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tell me about dreadclaws

Lord Kallozar

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They can come in on first turn with Drop Pod Assault.


They are Flyers.


Units aren't forced to disembark.


They have Heat Blast (Ignores Cover).


But it doesn't have Inertial Guidance.



So either:

1. Drop in Turn 1 close to enemy

2. Squad stays in Drop Pod Turn 1 and shoots while Drop Pod provides it AV 12 and Jink

3. Squad disembarks in Turn 2 while Drop Pod flies off to Heat Blast something



1. Drop in Turn 1 further from enemy in a 'safe area'

2. Fly 24" closer and Jink if shot at

3. Turn 2 Drop Pod moves another 6", Assault Squad disembarks 6" then Charges while Drop Pod flies off to Heat Blast something

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the last IA has the newest rules. As for what they do. Imagine the helldrake didn't have a flamer , but could carry around dudes or a storm raven that would have to deep strike and had non of the good weapons.


If it is good. Well it can't be spamed and we don't do good footslogging deathstarts, so it is hard to find a niche for it. Even dreads don't need it , as they can deep strike using the formation[that is if someone realy wants to use dreads of course].


On their good side, is the fact that they cost less then a harybdis.



since when can you charge from a transport that moved flat out?

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since when can you charge from a transport that moved flat out?

You can't, but nobody in this thread has suggested that you can.


I think the dread claw provides some interesting options to play around with. Too expensive to be spammed, but 1 can be a fun way to drop down a close quarters unit on turn 1. I am definitely going to be looking at adding one to my chaos collection.

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They can move flat out the turn they deep strike, so the lack of internal guidance isn't too big of a deal. Just deep strike in a safe location, then relocate to where you want them with the flat out move. Inertial guidance would help in making their fire sweep more viable though.
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They're good for bringing units that would otherwise be stuck on foot, or with a rhino or expensive landraider. Berserkers, chosen, havoks, mutilators, and allied daemons all find pretty good homes in the dreadclaw. It's not revolutionary as youd only ever really bring one, but it is a very nice tool to put in the toolbelt.


Some interesting tactic's ive figured out in the few games I've used mine in:

-Heatblast can be used against units in combat. Simply keep the dreadclaw nearby, and move over and back an assault to pump an extra d6 Str5 hits into it. A nice little support ability.

-Daemon icons work from units inside. A nice alternative to icon wielding crushers or drones for a good reliable deep-strike scatterfree zone.

-Once it's been used to deliver it's original unit, flying it around to taxi other units, heat blast things, or generally be in the way make it WAAAAY more useful than a drop pod. I've used to to block movement, LoS, and do late game objective grabs with backfield cultists. All a pod can do is plink away with it's stormbolter.

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