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Cape Town -Regional 2014


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So long as he didn't fling his Deathmash into the air when the rest did their hats. That's got to hurt if it lands on you...

Game 4 - vs Screamer Star dry.png

Cleanse and Control - Hammer and Anvil

His list:


4x Heralds on Discs

9x Screamers

15x Khorne Doggies

2x 11 Horrors

Thats it. Its playing me because another Daemon player eeked out a win against him in the previous game! The star had also completely shut down the horde ork list in game 2, tying it up and tanking LITERALLY hundreds of attacks without losing models.

Oh! And here's the opponents cheat sheet:


i think i lucked out a little with his power selection! Could have been worse. And thankfully didnt get invis!!

My strategy was to avoid the star. I was planning on spreading out the objectives as far as I could (which I did) and then use my mobility to get around the table. My warlord trait was the infiltrating one- and i used it to outflank a squad.

Thankfully I got first turn!!! This should help a little.

My deployment was simple. Sicaran and flamerback taking point (flamer squad outflanking). Lasplas on left flank, while Damocles right flank.

He deployed Fateweaver, the star and the dogs!

Time for pain....

Tune in next week dry.png

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So, opponent is no dummy. 


He spaces his screamers out very widely so that my flamer will only get 3 guys. He further protects his heralds, making the more central one the grimoire. 


My dready comes down more or less where its needed - and next to an objective, which is what I wanted. 


I move my Sicaran out to also take shots at the screamers, my lasback also moves to take a cheeky pot shot at them.  


All in all, the firepower from everything is a bit underwhelming.  I do take down 3 screamers and a wound - which is better than nothing. I also manage to grab a few objectives thanks to good draws.


Then, i debate on where to drop the pie plate.  If i drop it on the Fatewaever, I can have potential first blood and warlord and reduce the PML by 4.  I figure that its too much of a risk for what Fatey has, and opt to focus on the screamer star.  It scatters a huge 11" ......on to Fateweaver.


I wound.


He rolls......FAIL!!!!!


HUZZAH!! I celebrate! 


Then he reminds me FW has a reroll once per turn.  I'm super bleak.  He passes his 4+ this turn. 


So close. 


In his turn, everything moves forward and he comes for blood.




He casts cursed earth, buffs his screamers, casts all the powers and gets everything he wants.  

His screamers charge the dread and pod and FW charges the Razor.

The dready is taken out a bit cheaply in one round of combat.  A bit bleak...but cant be helped.  The enemy consolidates on the the objective but needs to kill the pod to claim it. 


My pod stays off, but my 5man team and the birds come on...ready to shoot the hell out of the daemon scum.



They let FW have everything.....



as you can see from the pic.....the bird doesnt make it.  My opponent gets very unlucky rolling a bucket load of 2s! I move on to various objectives to claim more points.  


In his next turn, he strikes his horrors into my backline to take on the razor and the damocles and secure more points. He also charges the pod. 

He tries to make a 10" charge with the dogs to the las/plasback, and succeeds!!!! He takes it easily, and the guys bail out.


But, now comes my tertiary strike.




The DC bail out of the Raven and engage the dogs. The Raptor turns around and engages the horrors with the other raven, while the various objective holders hold on to more points. I'm streaking ahead now on points. 


The DC absolutely SMASH the hounds with only a casualty in return, one horror squad is destroyed, and another on a few members only.  DC consolidates back to the Raven - 


In his turn, the screamers start going for the hiding 5man! 



They then boost and do their slash attacks, while the last horror squad summons another horror unit to try help out in the front line. 

He nukes the squad-  but its still looking comfortable.  He does get a few points though.


In my next turn, I load up the DC and fly forward again, the raven clearing out the backline of daemons.  


My pod comes down, and scatters badly, off the objective I needed to claim :(  Its worth 2 points, too



I move about, clearing up whats left of the daemons.  


In his turn 4, he moves and shifts about with his screamers,  but thanks to the requirements - picks up 3 points. He seems to be gaining.


In turn 5, I boost my raven to get into his zone with my warlord (one of the cards). I realise that i still need more points...and i do something silly, and risky.  I bail the chaplain out of the raven.  He HITS!!




I claim the objective for 2 and get line breaker now! 


in his next turn, he draws, and again gets another 3 points!! O_O  The score is now almost even.  


We go for one more round - he picks up, i pick up .....its tight  tight- and i roll for end of the game..... 2 !!! its over.


Final tally....


14-15...to BA!







