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Frater Cornelius

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Let us discuss Razorbacks. Rather expensive with 85 for one with a decent weapon, but adds some mobility to tacs and has decent dakka.

I was thinking 5 Tacs w/ Heavy Flamer in a LasPlas RB.

It also gives you a good objective grabber with 24" in one turn.


However, they are fragile. And you need saturation to make them work.


So, with ASM gone from Troops and Scouts not being able to take LSS, will we see more Razors up and running? Or are they a waste of points?

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A heavy flamer or regular flamer isn't so bad. I just wouldn't make it my dedicated anti troop unit or something like that.

I'm not a fan of las-plas myself, too many pts for AV11, but some people swear by them. 



Do you mean scouts in general or scouts in razor backs? Haven't really considered the latter. 

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I don't think troops in transports fits blood angels in this edition as I there to fragile, can't assault out of them and other options are better, if your using close range shooting weapons on tactical marines drop pods get you in faster to shoot, if your going cc marines (death company or sanguinary guard) then jump packs are fantastic and the majority of our special characters are solidly placed in them, then there is assault squads that can do either of those rolls and for everything else(Mephiston,th/ss terminators) there is the land raider crusader.


I think the same about the death company dread (compared to the other dreads), they are not bad options but other units do the same job just better.


Or to borrow what someone else said on these forums the other day "this is the time of jump packs"

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I am trying to min/max. What units gives me the best utility for minimal costs. Drop Pod tacs at their full potential clock in at around 195-220 points (depending on various upgrades). Of those 10 members, 7 do close to nothing because Bolters are rather ineffectual. After you land, you will be slow.


RB + 5 Tacs gives you 4 potential scorers, two of which are damn fast. I want to minimize troops selection to get more JP and bikes in there. Getting Tacs in pods, you would need to take 3 for maximum effectiveness.


A third option would be MSU pods. Taking 1 special and 1 combi in a pod, possibly with deathwind upgrade. We are looking at 125-140 points. Compared to 145-150 for 5 tacs + HF in TLHF RB or 165-170 for 5 tacs + HF in LasPlas (depending on whether I take dozer blade or not).

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I kind of like the idea of razorbacks with bolter scouts in it... kind of like the stormraven with scouts, it's a good way to add a (relatively) inexpensive unit that 1) helps to pay the Troops tax to get the benefits of the BSFD (Baal Strike Force Detachment) and 2) could theoretically jump out to snag an objective, contest an objective, or otherwise do work. It's kind of like a poor man's land speeder storm (but with the added benefit of not being a pain-in-the-censored.gif model).

The real question, though is this: does the razorback do enough work to justify this scheme? As has been pointed out to me - once a dedicated razorback lover - razorbacks really are pretty fragile. If what you really want is a lascannon platform, you're probably better off with a land raider or a predator. If what you want is something to bring an assault cannon in close to the enemy, why not invest in a Baal predator or a land raider crusader? Or for that matter (to refer to our other, similar thread) a stormraven?

The razorback's pros seem to be:

  • Cheaper
  • Holds dudes (advantage over predators)
  • Fast and Dozer Blade option (advantage over land raider)

I'm not sure if the razorback justifies itself.

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Since most other weapons are covered by better tanks and the objective it to keep them cheap, the TLHB and TLHF are the sole options. I think that TLHF has the edge. First turn move 24" and hide somewhere. Second turn flame some cover camping stuff like Pathfinders.


The other question with Scouts in RB is whether you can justify using two FA slots on RB to transport the scouts.


By the way, TLHF with Scouts has another advantage. You get a Scout Move with the RB, possibly bringing you in range to flame T1. However, you do this at the cost of ASM and/or Grav Bikers. Not sure it is justifiable.

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No. They can scout in a transport. Scout is contagious and they are allowed to deploy in a FA RB. Scout move happens after deployment.

That is the way you can scout a Land Raider with the help of an Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor with the Liber Heresius. A rather popular way to get Grav Cents in LR to the front faster.


A scouting TLHF RB would be like a mini FS Baal from the old codex. Shame it costs you FA slots :/

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in my humble(and obvious) opinion razors like everything in this game only work well when supported by something else. I for example run 4 AV 13 tanks 2 rhinos and a razorback dreadnought and stormraven. the Razor back is not high on the priority list there but give it obsec and a squad it can score late game and a lascannon with tl plas will threaten anything in the game. If they are shooting at my razor back they are not shooting at my preds and that's fine with me

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Ouch, how did I ever forget the humble speeder :D Seems as good as anything in low point games.


@ marshal - you a solid (and obvious) point :P For BA those distraction units would Baals, Sicaran, DC and CS once they arrive (or if you deployed them).

However, you have to consider that a smart player will not go for the bait. If he considers the RB a threat, it will go. Thus, cheapness ;)

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