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Cape Town -Regional 2014


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Yo, where dem batreps at? tongue.png

Sleep is more important, apparently...

Sleep is overrated. I heard they will remove it in the next real-life update. About time. I hope they buff weekends and nerf work days biggrin.png

Sleep is for the weak! (Says the man who submitted 7000 words of coursework last week and had a department party on Friday and consequently spent most of the weekend in bed...)

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What a killer weekend.


Okay, so ...into the batreps!!! 




Who do I pull?  A Grey Knight list with 7 units <_<




GK Librarian - hammer


5x Terminators

5x Strike Squad


1x Dread Knight - GatPsi.Heavy Incinerator, Swd

1x Dread Knight - GatPsi.Heavy Incinerator, Swd

1x Dread Knight - Heavy PsyCan.Heavy Incinerator, Swd (warlord)


1x Acheron Imperial Knight



He gets first turn and sets up accordingly.   Thanks to a wonderful lucky first dice, I steal the initiative! (Why not, right?) 

Of course, my DC are in the Raven. I cant remember at this stage if his Strikes are deepstriking in, or if theyre on board! 


I'm facing down this! 



Dready goes into the pod and comes down first turn to try thin out the termies and maybe get a kill on the libby.

I know dready will kick it soon, but i'm thinking that the backfield distraction and the potential damage to the terms will be worth it.

Both magna and melta miss ( <_< ) and he saves the majority of the term saves losing only one.


My schism of mars gloried Sicaran takes out 2 hullpoints of the Knight by himself ! Good job.
I debate whether to use the bombardment on the Knight or the terms- i go for the knight.  I get a great hit, and pen, and roll a 6! If i now roll a 5 or a 6, its a first turn kill on the dread knight!!! 

It wasnt to be, but still down to 2 HP on turn one is no bad thing! 

In his turn, his libby and crew turn around to engage with the drop pod, while his warlord DK goes off to take care of the Furioso.


His other units shunt forward and the knight runs.


I take a few hits, but nothing heavy.  The dready does go down as expected though.  


In my turn two however, the counter begins as everything arrives. 


The Imp knight goes down cheaply in my shooting phase, and the birds start blazing away at the DKs and terms.

At this point, theres not much is left and we can see where this game is going. 


I start playing clean up -I could have stayed out of the raven and just shot him up, but figured id give him a bit of a fight.  The DC rip up whats on the ground....


What happens is a bit of cat and mouse in the next few turns as his last remaining DK tries to run away from my guns.  

The game ends in turn 6 with his last DK on  2 wounds! He has however managed to kill a fair few of my units en route to the end! And considering he also took FB and had LB, that put us both on 8 points! 

Game ends in a draw! Few more shots and he would have been tabled.  

(Truth be told, i wasn't too fussed with the result.  Even though i lose a few points on national rankings, I think that his list was geared to take on the lists that I couldnt in the tourney!  It would be quite fortuitous for me to have him in the running still). 



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I'm up vs. a really cool gamer (Johnathan) who's very new to 7th ed and not overly competitive. That being said, i wasn't about to look down on the guns of the IG.





Command Squad ? - orbital guy, lascannon

Jnr Command Squad ? - orbital guy, lascannon

3x Infantry squads - MLs, grenade launcher
Veteran Squad - Meltas, MBs

2x Basilisks
1x Russ
1x Vendetta

1x Sentinel - Plascan

5x Rough Riders.

Set up happens like this:



I'm hoping that night fight keeps me alive! 

He has first turn. 


Unfortunately for him, he rolls super cold (double 6s on orders), and fails to do anything of considerable mention either scattering, missing, failing to pen, or rolling poorly on results.  


My stuff rolls up, dready coming down ready to flame stuffs!

My orbital takes out a Bassy and takes the gun off another! Woot!!! 

The dready takes it in the face from a melta or something..not sure..but he goes down cheaply.

There's a bit of dogfighting...

But, the issue is that my very mobile army is just picking up all the objectives and all the points.  My objective secured pod dropping onto a point, my other pod securing another one....and my razors claiming where they can.

