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What do you guys think about Dreadnoughts in our current codex?


The Librarian Dreadnought is in stiff competition for HQ slots, while most of the other Dreads are forced into the Elites slot; the exception being the Cassor, who is somehow still a Troop choice.


In my regular games I suspect I'm going to stick to Cassor as my only Dreadnought, only because he's a Troop choice. I feel the anti-armor melee ability that Furioso's and DC Dreads bring can be somewhat replicated with DC PF's (granted, S9 instead of S10), while anti-armor shooting can now take the form of either Command Squads or ASMs with multiple Meltaguns.


What are your thoughts?



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before i give my opinion ill just point out im not talking about super competitive play as i just dont know, but just my thoughts


well Cassor I think is a really good option for a troop choice but the front av of death company dreadnoughts in the elites slot really hurts them because of how competitive that slot is going to be for us. I don't think its a bad unit but everything else just screams awesomeness that we haven't really been able to use (for as long as I been playing) in 6 edition onwards.


furioso dreadnought is a different kettle of fish because that av13 is still hard to get passed and the frag cannon + heavy flamer combo still seems solid enough to me for killing a lot of meq through volume of dice and if you can then buff him with a libby he gets even better. i know there are other ways of doing the flamer template but I think there all near enough the same so its depends on your personal preference)


the librarian dreadnought to me being in hq is fantastic especially if you want to bring along side Mephiston for extra dice and extra rolls on powers and an extra primaris  boost or if you want more dreads in your life with him, cassor and dresads in your elits slot. i would always put him in a drop pod and i think he benefits massively from warlord traits if you can keep him away from an easy first blood he can be a beast.

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Normal dreads got more expensive with the common upgrades. 


Probably won't use these guys at all outside of themed lists. 




DC and furioso dreads can now run dual heavy flamers (but not dual melta) just like ironclads, might be interesting to some. 

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Nothing will stop me using as many dreadnoughts as possible. I just love them. Two podded fragioso's, Libby Dread HQ, and at least one DC Dread. But then my games are usually 2000 points now so I'm able to spend the points, while also bringing two detachments. Combining two av13 frag cannon wielding, blood clawing beatsticks with a rapid assault with fast vehicles and jump infantry has won me so many games already, I doubt that this codex will change it.


Plus the models are great :)

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I've never run a Fragioso, but it is certainly something to consider in the future.


Curious thought; can BA take the Mortis Dreadnought? And which issue of IA are they from? I might want to grab it for some anti-air tech.


Unfortunately we don't get access to the Mortis. It's found in IA 12: war machines.


So I have a furioso that I bought a while back should I arm him with the frag cannon or go duel claw or is it best to leave home on the shelf?

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I've never run a Fragioso, but it is certainly something to consider in the future.


Curious thought; can BA take the Mortis Dreadnought? And which issue of IA are they from? I might want to grab it for some anti-air tech.


Unfortunately we don't get access to the Mortis. It's found in IA 12: war machines.


So I have a furioso that I bought a while back should I arm him with the frag cannon or go duel claw or is it best to leave home on the shelf?


Pity on the Mortis.


Looking at the Frag Cannon I can see why people use it; I would be inclined to take the Furioso with them simply because the DC Dread sort of does the whole "punch stuff to death" thing better if it ever gets there.

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hey I heard a rumor that Furioso's can no longer take magna-grapples? I hope that isn't true, I just put the finishing touches on a Furioso I built with magna-grapples.

They can, they're just differnt now. Instead of a weapons, they confer Moves Through Cover and reroll charges against vehicles.


Dreads in general really suffer in this edition where MC's became the spotlight unit type. Why is a Riptide not a Walker? Why are MC's 100% effective down to the last wound and Walkers are not? Since 5th Dreads have actually been getting WORSE rules wise, with Hammer of Wrath being the only perk, which is a bit meh if you ask me.

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I've found that dreadnoughts (at least Furiosos) are much stronger this edition than they were in 6th. The changes to vehicle damage and the change to Smash have meant mine was able to deal with things like hive tyrants and daemon princes and greater daemons since they had to smash to hurt the dread, which I swing back with that S10 blood fist.


DDMs do definitely suck, though.

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Yeah, my dreads usually die, but it is very rare for them to not have done the job I gave them before they do. For me, podded dreads are a harassment and disorder unit. Too good for the enemy to ignore, they are forced to deal with them. Which gives me a turn or two to reach them with the rest of my army. Plus, bringing 3-4 dreads in pods allows me to disrupt the enemy lines for most of the game. They also hit with strength 10 ap2 at initiative which always holds its own agains MCs for me. Even if they die, they will generally take the MC with them. Libby dreads even more so with their glorious force weapon which is now also strength 10!
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Normal dreads got more expensive with the common upgrades. 


Probably won't use these guys at all outside of themed lists. 




DC and furioso dreads can now run dual heavy flamers (but not dual melta) just like ironclads, might be interesting to some. 


Yeah, that's a shame.

Cassor is 5 points more than a normal DC-dread, but in exchange you get: Troop-slot and Character.


Also! Sadly you cannot take dual Heavy Flamer, the line says: "May choose one of the following.."

Trust me, it was quite stressful to program that into BS, even worse with the (cheaper :D) Frag cannons.

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