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Highlander army list for 7th


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Never made a highlander army before, but i love the idea.  zomg heldrake spam. how i hate you.

even registered here today to post this list for feedback and ideas.


1500 pts







Raphen's dc




Sang Guard x6 w/ pf and chapter banner

DC x7 w/ jp and 1xpf

Command squad with 2 storm shields  (meph goes here)

Fragioso w/ Drop pod



Grav gun bikes (2 grav gun)

4x melta assault squad in a drop pod (2 pistol sgt and 2 melta gun)

drop pod (for cassor or meph in command squad)




totals to 1492 melta bombs or something


for a 1750 army

Sang priest w/ jp, postol, Valours Edge, Crown (goes in sang guard)

5 man tactical squad with heavy flamer dp

replace drop pod above for scout bikes with a locator (still 3 drop pods but now you have better options based on your biggest threat.)


totals to 1743 again, melta bomb someone or maybe auspex




add dante to sang guard

totals to  1963  another sang guard will fit with 4 pts left. or a power fist and 12 points, or soemthing else


Like i said first list posted but i have a thick skin. let me knwo what you think

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oh, Astorath, I love you man. wub.png Your my best painted model, your rules are great and amazing, ap 2 and ID on 6's with a price reduction and you give my DC rerolls on hits and WOUNDS. I wish i could squeeze you in man. I really do. You just make DC tooooooooo killy. :cry:

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First of all, welcome to the B&C! Second, there's an army list forum, which you can get to at the top of this forum. In the future, you should post army lists in that.

As for the list itself, a couple of things: The Highlander format means you can only have one of any (non-troop) unit, including transports. So you can only get one drop pod. You have three. If you want a true Highlander list, you have to drop the two pods.


In addition, the Sanguinary Priest in your 1750 version has two Relics of Baal. You can only take one per model. So choose the sword or the crown.

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didnt know that about dedicated transports, thought it was force org based.

i dont think your correct about the relic limits. wargear page limits one of each relic in an army, havent seen anything about char limits too.


found the army page a couple of hours ago as well and posted there already,


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