I lose a few units, but keep racking up the points while he army gets more and more whittled down.

In the end, he's left with just the Leman Russ and the game ends.  21-1

Victory BA.

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Not bad. You give me high hopes for the future msn-wink.gif

Gets better tongue.png

dont forget though, this is old dex!!

That being said, new dex would play VERY similarly with the same build i think.

(DC wouldnt hit as hard, but id have 2x Las/plas razors, and 2x heavy flamers for the same cost)

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Okay!  BACK.



So, Game 3:  Big Guns Never Tire (4), Hammer and Anvil.


I'm up against a 24 Hull Point list that tabled me in a practice game.  It looks like this:


Chaos Sorcerer - (Crimson Slaughter) - psyker wargear thingy (balestar?)

2x10 Cultists


2x Defilers


1x Fire Raptor - Quad reapers with Malefic Ammo.


1x Fellblade (legacy of ruin for fearless), pintle MM.  




If i'm not mistaken, I get first turn!  Thankfully considering the amount of death he has aimed at me.  

However, as fate would have it.....he seizes <_< 


Hopefully nightfight and my warlord trait (Stealth Ruins) will help out a bit.


He trundles forward with the mechanised hordes.


His shooting however is largely ineffectual only taking 3 HPs off from various tanks across the board!  Thank my lucky stars! 


I move up and around, spreading out where I can, and flanking the sicaran who can lay out some serious hurt on the Defilers.  

My dready also comes down. 




Sadly (for me) my shooting turn is as ineffectual as his, and i just shave off a few hullpoints- not killing anything at all :/  This is going to be highly problematic.


In turn 2 his death machine comes on - and guns hell for leather at my dready.



The Chaos Raptor easily smashes my dready to bits :/  First blood to him.


The other shooting sees another HP off the Sicaran i think, and a tank blown up. 


In my turn 2, the cavalry arrives. 


I gun STRAIGHT for the raptor with everything I have, knowing its the key to his success.  It needs to go down, or it can comfortably take me out the next turn. 


I shoot with both birds, bringing it down!!!! The sicaran lays waste to the Defiler, tank hunter giving me loads of hullpoints! 




I'll need to keep the DC alive to get into his lines! 


He keeps maneuvering his other defiler around the left flank, and the Fellblade positions itself for more killy.  


It winds up taking out the my raptor :( 




I retreat my flamer squad back in order to boost the objectives in my quarter.  I also drop my obj sec pod on the objective near the sicaran. 


In my turn, the Sicaran immobs the last defiler, taking him largely out of the game.  

My DC unload and charge the Fellblade (if only to get  closer to the cultists!)  They do some HP damage, but sadly thanks to the sorcs' 4++ blessing, he saves most of the HP.   The DC then get shot to hell and gone by the fellblade, leaving only the chappy and 2 or 3 members.  This is enough however to, in my turn, charge into the cultists claiming the right top objective.  I clear it out, and move my chaplain on to claim, weathering return fire from the fellblade!! 




The fell blade tries to go for the sicaran and the squad running to try to claim the closest right objective.  The chappy is nicely hid!! not getting the objective there, but getting line breaker and keeping WL alive! 




His warlord eventually goes down to shooting (i think, cant remember what) and the raven takes out the last defiler.  

He has a squad of cultists on an objective, and the Fellblade on 10 Hull Points. 


The game ends with me scoring 6+1+1+3 for a total of 11 to his 4! 


Solid victory for the angels! 

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Those are some very peculiar lists. Where is the Serpent Spam, Triptide or Seer Councils at?

As Jol said, coming! Game Four is vs. the screamer star. The triptide list player didnt make it this tournament. Played a triple wraithknight list though dry.png

Serp Spam was there. Just didnt face it. He placed top 3 though.

Our meta is considerably different. Not a lot of reserve based lists or flyers at the moment.

Toughest lists (in my mind) were Nigels orky biker list (absolute insanity!) and a buddy's green horde list (100 boys in 1 unit - with a bunch of 4+ saves, and 5+ FNP along with 9 power klaws dry.png ).

