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Looking for Slaanesh inspiration


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So I usually have 2-3 projects going at a time. Currently, I have Nurgle CSM, Pre-heresy World Eaters, and Astra Militarum (renegades) all going. But I have always wanted to do a Slaanesh based army.

Have googled the topic, but not found anything that inspires.

Was hoping the brothers and sisters of B&C could help me out.

I love doing conversions, and kit bashing so anything that screams Slaanesh would be appreciated.

Paint schemes as well, looking to do this army in something other than pink, seen to many pink Slaanesh marines. Want to do something differant.

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A Slaaneshi army based around a travelling carnival, heavy on Cultists and making use of various Eldar parts (such as Harlequins) to cover the theme. The colour schemes can be bright and vibrant, maybe the Chaos Marines are dressed as demonic clowns, bright colours and white painted faces on their armoured masks and whilst they're not effective on the battlefield, dancing bears to stand in for Multilators. 

Anaziel, thanks for bringing Forte's work to my attention. Absolutly amazing, much inspiration found there.

Lucio, like the idea. Gives me ideas for a cultist based army. I have about 200 cultists sitting around collecting dust. Not for long, next project.

If you want a challenge and a salute to the old days of 40k, you can try the original style for painting Slaanesh marines:




It makes a lot more sense for overstimulated lunatics to need colors like this, rather than the simple clash of pink and black.


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