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Nice one ;) lucky he didn't draw better powers, if he had invisibility you have two indestructible units instead of one (in general fatey and screamers) and it gets very hard. I thought he would fly fateweaver off the table to evade the ravens, weird to sacrifice him like that. Also very risky to put him on the table when there's an orbital bombardment, he's such a pivotal unit in this army^^

I guess he got what he deserved ;)

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Nice one msn-wink.gif lucky he didn't draw better powers, if he had invisibility you have two indestructible units instead of one (in general fatey and screamers) and it gets very hard. I thought he would fly fateweaver off the table to evade the ravens, weird to sacrifice him like that. Also very risky to put him on the table when there's an orbital bombardment, he's such a pivotal unit in this army^^

I guess he got what he deserved msn-wink.gif

With FW off, he wasnt boosting the hounds, which is what i wanted.

With CE, hes rerolling 1s, and saving on 3++.

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With FW off, he wasnt boosting the hounds, which is what i wanted.

With CE, hes rerolling 1s, and saving on 3++.

Mhm but still, you can expect to lose FW against two ravens, it's not like you got incredibly lucky I'd say. Also, can't MCs boost off the table with their run move? He could still cast stuff and then boost off, it really doesn't matter if those dogs have a 5++ or 4++ ^^

Last time I played against khorn doggies I managed to get a Furioso stuck in turn 2, that was nice biggrin.png looking forward to the next one.

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With FW off, he wasnt boosting the hounds, which is what i wanted.

With CE, hes rerolling 1s, and saving on 3++.

Mhm but still, you can expect to lose FW against two ravens, it's not like you got incredibly lucky I'd say. Also, can't MCs boost off the table with their run move? He could still cast stuff and then boost off, it really doesn't matter if those dogs have a 5++ or 4++ ^^

Last time I played against khorn doggies I managed to get a Furioso stuck in turn 2, that was nice biggrin.png looking forward to the next one.

Yup! Can do that. I think he did that in a few other games I saw later. Personally, i think it was a partial flaw with the build, no multiple units to claim, and a few cards requiring warlord to do stuff. I think one of them was warlord in 6" of centre? (Its the adepticon cards).

Im not sure about the accurate math, but with a raven firing off 3 missiles, the AC and the MM i think you're looking at just over 1 wound on average with the 3++. The Raptor is where the hurt comes. You're looking at over 2 wounds on average. Still, i think from 11 saves to roll 5x 2s I got pretty lucky!

Next list is:

Papa Nurgle

3x Plague bases

11x Horrors

20x Doggies

20x Doggies

2x BLINGED Nurgled winged princes

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I am surprised they do not take Bela'kor. Is he not allowed? Knowing everything on Telepathy is awesome as hell.


He is allowed! Not sure why he didnt go with Belakor.  

I think maybe because his buddy from the same club is the screamer player with the 20WC, so was tired of being shut down psychically? My only guess. 

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Sorry ><; lose a little steam for these when lack of interest drops ><; 


Okay, so! 



Papa Nurgle
3x Plague bases

11x Horrors

20x Doggies

20x Doggies

2x BLINGED Nurgled winged princes (with loads of gifts)


Doesn't look like much, but its been tearing up the boards and is currently unbeaten. It actually beat the screamer star in the previous turn. (I guess 80 T4, 5++ wounds can hold it up long enough.




Like the previous game, I space out the objectives as much as i can.  Papa Nurgle rolls Iron Arm too <_< (for his one power).
Opponent wins the roll off and goes first.  He scouts the doggies and runs forward.   He also claims one objective in his turn.  The flying princes are on the ground, and jump forward, while Papa nurgle waddles further forward.


In my turn, i roll some great objectives.  Since we're playing the Adepticon objectives, certain objectives out of  my deployment are worth 2. I draw two cards for the same objective,  which means it pretty much dictates where my dread will land.  




I manage to flame enough guys to clear the area, and grab 3 points.  The sicaran moves around freely, knowing the dogs cant touch it, taking shots at the Prince who is otherwise taking a 2+ jink.  (I didnt realise that when i shot the orbital bombardment sadly...or i would have focussed on the doggies).


My razor boosts into the centre to claim a point.

Doggies on the left flank force me to disembark and move my marines into a counter position, knowing ill lose the razor soon.  



His turn, he chomps both razors, and summons some khorne letters (thanks to his double6 roll!!) and some more hounds from his summoning power.  
The central doggies stay where they are to claim more objective points.  In my next turn, my ravens come on, as does the OS pod -which unfortunately scatters off the objective, and means i need to sacrifice my ASM squad to get the points.  



Raven moves on from the right, to engage either the plagues on the bottom right objective in the corner, or the dogs (probs the dogs!)