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Any white scars/raukaan biker spam lists? What about drop pod spam?

Three wraith knights are not as good anymore I feel (mostly because of the grav spam), the worst list next to daemon screamer+summoning spam is 4-5 Serpents, 1 Wraithknight, Support Batteries and Seer Council! Those guys waltz around with invisibility, fortune and psychic scream and wreck everything while providing superior psy-defence, damn annoying!

Haven't seen strong reserve lists in a while now, mostly because of the Maelstrom missions.

Ah and one of the strongest lists I've seen in a while is Space Wolves plus White Scars, one metric crapton of S10 characters on wolves and bikes, stupidly fast and deadly smile.png Those orks sound quite awesome too, any chance you have the army lists? ^^

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Any white scars/raukaan biker spam lists? What about drop pod spam?

Three wraith knights are not as good anymore I feel (mostly because of the grav spam), the worst list next to daemon screamer+summoning spam is 4-5 Serpents, 1 Wraithknight, Support Batteries and Seer Council! Those guys waltz around with invisibility, fortune and psychic scream and wreck everything while providing superior psy-defence, damn annoying!

Haven't seen strong reserve lists in a while now, mostly because of the Maelstrom missions.

Ah and one of the strongest lists I've seen in a while is Space Wolves plus White Scars, one metric crapton of S10 characters on wolves and bikes, stupidly fast and deadly smile.png Those orks sound quite awesome too, any chance you have the army lists? ^^

There was a DA biker spam list. Not as good as a WS list.

No pod spam.

Will get the green tide for you- not sure off hand.

Nigels was:


Warboss - bike, klaw, luckystick

Warboss - bike, klaw, pole

Warboss - bike, klaw, pole

Painboy - bike

Painboy - bike

BigMek - Bike, Forcefield

4x 10 Grots

3x 5 Bikers (Troops) - Klaw nob.

4x Deffkoptas - 4xrokkits, 2 saws.

1 painboy takes a ride with a biker squad, the others all join for a giant death ball that can scout thanks to zhad. Lucky boss tanks with a 3+ rerollable jink and FNP or a 2+ if they turbo boosted. Its a turn 2 charge army. If you have enough to stop it, you're good. If not, you lose.

my graduation this morning, and my sisters wedding this afternoon - more batreps tomorrow tongue.png

You never mentioned... what did you graduate in?

PGCE. I'm officially a high school teacher :P

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Aah yeah friend of mine used Zhadsnark too once, very very nasty stuff smile.png Works similar to the space wolves/ws list I mentioned, sadly very often not allowed around here because of forgeworld.

DA biker spam is kinda lackluster, not having those gravguns and chapter masters hurts a lot.

Now go write the batrep against that screamerstar! tongue.png I never actually played against a proper one, just saw my friend win multiple times with his Tau+Eldar in a very unconventional fashion - whenever I would go look at his table around turn 2-3, there would be a wraithknight and riptide in cc with the screamers, locking the expensive star down for the entire game while the rest of his army shot the daemons to bits biggrin.png it worked damn well too!

edit:/ congratz on that graduation ;)

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Game 4 - vs Screamer Star <_< 


Cleanse and Control  - Hammer and Anvil 


His list:




4x Heralds on Discs

9x Screamers

15x Khorne Doggies

2x 11 Horrors



Thats it. Its playing me because another Daemon player eeked out a win against him in the previous game!  The star had also completely shut down the horde ork list in game 2, tying it up and tanking LITERALLY hundreds of attacks without losing models.


Oh! And here's the opponents cheat sheet:



i think i lucked out a little with his power selection! Could have been worse.  And thankfully didnt get invis!!


My strategy was to avoid the star.  I was planning on spreading out the objectives as far as I could (which I did) and then use my mobility to get around the table.  My warlord trait was the infiltrating one- and i used it to outflank a squad. 



Thankfully I got first turn!!! This should help a little.


My deployment was simple.  Sicaran and flamerback taking point (flamer squad outflanking).  Lasplas on left flank, while Damocles right flank. 


He deployed Fateweaver, the star and the dogs! 

Time for pain....

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