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Question re: Raphen's Death Company

Nicodemus Doloroso

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I ordered a copy of the Deathstorm Shield of Baal supplement off eBay, but I want to start building my Squad Raphen before it arrives.


To those who have the supplement, can you give me a quick summary of what the fluff is behind Raphen and his squad? I want to do a bit of a kit bash to represent Raphen so I can easily tell him apart from other DC. I believe he has an extra attack, but anything else special about him? Is he the one armed with a thunder hammer in that squad?


I'm thinking of maybe painting up a Sanguinary Guard model in black to make my own successor chapter's "counts-as Raphen", with the story being that he is a Sanguinary Guard who fell to the Black Rage (hence the extra attack).

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Thanks. I actually just stumbled across an image of their datasheet, so I see they've got a power fist, power sword, and infernus pistol in that squad alongside Raphen's hammer. Not exactly optimal, but possibly worth the trade-off for being able to bring them as troops. At the local tournaments I attend, it would both save me composition points AND free up an elite slot -- possibly used to buy Lemartes and attach him.


I hope I am correct that Raphen's Death Company can be taken in any Blood Angels army, not just the Deathstorm formation?

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Thanks, brothers.


What do you think of my idea for kitbashing my own "counts-as Raphen" for my successor chapter. Is a Sanguinary Guard falling to the Black Rage acceptable fluff-wise? Would they just paint his armour black, or would they pull him out of the artificer armour and put him into regular power armour? The fluff/model for Captain Tycho tells me that this could all be possible but would like your thoughts.

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I think it is easily plausible I think that the artificer armor bit is an interesting thought I say model it that way but I think they wouldn't keep the death mask and he would have different weapons as the encarmine blades (whatever they have been renamed) are probably not left in the hands of a madman
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I think it is easily plausible I think that the artificer armor bit is an interesting thought I say model it that way but I think they wouldn't keep the death mask and he would have different weapons as the encarmine blades (whatever they have been renamed) are probably not left in the hands of a madman


Fair enough -- Raphen is armed with a thunder hammer anyway so I would model him that way. I was thinking of keeping the Angelus boltgun though to represent his bolt pistol.


I agree they would take the death mask (if he had one) so I would just use a normal SG helmet or one of the DC ones.


I will give him DC shoulder pad instead of SG as well.

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My plan is to use the SG arms that are grasping the double-bladed axe in two hands, then chop off the axe blades and put the DC thunder hammer head where the blades were.


EDIT: I think I will give him a regular DC jump pack though and save the winged pack for a character -- so in my army only people like the chapter master, chaplains, librarians, and sanguinary priests (plus SG) have those winged backpacks.

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  • 3 weeks later...


My plan is to use the SG arms that are grasping the double-bladed axe in two hands, then chop off the axe blades and put the DC thunder hammer head where the blades were.

Not for the same reason but I just chopped the end off the DC hammer for one handed use (well ard) so I could give him a relentless bolter. This also means you could use the DC hammer and arm and just use it on SG body

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In the fluff he was a captain before he fell I believe. Not that it really matters. Looks great smile.png

That's okay, because this isn't actually Raphen of the Blood Angels, it's my "counts-as" Raphen -- Rafael of the Angels Sorrowful. smile.png

I'm wondering why more people don't run them? Its a pretty solid DC unit as troops.

I've got the supplements but haven't had the time to read them yet, so what's the catch?

They seem like a good alternative for keeping down troop costs.

I think the catch is that you have to take them exactly as they are presented in the supplement, which is not a optimal load-out. Everyone bar one member of Raphen's death company has a special weapon so there are inefficiencies there but personally I think it is worth the trade-off of being able to bring them as troops. Especially if you're trying to run a jumper-style list.

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In the fluff he was a captain before he fell I believe. Not that it really matters. Looks great smile.png

That's okay, because this isn't actually Raphen of the Blood Angels, it's my "counts-as" Raphen -- Rafael of the Angels Sorrowful. smile.png

I'm wondering why more people don't run them? Its a pretty solid DC unit as troops.

I've got the supplements but haven't had the time to read them yet, so what's the catch?

They seem like a good alternative for keeping down troop costs.

I think the catch is that you have to take them exactly as they are presented in the supplement, which is not a optimal load-out. Everyone bar one member of Raphen's death company has a special weapon so there are inefficiencies there but personally I think it is worth the trade-off of being able to bring them as troops. Especially if you're trying to run a jumper-style list.

True. Only one is bare bones without special weapon but still, they pretty much are kit like I always run my 5 DC just not the power sword. Not optimal but its lots of fun and covers all the bases and make opponentr fidget very nervously... And Raphen with Lemartest is troop choice + elite. And not just two elite slots which is huge bonus.

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