not using DA models? If I can there is some real possibilities here using allies...

As long as he has a storm bolter instead of power weapon, I wouldn't mind either. TDA is TDA, whether it is adorned blood drops, swords or wolf pelts.
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As I mentioned in another thread, I think it is highly likely that BA get a Supplement released shortly after their main codex (just like the other 7th edition books have so far). Based on the pattern we have seen so far, the Supplement would likely have new Relics, new Warlord Traits, a new BA unique Detachment, and several unique BA formations.

Cough - GK - cough ;)

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