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New BA formations in WD 47


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Any news on the Flesh Tearers detachment that supposedly had mandatory FA slots (and extra FA slots?)


I am super excited about starting to nut out some lists based on this formation. Any extra details would be great!


No news afaik :(  However if I'm not mistaken the mandatory slots of the FT detachment have not been hinted, only that it had 6 FA slots...it could still have mandatory troops for all we know. Instead of The Red Thirst it'll have something that gives Rage randomly, but the exact specs are not known either...Very interested in that detachment too!!


Are those supposed to be in the WD or in Exterminatus.


Relics and warlord traits for 1st Co and FT should be in Exterminatus, but maybe the WD has a preview?

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Any news on the Flesh Tearers detachment that supposedly had mandatory FA slots (and extra FA slots?)

I am super excited about starting to nut out some lists based on this formation. Any extra details would be great!

No news afaik sad.png However if I'm not mistaken the mandatory slots of the FT detachment have not been hinted, only that it had 6 FA slots...it could still have mandatory troops for all we know. Instead of The Red Thirst it'll have something that gives Rage randomly, but the exact specs are not known either...Very interested in that detachment too!!

Are those supposed to be in the WD or in Exterminatus.

Relics and warlord traits for 1st Co and FT should be in Exterminatus, but maybe the WD has a preview?

I am super keen to know what's in it. I plan on running a FT successor that null deploys and drops 4 pods on turn one.

6 FA slots (and maybe only 1 mandatory troops slot?) would make the list I'm toying with amazingly powerful. Using the codex detachment, it's a tad clunky.

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Sorry to bring this up again, but it was being debated in one of my Fb groups.


I just checked in our new Dex and the line about not being able to Assault out of a pod is missing in our dex! I know you still can't assault out of reserve but, our new stormraven formation overruled that rule. Which would allow a first turn assault with drop pods.


This to me seems incredibly broken!

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So you are saying the drop pod arrives via deep strike, but its passengers do not and thus are not subject to that rule's restriction? A drop pod still is not an assault vehicle. Thus the passengers still cannot assault.

I don't want to say anything, I am quite clearly against this mechanic, but we dropped this debate earlier because drop pod assault rules prevent assault!


Except that's one line they left out of our dex.


This is going to become an issue, so it would be nice to know all arguments for and against. I'm pretty sure disembarking from a pod still means you count as deepstricking. After all you can still be targeted by interceptor fire

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Even with the line still there you could make a case that the more specific Formation rule overrides the codex rule, but without the line I don't see any reason against it :)

The only thing holding it back is that the Formation itself clocks in at around 1100pts, so at 1850 there's just enough to add Corbulo, 2x DC and some ASM in a pod (no Mephiston sadly).

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I don't want to say anything, I am quite clearly against this mechanic, but we dropped this debate earlier because drop pod assault rules prevent assault!


Except that's one line they left out of our dex.

The Drop Pod Assault rule in C:SW does not say anything about assaulting either.


I don't think it is an issue though, since after arriving from reserves (in the pod) the passengers must disembark. This disembarkation follows all the normal rules, which means that they cannot charge unless they disembark from an assault vehicle. A drop pod is not an assault vehicle.


So mentioning the inability to charge in C:SM and C:DA is just a reminder of a rule already in effect.


This is going to become an issue, so it would be nice to know all arguments for and against. I'm pretty sure disembarking from a pod still means you count as deepstricking. After all you can still be targeted by interceptor fire

While they can indeed be targeted that does not mean they count as deep striking. Interceptor fire works against any unit coming from reserves. Also many units in a drop pod cannot arrive via deep striking because they don't have the special rule. Another point against them arriving via deep strike.


BTW is there a topic about this in the OR section?

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For a GW Drop Pod (not FW), when it arrives from Deep Strike the occupants have to get out. As they have arrived from Deep Strike, that is why they can't assault on the turn they have arrived. However, with Forgeworld, one can stay in their Drop Pods when they land and disembark the following turn. Here, they are allowed to assault because the Drop Pod is - like the GW one - Open-topped. Ergo, if you fulfill criteria in this formation you can assault on the turn you arrive on the table.


To be honest, this was probably intended to be used by jumpers and/or Terminators but seeing how a Drop Pod arrives via Deep Strike...

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This is interesting, as a drop pod is an assault vehicle

No GW drop pods are assault vehicles. BA, DA, SM and SW drop pods are vehicles (open topped, transport) and have three special rules drop pod assault, immobile and Inertial Guidance System. None of them allows disembarking units to charge.


@Jolemai: To arrive from deep strike you have to have the deep strike or similar special rule. Tactical squads and Sternguard squads do not have that rule. So those units at least cannot arrive from deep strike. They (and it would not make sense for ASM to behave differently) simply arrive embarked in the drop pod, which arrives via deep strike.

In order for a unit to be able to Deep Strike, all models in the unit must have the Deep

Strike special rule and the unit must start the game in Reserve.


Deep Strike and Transports

Units do not confer the Deep Strike special rule onto a Transport vehicle they are embarked inside. A Transport vehicle with Deep Strike may Deep Strike regardless of whether its passengers have Deep Strike or not.

Only if the passengers do not arrive via deep strike can both rules apply. They simply appear on the battlefield in the drop pod and must disembark immediately following all rules for disembarking (i.e. no charging).
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