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[Hexfleet Virules] Nurgle Maulerfiends!


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Hexfleet Virules Units: Nurgle Maulerfiends























I feel I must echo what Disease said above; you really combined those kits well; good job. I can't stop laughing at the nurgling licking the horn though-- it's so wrong!

Thanks! You should see the Heldrake conversions I've been working on for the past year...one of them is being used by a Nurgling as a flying steed tongue.png I'm going to try to finally finish those next week.

I feel I must echo what Disease said above; you really combined those kits well; good job. I can't stop laughing at the nurgling licking the horn though-- it's so wrong!

Thanks! You should see the Heldrake conversions I've been working on for the past year...one of them is being used by a Nurgling as a flying steed tongue.png I'm going to try to finally finish those next week.

Look forward to seeing those. My own (tyranid / blightdrone) heldrakes have been shelved for the moment as i work on 30k and Kriegers - So I'm really pleased you are still flying the nurgle flag

Thanks for all the compliments everyone. People seem to really like the conversions here and elsewhere.

I went to PapaNurgle and created a new forum ID and tried to post the thread to share these pics. It wasn't until later that I saw there are a ton of mandatory requirements, like making an introduction thread and posting a bunch elsewhere before you can share anything. Unsure at this point if I want to bother putting up with all that just to share my threads...we'll see.

Edit: and when I tried to mention in my intro post that I was coming from this forum, it auto-filtered out the name...looks like that forum has a lot of hang-ups tongue.png


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