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New BA formations in WD 47


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If you can bring in reserves on turn 1 and charge on the turn you arrive, I'm buying it and taking it every damn game.  Doesn't matter what else it is, even just having 3 SR fly in one turn 1, especially if you go first, will absolutely win you games all by itself. 


Now, where can I throw my money to get this right now?!

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I'd surely take Corbulo too, just to re-roll that dice in case it's a 1 or 2.

But three Stormraven Gunships and three full Tactical Squads is painful; that is already slightly above 1000 points and requires me to spend more cash than I have.


They are really pushing those Tactical Marines and Vanguard Veterans, right?

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3 SRs and tactical squad with OS are nice but cost a lots of points and £s. You will still need your Detachment HQ and troops before you can include those DC or SG to assault with (unless we get some formations of just those). You are really going to need 2000+ points games to make it viable, otherwise the formation tax leaves you too few units to benefit from its special rules.

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Hi guys,

Here's what the formations say:


Angel's wrath intervention force



1 vanguard veteran squad

2 Assault squads



All models in this formation must be equipped with jump packs


Special rules:


Guided drop:

This formation must be placed in deep strike reserve. Make a single reserve roll for the entire formation. If successful, all units arrive from the formation. The formations unit of vanguard veterans must be placed first and units of assault marines do not scatter so long as the first model is placed within 6" of the vanguard veterans unit.


Meteoric impact:

Immediately after deploying, any enemy units within 6" of any units from this formation suffer a strength 4 AP- hit for each of their models which is within 6" of a model from the formation. In addition, these enemy units must move as if they are in difficult terrain until the end of their next turn


Angels fury spearhead force



3 tactical squads

3 stormraven gunships



Each stormraven gunship must include10 models. The sergeant of each tactical squad in this formation must take a teleport homer as a free upgrade. This formations tactical squads cannot take dedicated transports and must begin the game embarked in the stormraven gunships from this formation.


Special rules:


Augur triangulation:

If a friendly unit with the Blood angels faction arrives from deep strike reserve within 12" of at least two models from the formation equipped with teleport homers then it does not scatter and can charge in the same turn it arrives.


Objective secured:

All troops units from this formation have the objective secured special rule (see page blah blah)


Spearhead strike force:

When making reserve rolls make a single roll for the entire formation, which you can choose to re-reoll. If successful, all units arrive from the formation.You can make a reserve roll for this formation from the start of turn 1.


Be excited!!!!

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No need for corbulo, the formation rerolls reserves. Crazy stuff. None of this is confirmed though, only blurry text and a vivid imagination msn-wink.gif

Yeah, just saw that..

If only I didn't hate the look of Stormraven Gunships, this Formation is REALLY awesome.

As awesome as it is that formations were opened up to standard games, they were originally intended for apocalypse. We shouldn't forget that.

That's the old style.

Our "gigantic" formation is nearly 1337 points and the Flesh Tearer-VV one slightly above 500.

I'm personally really happy with the 7th edition Formations and Detachments.

It did not make any sense that every army in the galaxy was build up the same way.

The obvious one is that Orks and Space Marine don't work the same, but the current implementations let us vary between Companies, Chapters and sub-Chapters.

It makes your army feel more different than other armies, that's a really good thing.

@Jimbo: I believe it are three Stormravens and Tactical squads and I think you need to be in range of TWO teleport homers.

The charge in the same turn isn't confirmed, right?

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Augur triangulation:

If a friendly unit with the Blood angels faction arrives from deep strike within 12" of at least one model from the formation equipped with teleport homers then it does not scatter and can charge in the same turn it arrives.




Does ANY deep striking unit get to charge without scatter, or deep striking units that TELEPORT... Seems tailor made to deliver your new $60 BA Assault Terminators into combat.

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Think you're right. I can t make out whether it's 2 or 3 models in the formation but it seems to read xxx modelS on the auger triangulation suggesting more than one. Still damned good, just doesn't leave many points once you've bought the formation for the jump pack units.
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At least 2 and 2 if you look at the picture msn-wink.gif

Well, then, I'm only one raven short.

This is the White Dwarf coming out this weekend, yes?

As far as I can tell (I missed issue 46 and that was advertised as 13th Dec). I'll be getting it, even if I don't use said formations laugh.png

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Augur triangulation:

If a friendly unit with the Blood angels faction arrives from deep strike within 12" of at least one model from the formation equipped with teleport homers then it does not scatter and can charge in the same turn it arrives.




Does ANY deep striking unit get to charge without scatter, or deep striking units that TELEPORT... Seems tailor made to deliver your new $60 BA Assault Terminators into combat.

Says any model from deep strike reserve so yep. Guess so. I've editied it to say two not one teleport homers btw to save confusion as I'm pretty convinced now that's what it says - thanks tsjben.

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it's definitely charge from assault!!! my god....... you might need to be in range of two homers but... that's crazy crazy good


that could make the sanguinor worth it!!!


or asault terms with lightning claws..... soo many more things.... all I have to do is paint up the three boxes of tacs I got

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it's definitely charge from assault!!! my god....... you might need to be in range of two homers but... that's crazy crazy good

Every day I log into the B&C and I make my way to the BA forum. I sit down and have a look at the topics. Then there is some new hype info that requires me to purchase even more things.

So far through Hype I have purchased:

-SG Edition Codex


-A Regular Edition Codex because my SG has some major delivery issues

-Exterminatus Hard Back

-Heavily considering buying Deathstorm because of the amount of models for the price

-Now I need 3 Storm Ravens mellow.png

Curse you beautiful angelic brothers!

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sorry more thoughts..

they might just be tacticals. but you could put corbulo in one and have the sangunior arrive turn two to give 2 charging tac squads ws5 str5 ini5 and three attacks on the charge.


you could have cassor the damned and rafens squad as your troops choices, rafens squad being godly if they can assault off the deep strike

and cassor just being on board.


it's all a little tight on points but turn one rerolled arrive from reserves for ravens is soo damn sweet 



or you could just blend it with the elites detachment and have atone of termies arrive and assault


oh goodness would it work with dreadnoughts in drop pods????

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it's definitely charge from assault!!! my god....... you might need to be in range of two homers but... that's crazy crazy good

Every day I log into the B&C and I make my way to the BA forum. I sit down and have a look at the topics. Then there is some new hype info that requires me to purchase even more things.

So far through Hype I have purchased:

-SG Edition Codex


-A Regular Edition Codex because my SG has some major delivery issues

-Exterminatus Hard Back

-Heavily considering buying Deathstorm because of the amount of models for the price

-Now I need 3 Storm Ravens mellow.png

Curse you beautiful angelic brothers!

I share your red thirst brother. Through hype and codex I have bought:

-Two Sanguinary Priests

-Codex & Painting Guide

-Datacards & Dice

-Two boxes of Sanguinary Guard

-Two Deathstorm's split with Tyrannid players

-Another box of Death Company

-Command Squad

-Two boxes of BA Tactical Marines

Now I'm debating BA Termies and more storm ravens, while my wife is debating murder weapons. Sigh...

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The formation costs 1050 points bare minimum with no upgrades what so ever. If you give your tacticals special and heavy weapons and upgrade your sergeants it is somewhere around 1200. I don't know. It might work in a 1850/2000 point game but its still a bit dodgy. 3 ravens is just too much. Couldn't they at least make it two? 

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