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Alternative Builds pt 1 - Firepower

King Jackal

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Hail Brothers and Sisters, i'd like to start posting regularly and start some conversation (If people are interested of course) on alternative and focus builds that we may have at our disposal. To this end I offer up the first in what I hope may be an inspiring and cerebral process for us of the Chaos forums.



Sorcerer - Mastery Level 2, Sigil of Corruption, Spell Familiar


10 Cultists

10 Cultists


3 Mutilators


3 Cyclo Conversion Beamers

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators


Herald of Tzeentch - Mastery Level 2

Herald of Tzeentch - Mastery Level 2


18 Pink Horrors


Rogue Psycher


50 Mutants


3 Wyverns, 2 Griffons


Firestorm Redoubt - 2 Battle Cannons 


Thoughts and opinions?

I have the Mutilators in there to be able counter attack no matter what hits the line and their relative slowness doesn't really matter as they will be remaining fairly close to my castle but i'm not sold on them being the perfect choice for that role, should I bother or add in more firepower?

Battle Cannons or Punisher Cannons on the FSR? 

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Can't remember the name of the Aspiring Champion but for about a 10pt upgrade on a Crimson Slaughter Chosen Champion, he gives his squad Preferred Enemy everything. So re-roll Over Heats. I've found him to be more reliable and less costly than Slaanesh Chosen with the Icon of Excess.

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Ahh of course Draznichts Ravagers. Sorry Strazhakov, I'm with you now. Bumping up to 2000 points I would probably look at taking CS supplement for extra divination and maybe the PE chosen, but they really only bring 24" re roll Plasma which is already looked after with Twin Linked Plasma guns or with better range and Blast templates from the Oblits

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idk, I've had my 5 man Plasma Gun Chosen, with the Draznichts Ravagers upgrade, glance a Gorkanaut to death. TL is better than PE, but you're getting almost twice the number of shots with Chosen than with Obliterators. Survivability goes to Obilitators but Chosen have more dakka.

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I just thought a Psycher couldn't be warlord..? Where does it say you can't select them as mandatory HQ? If that's the case replace the Psycher with an bare bones command squad


Since it says "+1 renegade command squad" in the unit entry I take that to mean you must select at least one command squad. 

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idk, I've had my 5 man Plasma Gun Chosen, with the Draznichts Ravagers upgrade, glance a Gorkanaut to death. TL is better than PE, but you're getting almost twice the number of shots with Chosen than with Obliterators. Survivability goes to Obilitators but Chosen have more dakka.

Very true, however I'm getting more utility out of the Oblits with more anti armour with Lascannons and melta weapons, anti horde with flamer templates, better range and the option to DS.


Any thoughts on the rest of the list, what do you think about the inclusion of Mutilators? Could the points be better used on something else?

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Mutilators would be good imo, but I think if they're going to be your response team, they should be given a transport because they're footsloggers (maybe a Chimera from you Command Squad?). Or how about 5 Nurgle Spawn? They couldn't hurt armor very much but pretty good against most everything else, also they'll be able to respond faster.

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