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How do people think about Landspeeders in the new codex?  It has;t been a commonly used model for me or in most lists I've seen, but with Dante as warlord to guarantee DOA, a 2 multimelta landspeeder could be a good way to drop in and take out an enemy heavy unit.  Sure it won't last, but should be able to get it where it needs to be.

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As much as i like landspeeders i don't want to start sacrificing my fast attack options for them, not when I can get an assualt squad with 4 melta shots in it dropping in via pod instead which is less likely to go the way of the Dodo.


That said hough i now personally feel we are in a prime position to be able to beat Wolves at drop assualt which in all honesty should of always been then way.

Ahhhh, I can smell the unmistakable scent of burnt fur on the wind already. ;)

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I like land speeder typhoons. I have found that with such a versatile weapon, with such long range, they can frequently zoot back and forth in some corner of the board where my opponent doesn't want to bother going, picking off targets of opportunity. Because they outrange their opponent, I can use terrain to make sure that they have cover (or even entirely blocked LOS) from anything with the range to hurt them but a clear shot at their target. Think of them as a missile launcher devastator squad that can move and shoot. The trick is to take more than one so your opponent needs to dedicate more firepower to forcing both of them to jink.


Anyway, I've gotten them to do work. They are definitely a finesse tool, though.

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