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The Relic


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My community has been running a bit of a league/campaign and we had a huge arguement after a recent match with The Relic as the mission.


The basic question is this: can a skimmer position himself with the relic under the vehicle in anyway? Does the skimmer have to be an inch away since it cannot contest or pick up the relic? Or can it sit with the relic immediately next to the chasis?


The arguement was that the skimmer could hover over the relic and prevent anyone from picking it up. Eventually through the arguement he moved his model off of it and kept it immediately next to his model, but then the problem was the enemy still couldn't pick it up because of the position of it, the enemy couldn't get within one inch to pick it up.

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He can sit atop it as there is nothing preventing him from doing so, even if it could be considered an unsporting tactic.


[Off Topic] To be honest, if someone tried that against me, I'd just destroy the skimmer. [/Off Topic]

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I don't really see an issue with is since it seems to make sense that someone might drop a vehicle on an important point to keep it safe from the enemy. Just blow it up. I know that Land Raiders have always been able to contest objectives this way msn-wink.gif.

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In the situation it happened with me it was the last game turn so there wasn't any way to actually destroy the skimmer. The main question of the bigger group was just that because the skimmer actually is not allowed to hold it at all, is it even allowed to be on top of it.


Thanks for your thoughts, guys :)

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