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Death Company Loadout

Frater Cornelius

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Alright fellas, I have been thinking and re-thinking it, but I have yet to come to a solid conclusion.


My current list without DC looks like this:



LoW - 220



HQ - 175


- Artificer Armour, Angel's Wings, Valor's Edge, Inferno Pistol, Auspex


Elite - 155

Command Squad (Dante and Captain go here)

- Jump Packs, 3x Melta

Troops - 300

5 Tacs

- Heavy Flamer

+ Razorback, TLHF, Dozer Blade

5 Tacs

- Heavy Flamer

+ Razorback, TLHF, Dozer Blade


Fast Attack - 230


- 2x Melta, Combi-Melta


- 2x Melta, Combi-Melta


Heavy Support - 165

Sicaran Battle Tank

- Dozer Blade, LoG: Schizm of Mars


Total - 1245




Here is the general strategy, if required to assess the situation:



Dante, Captain and CS almost always deep strike to take out key units at key locations. ASM either DS as well (when playing against a slower army or a bunkering/gunline army) or deploy (if facing an aggressive army). ASM can be relegated to capping objectives if needed, so there is flexibility. I tried to make most out of Descend of Angels. Both strategies helped me a lot and I pleased with this setup.


Flamer RB and Tacs cap objectives, pile wounds on tightly packed units and hunt cover campers. If none are available, they go for objectives.


Sicaran is on anti-tank duty, mainly anti-skimmer.


DC would take the roll of advancing up the mid-field, soaking up fire and engaging the biggest units/blobs in melee, supporting by Dante and Captain, once they get there. Basically a meat-grinder.




What I am looking for is a meat-grinder. DC is my obvious choice, but I am not set on a load-out yet. Maybe it comes from my inexperience with them, but I usually do not run units without a tanking char up front. However, I played DC a few times now and they held up very well. Those lists were far from optimized, but they put out alright damage.


I was looking at two 10man squads with 2 Fists each for around 1750 and a 15 dude squad with 2 Fists at around 1600 points.


Do you think that is viable? Or do they need a supporting character? Or should I stick with one 10man squad, even at 1750, and use the remaining points for something else, like two Baal Preds with full Dakka load-out or something else entirely?


Thanks for any input.

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I will try out the new codex next week. I plan to run the following:


1 x 10 DC

- Bolters

- 2 x powers fists

- Jump packs


1 x 5 DC

- Bolt pistol, ccw

- 1 x power sword

- Jump packs


1 x 5 DC

- Bolt pistol, ccw

- 1 x power axe

- Jump packs


As there no longer is any limitation on DC, I don't see why not taking multiple smaller squads would be a bad idea. The reason why I bump my bolter DC to 10 guys is because they have fewer attacks. So if they get stuck in close combat, they will hopefully eventually be able to munch their way out. It is also nice to have some bolter fire so they can be effective even a couple of rounds before assault.  The smaller squads will have enough attacks to do some serious damage and could potentially come to the aid if the larger DC get stuck in an assault for too long. 


These are some of my ideas and I'm excited to see how everything will play out. My opponent will be tyranids and I'm of course running the Baal Strike Force for some sweet initiative 5 :)

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In that case:

I think axes are good because they are a cheap way to kill Sv2+

Power Fists are good to kill MC's and Vehicles.

Power Swords are the stuff I dislike, I rather go with Power Lances.


Two Power Lances give you 10 attacks at WS4 with S6, AP3 at I5

The way I play DC means that they usually kill (almost) everything on the Charge, so the AP4 after the Charge doesn't matter.

And because it's at I5, you can surely kill enough enemy MEQ to soften the backblow.


I'm personally a big fan of the Inquisition (Ordo Xenos), because with Power Lances and Rad Grenades you are ID'ing MEQ and even putting out a lot of hurt towards MC's.

So if you're not going with JP's you should probably take an Inquisitor ;)

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