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BA Company and Squad markings


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I have a question about this. The white or yellow numerals with the I's through them running N-S ... is that for the company? See I'm going to run Tycho's company the 3rd. Its emblem is the white blood drop. Since I'm Blood Angels shouldn't that be used as my company marking on vehicles, walkers, etc?


And also as per codex the squad designation goes on the right knee pad. What if the miniature doesn't have a knee pad per say but their leg armor is a straight greave that meets the armor over the thigh?



Thanks brothers.



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The numerals are used on vehicles if they are the numbers without the circular background.


Blood Angel tracked vehicles from a head on view excluding land raiders:

left plate below the headlight is the vehicle number

right plate below the headlight is the company's blood drop symbol


Blood Angel dreadnoughts viewed from the front:

left plate has the chapter symbol

right plate has the dreadnought shell number ( I say shell because it's just a robotic shell until the pilot's sarcophagus is inserted)



left shoulder is BA symbol

right shoulder is company blood drop

right knee is squad marking, if no knee cap is present you simply paint a little circle on the plate where the knee is.


Any vehicle from the chapter armory,  meaning predators, vindicators, and whirlwinds, are granted the company blood drop from the company they are temporarily serving with. The vehicle number remains unchanged as far as I'm aware. If you are playing 3rd company then you will use the 3rd company blood drop on all tracked vehicles excluding land raiders. The blood drops are usually on the left side of the dreadnoughts sarcophagus next to the dreadnought's shell number.

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