Shooting removes the Khorne bloodletters. And the BA ASM that disembarked make a brave charge against the hounds on the left.

All my Raptor shooting (plus wounds from before thanks to Sicaran) sees one Prince downed. 

The dogs stay more or less central claiming more objectives, while the dready is held up in combat by horrors- duffing attacks left, right and centre.

This sets me up for a great charge with the DC, and they smash the dogs - but one or two survive with some good saves.  I take the plagues off the objective too, and the sicaran moves on to it.  I'm wracking the points up now.

The enemy moves around, killing what he can, claiming where he can.  A few sneaky moves sees my Chaplain finish off the hounds, and then move to a claiming position where they were.  My Raptor booses away in one turn, to get out of charge range and then reposition in hover to take shots later.  My dread eventually clears up the horrors.  He gets a few more points too. 


Its nearing the end of our time, and we're neck and neck. 




The last turn of the game, gets me drawing 2 cards I cant use, and one "kill a character" (or kill a unit from shooting? not sure).  

Score is currently 10-10.

I pump everything I have into the Prince.  He jinks and takes missile shots, 12 BS5, twinlinked HB shots, 7 BS5 Str7 shots, a TLMM, a TLAC , saves almost everything - he's down to 1 wound. The Sicaran steps up, and ignoring jink, rends and takes the last wound!!


Game ends 11-10 to me!  



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I'm standing on 4wins and a draw. 


I've managed to avoid two of the lists I was dreading.  One was the Ork Mob list (100boys in a squad) and the other was Nigels insane orky biker bomb list. 


Unfortunately, Sidney (aka Mousefilter) had also been doing very well, and his list is especially difficult for me to beat thanks to Meph not being in the mix anymore. 


I'm up against this:


Autarch - Bike, mantle.

3x Wind Riders

3x Wind Riders


1x Wraith Knight (WL) suncannon, starcannon. 

1x Wraith Knight - suncannon, starcannon. 

1x Wraith Knight - suncannon, starcannon. 

1x Flyer - fighter upgrade

1x Flyer - fighter upgrade


1x Void Shield Generator (3 layers).

We're playing Emperor's Groove (/Will).


He gets first turn, it's night fight.  He deploys like this:




I deploy 1 Razor and the Damocles on.  Thats it.  


I wont lie, this game was a bit frustrating for me.  I knew it would come down to some heavy tactical play.   


In his first turn, he shoots the crap out of my Damocles and Razor, but my positioning sees me getting 2+ cover saves and losing little more than a HP


My dready comes down at the back, on an objective, hoping to take on his void shield and mantle-tarch - i fumble he saves, and do nothing.  Void shield stays - ready to claim the objective.  


In his turn, only 1 bird comes on.  He moves forward with his knights - he also moves to kill the dready with top knight!

In my turn, everything minus the pod comes on.  I wind up having to take on the bird with more shots than needed.  I also move overzealously with the Sicaran! (and realise in the shooting phase i will probably pay for it next turn).



In his turn, his other flyer comes on, his knights jump around and engage the sicaran, and the damocles.  His bikers come on too.


I'm fighting for my life, taking heavy casualties here.


I move my birds around where I can, and try take on the flyer. He jinks bloody well, and it survives.  I try shoot the WKs i can. His other WKs move forward, as his bikes boost down my flanks ready to move onto objectives late game.  


I manage to get a DC charge off, after using the Raptor's missiles to knock a WK init down to 1.  With help from the Chaplain rerolls and FC and the specials, i kill the WK in combat and the WL !  





He has first blood, I have WL.  My pod comes down in turn 4, and i position it (with ObjSec) to claim his objective only being taken by the VSG! 

Sadly, it scatters off and the mishap roll is a 1 <_< bleh.  Now I will need a turn or two to get the DC (with chaplain) into that area to try contest at least, and hopefully kill the VSG). His flyer EVENTUALLY goes down after surviving quite a bit.


The last WK moves to kill my retreating ASM (which i was hoping to keep alive to make a last ditch move on my objective).




Thats how well that went!


Then, the DC move towards their target....

its turn 5 now.  I need another turn (if i'm lucky) and one more after that to be sure!)


I roll..... 


it's a 2 :(


Game ends 5-2 


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I wind up with 4 Wins, 1 loss, 1 draw. (the same as 2 other players)


Sid winds up with 5wins, 1loss. 


Overall, my KP differential (thanks to game 2) puts me up to 2nd place overall. 


Eldar also take 3rd place, and GK (from game 1) take 4th.  


Not a bad showing for the angels and their final 5th ed codex run.

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