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Mechanized vs drop pods


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Hey guys I haven't got the dex yet but I'm planning to. For an army I'm thinking of two ideas: the first is more if a mechanized blitzkrieg list. I was thinking tacticals in rhinos moving up while assualt marines, death company in jump packs, and sanguinary guard moving up while being supported baal predators, regular predators, and vindicators. I was planning on running two baal detachments for this. The second idea is go full on deepstriked with tacticals in pods, assualt marines deep striking to kill important armor, school in a pod and furiosos and other things. Both lists I was planning on running on Dante and sanguinary priest. Could you guys give any feedback on which one seems for viable? The mechanised rhino army seems more like the BA army I've always liked with lots of tacticals but I don't know if it competitive or even fun. Help needed please. Thank you.
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Go with what you enjoy. But, I think I agree that pods are probably more viable right now. Even as nasty as multiple vindicators is, they lack ignore cover to kill many troops or multiple shots to kill a knight. But there's always the chance a vindicator can do a lot of damage, so they seem to draw a lot of fire. Baals and predators also seem a bit lacking these days compared to other anti infantry out there. Though I think annihilator pattern predators went down in price (sorry don't have the book on me) but they could be more viable.


I think pods probably give you the most options to outfit against a lot of different armies. The tactical rhino and predator list will probably have trouble against wave serpents or imperial knights. Flying hive tyrants with twin linked devourers excel at killing light armored vehicles. Malanthropes providing cover to tyranids would also reduce how effective these tanks are. Tau can make it pretty hard to get close to their lines as well--the AV11 might be in trouble. 

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Razorbacks aside, I think there is still a place for mechanized lists and combination drop/mechanized lists.


When making this decision, you must consider how many models you want to place in reserve. Are you going to start all your jump pack models in reserve? If so, then you need drop pods to ensure you survive long enough for your units to arrive. If you are going to start the majority of your jump pack models on the table (as I often do), then you may want some rhinos to provide mobile cover for those jump units. Rhinos are cheap, fast attack vehicles that can provide mobile cover to your jump pack infantry that are advancing up the board.


The advent of maelstrom missions is also a factor. It's true...if you happen to land a drop-pod on an objective, you can claim it. But if that pod scatters, you're going to be off the objective and that model is now a non-factor for the rest of the game. In a 40k world of tactical objective games, rhinos provide objective-grabbing flexibility that drop-pods just don't offer.


Additionally, there is the target saturation factor. As mentioned, once dropped, pods are often a non-factor. The same can't be said for rhinos. Since most BA players will be using the Baal Strike Force detachment, those pods won't be OS, and your opponent won't feel compelled to shoot at them. On the other hand, your opponent will find it hard to refrain from trying to destroy that annoying little rhino that is always blocking his line of site and providing the more meaty targets with 5+ cover saves. If they are attacking the rhino, they aren't attacking your jump pack units.


Razorbacks are a different question. You no longer get the "no jump pack" discount for assault marines taking razorbacks. Also, their base points cost went up. This combination makes their high point costs incredibly difficult for me to swallow. I will probably still occasionally field razorbacks because I own some and like their paint jobs, but I don't think they are the most competitive choice. 

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I still prefer pods to Rhinos because pods are terrain that you get to place.  They may be open-topped, but they're also AV12 all around, so they're tougher than Rhinos. against shooting and significantly more resilient to being assaulted.  They don't have to survive a turn of fire to deliver your Astartes into close quarters with the enemy, and look much more impressive when you've got a lot of them on the table.


On the other hand, if you're playing Maelstrom, and need midgame mobility for tactical reasons, Rhinos are better.  Also, transporting Rhinos is far easier than transporting drop pods.


Go to your local sporting goods store.  Buy a half dozen 6" to 8" tall practice cones to use as proxy drop pods, and play a dozen practice games with them.  If you like the way your drop pod army plays, go buy a bunch of drop pod models.  If you don't, chuck the things in the closet, or donate them to your local church or daycare or nearest relative with kids and go buy some Rhinos.

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