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Debating returning to my Blood Angels


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What up, Baalites.

I used to play my BA religiously for about... 6 years? I can't remember when I started, but they were my first army and it's been awhile. Kind of fell off the grid with 40k for awhile in the last year or so of fifth and came back into 6th with Minotaurs and Grey Knights, so I've been waaay away from them. Took a look at the new Codex and... Eh, I dunno if I'm feeling it. I kind of feel like we lost more than we got, unlike the :cussing Space Wolves (God I hate them). My old list is now invalid outside of Unbound (which I just don't wanna have to do) as all my prior Troops choices are now Elites or FA. I could be way off, but I kind of feel I'd be better served either selling up and focussing elsewhere, using them with the standard Marine 'dex and the Carcharodons' chapter tactics, or just waiting for the HH rules for Blood Angels to come out.

Maybe it's just me, if anyone could help the decision either way, I'd be grateful. Am I just knee-jerking?

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As I understand it, you wouldn't necessarily have to go Unbound just to run a primarily Assault Squad/Death Company list, which I take it is what you're referring to.  You can take multiple Detachments, with the bare minimum of Troops (2 bare bones Scout Squads, for instance).  I think that'll also allow the use of the Detachment in the book which grants universal +1 Initiative to the army.


But I dunno for sure.  I'm still fuzzy on Detachment/Formation/Combined Arms/Unbound nonsense.  

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Despite the blatant insult to the Vlka Fenryka and thus myself, I will try to give advice.

I disagree on having lost more than you gained. That is the traditionalist within you speaking. Take a look on the bright side. Dante is the best LOW ever put to paper in my eyes, an amazing mix between solid beatstick and force-multiplier.

Command Squads can be taken multiple times, making for amazing Melta and Character caddies.

ASM are dirt cheap and amazing Melta suicide bombs, especially with Dante's DoA.

JP DC are actually cost-effective now.

Some Relics are actually awesome. I am specifically looking at the Jump Pack that forces Interceptor shots to be snapshots. Land your unit right behind his Broadsides and explain to the Tau, that his Riptides can not use the pie plates.

You can also take 10 SG is you so desire.

There is plenty more great things. Sure you have lost a few things as well. No Troops ASM is a bummer, sure. But from a competitive point of view, I am willing to make that sacrifice to have the other improvements. And Troops can be effective as well. I have tried 5 Tacs with Heavy Flamer in TLHF Razor with dozer blade. The best 150 points I ever spend in Troops.

Mephiston is no longer an MC, but he can join units. Have him run with your DC in a Land Raider and you will be good.

Libby Dread HQ is a bit of a bummer, seeing as you have better HQ choices. I understand your loss here and I won't be able to comment, seeing as I dislike Dreads.

Blood Talons and Magnagrappel is something I can not defend though, but I knew that they would go.

Still, I feel BA have actually gained from it. There is so many goodies that one can not ignore.

But I second Morti, post your old list and let us have a look.

If nothing else, listen to this. I am a SW player. You claim we were lucky with our codex? Absolutely! But consider this: I have moved my SW to use BA rules (well, I still play SW, but not as my primary force anymore). That is right. I am using the BA codex to play SW now and I did it with competitiveness and tournament play is mind msn-wink.gif

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Hard to tell without seeing the list of models you have. But you probably will need to buy some stuff.

Do you have tacs

Do you have more then 1 box of sang guard

Have you sold your Assault marines jump packs

How are you willing to repaint your RAS black, if they have jump packs

How willing are you to buy the upcoming supplement

How willing are you to take ally



As far as BA goes powerwise, the codex did not get worse as long as your willing to rebuild your list[and sadly in case of BA this maybe a lot of stuff to buy/repaint/rearm].

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Raktra, inferring from your original post, I'm going to suggest the following core:


Now, I dont know what points youre playing, what your meta is and what you have access to, but i'm assuming this stuff.  I'm assuming you may have some razors lyings about too?


8x DC - JP, PF (209)


5x TAC - HF (80)

Razorback - (65)

5x TAC - HF (80)

Razorback - (65)


10x ASM - 2MG, PF, Vet (225)

8x ASM  - 1MG,1Flamer PW, Vet (210)


Total - 934


as a core, the razors help move up providing support for the ASM and DC.  You're only paying 290 for the troop units - which is nothing much for what they provide.  
You can then start adding to flavour. 

This is all guess work though, but my recommendation is starting off with a core of what you enjoy/enjoyed using and see what you can work around it.

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Happy coincidence to find you here, Raktra. You've already gotten a lot of good advice here on lists, so I'm just going to cover the principles


I've been playing BA since the tail end of 5th, and this codex is awesome. Almost everything has been improved and we have so many new possibilities that it's hard to know where to start. I highly recommend you give it a try.


Also, if you sell your BA army, I reserve the right to rub the eventual Sanguinius model and 30k BA in your face for leaving.

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I just saw a leak from the Shield of Baal supplement. 10 elites slots for units and 6 for dreads with DoA? Are we trying to out-Deathwing the Dark Angels?


I'll dig for my old lists in a bit, provided I still have 'em. I know the models themselves at least, so if I don't have details I can still give a physical summary.

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