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Praefectus Invictus

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So, with exterminatus coming out on the weekend, and no sign of a supplement for our BA, does anyone know if exterminatus is our supplement, or we will be waiting until the new year?


Seeing as exterminatus has warlord traits for flesh tearers and the archangels, but also the 'crons, I am left wondering where the :cuss our supplement is, and when we will get it.



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To have to drop $124 Aus on that book to get access to some flesh tearers love is beyond annoying. why can't they just do it champions of fenris or waaaagh! Ghazgul style?

You can always wait until someone else buys it, information will no doubt find its way on here once its published, dont get me wrong I share your frustration Brother, but this is how I deal with a lack of income and GW's insistence on being crazy expensive

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It has rules and relics for the FT. It's a supplement for the BA codex.


That costs £45 instead of £30. Well played, GW, well played.

The softcover will cost you around 30GBP from a reseller (I can already order mine for 40 euro).

That gives you a few sets of Warlord Traits and Relics and 18 datasheets, though some are also from Necrons.

Compared to other supplements this seems a lot cheaper.

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Exterminatus is a campaign supplement. It is also suppose to have things for Necrons. So unless you're a fan of Necrons and Blood Angels being the same army, smart bet says "These are formation datasheets", not a Codex Supplement a la Crimson Slaughter, Sentinels of Terra or Clan Ruukan.
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You've already gotten Deathstorm, Exterminatus and the WD one just for the main Codex army. You haven't had any of your Successors looked at other than the Flesh tearers and they're as much a part of the main Codex as the BA are since that's where you find Seth.


EDIT: I should also point out an entire campaign series is being done just for the Blood Angels and that series is supposed to showcase all of their successors as well as eventually showing Kha'bhanda and those who serve him.

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A Codex Supplement is a supplement specifically for one army.


Leviathan, Deathstorm and Exterminatus have been for multiple armies.


Leviathan was for the AM and Tyranids. Deathstorm is for the BA and Tyranids. Exterminatus is for the BA, FT and Necrons.


One could say that the Shield of Baal campaign supplements lack the proper focus to be a Codex supplement.


Meanwhile, Crimson Slaughter focused just on the Crimson Slaughter for the CSM Codex. Same thing with the Black Legion.


Sentinels of Terra and Clan Ruukan did the exact same thing for the SM Codex.


It was focused and precise and was just for one Codex to show one specific subfaction. And only that subfacton.

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Also, from what I've seen of two Codex supplements, they provide alterations to the FOC or "unit upgrades", they do not provide detachments or formations. That is still the province of the datasheets.


For example, Crimson Slaughter allows Possessed to be taken as troops. Black Legion allowed for one TDA unit to be upgraded to a TDA Bodyguard.

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Also, from what I've seen of two Codex supplements, they provide alterations to the FOC or "unit upgrades", they do not provide detachments or formations. That is still the province of the datasheets.


For example, Crimson Slaughter allows Possessed to be taken as troops. Black Legion allowed for one TDA unit to be upgraded to a TDA Bodyguard.

Those are pre-7th supplements. The SW supplement does include an alternative detachment, no FOC swapping.


Exterminatus includes warlord traits and relics for FT and 1st Co BA, which gives you 3 different ways to run your army already, more than previous supplements. There's also necron stuff in it, but you can ignore it. It has plenty more dataslates than previous supplements. And a lot more fluff (Granted it's not faction fluff but campaign fluff).


It's a lot more expensive than regular dex supplements, and it has what might be seen as unwanted content (Necron filth), but I still find it to be good value. Actually I haven't bought any supplement, because the 40 pages of fluff plus 4 pages of rules + 20 pages of advertising for almost the price of a codex felt difficult to justify. But I've bought Exterminatus without a second thought, it feels it has content enough.

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I feel your pain :)

The Elite detachment is the only leak so far, and it was lackluster to say the least. The WD formations look slightly more interesting, but that might be a case of GW wanting us to buy lots of WDs. The FT detachment will have 6 FA slots for sure, it's right there in one of the leaks, but what else will it have? :O Specifically, does it have a non-obsec-troop tax? Is that random Rage rule any good? If it's a 1/6 chance of getting rage when you declare a charge, DC with +1I are still better, but if it's 1/3 it starts to look good for MSU ASM. It might be Rage across the board for a single turn?

Where are the leaks!wallbash.gif

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Coming in turn 1 is already a huge benefit. But yes, that formation is very situational. I think in 1850 there's ways to make it work though. MSU DC with some backbone in case the formation doesn't arrive turn 1. Looking at a cheap HQ, 3 DC (5 man, JP, fist), then 20 more tactical marines at the back. You can risk it with minimum scouts for troops and Dante, but if the ravens don't arrive turn 1, you can be easily tabled...If the ravens do arrive though (it'll happen almost 90% of the time, barring enemy counter-reserves), you're looking at potentially 3 small DC squads (even small they can still hit hard) and 3 tac squads assaulting turn 2. It's a gimmick list, but as far as gimmick goes, there are worse out there :)


How about 2 hammernator squads with a chaplainator from the elite detachment, and a few sternguards keeping the backfield.


Or screw assaulting from reserves, get 2 Rhinoclaws and a bunch of TWC, 750 pts worth. That can survive even if the ravens don't come in. If they do come in though, the enemy will have loads to worry about.


I'm sure there's ways to make it work competitively at 1850. 1500 would be far more difficult :)

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