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Let's talk about the Storm Raven, again


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The storm wolf has 4 high S low AP weapons, all twinlinked. A storm raven will only shoot better the first turn, after that you get far less firepower.

The Stormraven's missiles should last for 2 turns (assuming you have for LC and MM) although I acknowledge they are a finite resource. The Stormwolf costs more points IIRC which does balance it a bit. Plus the design of the model has the multi-meltas half way back along the hull which makes it harder to get them into 12" range than the nose-mounted ones on the Raven.


I acknowledge that Objsec if you have a unit of Claws onboard is useful but Stormwolfs are not dedicated transports IIRC so will not have objsec themselves.

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I think the top mounted las-cannons on the stormwolf are more of an issue than the side mounted meltas. You can be pretty sure that at least one of those TL-MMs are going to have LoS while the single TL-MM on the raven has a smaller firing arc. 


The lower stand is both a blessing and a curse as you can cover more easily but have worse LoS.

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TLMM and TLAssC is really good.  What do the Storm Strike Missiles do compared to Blood Strikes?  Is the Raven still 200 points?


Storm strike is AP2 rather than AP1 but has 'concussive'


Raven is still the same with minor equipment changes. Lost smoke launchers, can now buy searchlight for 1 pt.

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I know this has been mentioned recently regarding the Stormraven in another thread, just can't remember which one...but since this thread is about the Raven, I thought I'd comment it here. In the Spanish version of the dex, and I'm guessing English too, the transport capacity section clearly states that if the raven is blown out of the skies and it's carrying a dread, it'll receive a S10 hit in the rear armor. I checked the vanilla dex and it's the same. I'm guessing same thing is true in GK, but I don't have that one. Just S10, no AP, so at least we know the dread will survive.

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I'm wondering would you guys say that the raven is worth it? I have a kit that I have laying around that a friend gave me after he basically destroyed the hull. I can get cheap off ebay but I was wondering if it's worth it?


In my opinion, yes, it is. It's probably the best imperial flyer out there, with all the special rules and equipment it has to offer. The price tag is steep, but for that you get anti-air weapons, anti-infantry weapons and you have effective means to prepare an assault with your infantry on monstrous creatures of any kind, especially those with init 4+.


I like the Raven as both gunship and transport vehicle, however with this codex, I think of just using it to roam around the battlefield and provide fire support. DC with Jump packs are so cheap that I don't need to put them in a Raven to become effective(again).




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On the lascannon vs assault cannon... lascannon will only shoot at most six times a game. An assault cannon can shoot 24 times. The ability of the las to hurt AV 13 14 is moot because you almost always take a multi melta which is better at cracking armor anyway. With that huge difference in fire power I dont see why the las is ever the better option
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[sarcasm]We do get flakk missiles now.[/sarcasm]


Are flakk missiles bad? I had thoughts of getting a missile launcher devastator squad (or putting one missile launcher with the upgrade into a squad of plasma cannonsor whatever) into a good vantage point in cover and using them to hunt flyers. Signum -> BS 5 on the missile launcher when I need. Is that a bad idea?

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Are flakk missiles bad? I had thoughts of getting a missile launcher devastator squad (or putting one missile launcher with the upgrade into a squad of plasma cannonsor whatever) into a good vantage point in cover and using them to hunt flyers. Signum -> BS 5 on the missile launcher when I need. Is that a bad idea?

It is not a bad idea but an expensive one. The problem is we still do not have much AA equipment.
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Are flakk missiles bad? I had thoughts of getting a missile launcher devastator squad (or putting one missile launcher with the upgrade into a squad of plasma cannonsor whatever) into a good vantage point in cover and using them to hunt flyers. Signum -> BS 5 on the missile launcher when I need. Is that a bad idea?

Not bad, but very expensive. You pay through the nose for the flexibility. They're all right if you have no other choice available, but practically any other Skyfire option will be more cost-effective.


Especially if you put one flakk launcher in a squad of plasma cannons. You'll be wasting three expensive heavy weapons every time you shoot at a flyer. Combat Squad the Sergeant and launcher away from the cannons if you're taking that route.

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