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Troop Choices in The Baal Strike Force


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I managed to snag a copy of the book on Ebay but it won't get here for a week. :*(

Depending on the game, I'll probably be taking a tac with heavy flamer, razorback heavy flamer, the DC squad as troops. Another DC squad in the elites, as well as a sternguard squad, and either two stormravens or a stormraven and a storm eagle.

Another option is to bulk up the HS, one flyer, two tanks, move the jump packing units up behind the tanks (old habits!), till they can come to grips with the enemy.

But if anyone has the dataslate or a copy of the book, please let me know what loadout these guys should be.

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One DC with Thunder Hammer

One DC with Power Fist

One DC with Power Sword

One DC with Infernus pistol

One DC with Pistol/CCW (the chump)


They all have jump packs and you pay an extra meltagun worth of points for the thunder hammer guy (Ralph) to have an extra attack base (and he is a character iirc).

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I've been doing quite a lot of thinking about Cassor the Damned and Raphen's squad.


Although both aren't particularly cost-effective, buying Scouts for the sake of buying Scouts isn't exactly the best use of points either - in my experience small units of Scouts do nearly nothing, making them glorified objective-sitters at best; Troop tax at worst.


On the other hand, either Cassor and/or Raphen can potentially contribute to the right types of list; they are assault units, taken in a detachment that's clearly meant to be skewed as an assault detachment and doesn't particularly benefit from having more Troops (since this thread is specifically about Troops choices in the Baal Strike Force detachment). So although not particularly efficient, their roles may actually complement the list better.


I'm not saying to always take them, but I'm saying....given how little hype there is around them (understandably so), there might be a use for them after all.



Alternatively, there's always spending a few more points on the 5-man Scout units to tack on a Heavy Bolter and a Combi-Weapon on the Sergeant to get marginally better shooting :P

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sniper scouts have their advantages and they can be quite the mosquito unit, annoying and distracting someone  while your assault gets into position. They have nice range, wound potentional (ap2 auto wound on a 6,) and precision shot mechanic, I often use them to treaten characters in units. As soon as you roll that first 6 to hit and allocate it to their warlord or special char in a big squad they tend to attract some focus, or you get lkucky and kill them. personally as i'm only taking 1 ba libby i'm thinking of throwing sniper scouts with an inquisitor with a psyocculum to thin out the dispell dice, makes them bs10 when firing at units with a psyker in it and allows you to pick up some cheap servo skulls to reduce deepstrike scatter even more.

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5man tacs in pod with melta and combi melta. The perfect tank hunters. They arrive and attempt to kill something. You either waste firepower on 5 random dudes or you will have a bunch of krak nades up your tailpipe next turn. 125 points of goodness.

not as good as assault marines but if you have the pods to run a heavy pod lists its a good way to fill it out.

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5man tacs in pod with melta and combi melta. The perfect tank hunters. They arrive and attempt to kill something. You either waste firepower on 5 random dudes or you will have a bunch of krak nades up your tailpipe next turn. 125 points of goodness.


For 10p more you get 2 extra meltashots if you take the assault variant with dual inferno pistols. Unless you are filled up on fast choices that is..

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5man tacs in pod with melta and combi melta. The perfect tank hunters. They arrive and attempt to kill something. You either waste firepower on 5 random dudes or you will have a bunch of krak nades up your tailpipe next turn. 125 points of goodness.

For 10p more you get 2 extra meltashots if you take the assault variant with dual inferno pistols. Unless you are filled up on fast choices that is..

the problem with that is it dorsn't pay the troop tax.
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5man tacs in pod with melta and combi melta. The perfect tank hunters. They arrive and attempt to kill something. You either waste firepower on 5 random dudes or you will have a bunch of krak nades up your tailpipe next turn. 125 points of goodness.

For 10p more you get 2 extra meltashots if you take the assault variant with dual inferno pistols. Unless you are filled up on fast choices that is..

the problem with that is it dorsn't pay the troop tax.



Exactly. I believe that PA hordes is indeed the way to go with JP units in BA codex. We are talking 10man RAS squads starting on the field. Let the pods do the suicide drops.

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Why would you need them as Dedicated Transports? Not like there is a wealth of riches in the Heavy Support section. They arent battling with Thunderfire Cannons and Centurions.


Maybe I'm being weird, but I still like Baal Predators.  They lost Scout, which hurts, but they're still high-mobility anti-infantry firepower.  I was hoping for a formation that gave me Scout if I took something like 2 of them and a Razorback but such was not the case.

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Hmmm... Hellfire shells... me likey... Just to Pump either 3 poison 2+ s5 ap4 shots or one small blast s1 ap - (poison 2+).... I do see benefit of taking Scouts with heavy bolter, if not else, just for the sake of that weapon... Just to harass unit, 5 man Scout unit, camo cloaks, bolters with Heavy bolter with Hellfire shells... Yes... And then just some tacticals. Well... Time to buy a scouts box...

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