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Sanguinary Priests

Noctus Cornix

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So, for those of us who got our hands on the codex so far, what's your opinion on the Sanguinary Priests? Honestly I like the direction they took by trying to make them seem more valuable to the army. The only major issue I have is that Sanguinary Priests can no longer take Terminator armour, which is depressing to me because I had a model of one that was supposed to be the Chief Apothecary for my Brothers of the Red but now I can't use him anymore. :(

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I fail to see his relevance. Command Squad has free apothecary, DC has inate FnP and is arguably superior to ASM/SG + SP. Where else to put him? Tacs? No.

I think that he is more valuable to allies that are looking to get a cheap FnP source.

On the other hand, he is only 75pts with Jump Pack, so if +1WS is worth that much to you, he might do well in a squad of ASM or SG.

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From what I read in the rumour thread, they are pretty useless for the army as a whole. They only ever buff one unit.


[conspiracy theory]GW removed the TDA priests, because they do not have a TDA priest model. The do not want any third party to to have a reason to make one.[/conspiracy theory]

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If the Sang. Priest only buffs one unit, that is an expensive buff! Also does anyone know if the Sang. Priest has the same profile? I mean does he only have one wound? If so, I cannot see him getting too much use.

Another question - do we still have access to a reclusiarch - perhaps another reason not to take a SP

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If the Sang. Priest only buffs one unit, that is an expensive buff! Also does anyone know if the Sang. Priest has the same profile? I mean does he only have one wound? If so, I cannot see him getting too much use.

Another question - do we still have access to a reclusiarch - perhaps another reason not to take a SP


He has 2 wounds now


Now, we only have chaplains now.

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For better or for worse, I've only fielded the Priests a few times and can't say I miss them in TDA. With the new codex, I intend to field them more often for they are a solid choice for a cheap HQ with a couple of boosts. Now, if only the model wasn't so expensive.

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Would the FC special rule also impact Hammer of Wrath I wonder?

Regardless hitting on 3's is much better than 4's either way you paint it.


If you Look at the Baal formation as well needing 1 elite to get the +1 Initiative you realise that to fill min requirements of 2 troop, HQ and elite you can easily fit the priest in to HQ and take your hammer unit, hell even a cheap one works, now i don't know about you but hitting first improves survivability and with an extra 16%+ hits is nothing to sniff at.

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So, for those of us who got our hands on the codex so far, what's your opinion on the Sanguinary Priests? Honestly I like the direction they took by trying to make them seem more valuable to the army. The only major issue I have is that Sanguinary Priests can no longer take Terminator armour, which is depressing to me because I had a model of one that was supposed to be the Chief Apothecary for my Brothers of the Red but now I can't use him anymore. sad.png

I'm pretty happy with the Priest rules. Have to admit I could see myself using 2 priests has my HQs and ignoring the other choices.

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So, for those of us who got our hands on the codex so far, what's your opinion on the Sanguinary Priests? Honestly I like the direction they took by trying to make them seem more valuable to the army. The only major issue I have is that Sanguinary Priests can no longer take Terminator armour, which is depressing to me because I had a model of one that was supposed to be the Chief Apothecary for my Brothers of the Red but now I can't use him anymore. sad.png

I'm pretty happy with the Priest rules. Have to admit I could see myself using 2 priests has my HQs and ignoring the other choices.

Thats exactly what i am doing, not counting LOW Dante of course. ;)

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The +1WS will come in handy on units that are likely to be a little bogged down in protracted combats, like Bikers. I can't wait to get a Sang Priest on a bike with some grav guns and beautiful WS/S/I5 Charges!



I'm thinking about this too, giving the priest an axe and auspex to lower coversaves by 1. With a claw sergeant in the squad this unit is really flexible, good at shooting and assault.

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The auspex is a good choice, I think mine will be loaded up with special gear to help the guard though, as much as I love ruining cover saves it should not be a huge thing against my force. 




With a jump pack, he is cheaper than the apothecary upgrade for paladins



Another good point, yes he does not have a 2+ or invun but he does give unit buffs as well though and is a IC. :D

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For better or for worse, I've only fielded the Priests a few times and can't say I miss them in TDA. With the new codex, I intend to field them more often for they are a solid choice for a cheap HQ with a couple of boosts. Now, if only the model wasn't so expensive.

Same here, I made a model in TDA but hardly ever used it.

The times where his bubble-effect came in useful were scarce so the change to only his unit is a minimal nerf.


The real downside is that it's now a HQ-slot for each model.

I am still paying the same for a Priest with Jump Pack, but he now has double the wounds and a better bonus to his squad.


My model was actually cheap! A discount website I found had them at 13 euro -20% instead of 25 euro -20%.

Getting this model for only €10,40 was really lucky.

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While it is a shame we lost TDA for Sanguinary Priests, I don't think it is a terrible loss, if survivability is going to be an issue I would suggest adding a Librarian to the same squad and just buff the lot up with blessings.


Otherwise he is pretty much what I would expect of a Sanguinary Priest, a cheap support HQ that always benefits the squad he is in with his buff and FnP.


So far only 2 nitpicks is have about him. one minor and one maybe I'm going a bit overboard on.


1. His model: Now don't get me wrong I love the new model and I want to add it to my collection but clearly the new plastic kit is designed to be a new and updated Brother Corbulo but for some reason it is marketed and depicted in all media as a normal Sang priest. Maybe I was just really hoping for updated special characters for the Blood Angels since all the other marine codices has at least one 2nd edition model updated to a plastic kit but come on surely I'm not the only one who see's the resemblance to Corb's in those photo's


2. Bolt Pistol Tax:  At base, a Sanguinary Priest does come with a Bolt pistol as part of his starting wargear. Instead his bolt pistol can be bought extra for 1 point. Now I'm sure people will be asking why I'm nitpicking this. I nitpick because unless I misunderstood how buying further weapons work, you have to exchange either a bolt pistol and/or melee weapon to obtain the item you purchased meaning that if you want to kit out your Priest with a Plasma Pistol+Power Weapon combo you spend an extra point on a item that you were going to exchange anyway making that one point useless (I was going to say pointless but then I wouldn't be able to sleep at night for that bad pun.) In the end that one point could end up you up with a army list that is just one point over the limit allowed and sadly I know there are people and I'm sure there are tournaments out there that are strict about going over the point limit even if it's just by one. 


The TL:DR version: Your Priest is going to cost 1 point extra because you have to buy a weapon you were going to exchange anyway for a more useful one to combo with your melee weapon/akimbo gun.



So that my views on the Sanguinary Priest.

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