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the jeske

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So what would you guys react, if a new chaos codex removed cult units as options from the codex and add/replace them with formations. No more PMs , but if you take 3 units of mon csm, tyfus, spawns +2units of something your csm get rules x,y,z and the same done with all other cults. Would you like that better, then what we have right now [and lets ignore for a second the "would it be in one codex or two books with some time in between"].

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You know most people's knee jerk reaction would be "WHHYYYYYYYY DO YOU HATE US"...well, not quite in those words. But effectively it sounds like you would end up with them and it would encourage an almost God/Legion core once people got over the initial hate phase.
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Zero problem with me. In fact if the formations would be done properly and with a nice set of rules and units, well they would be both thematic and easy for a new player to use. The thing with the formations is that you have a set number of units which is usually a good thing for one who embraces the game for the first time. They act both as a "to buy" guide as well as an easy way to build and army as a novice player. In defense of the old grognards such as myself well as long as I have options to field all the units in my collection all is good in my book. Formations are a fun addition to Warhammer 40k and even if they are used to provide "legion" rules then I am all in for them.


The removal of the cult units, as long as it is covered by a supplement/formation/dataslate is of little to no consequence. I am used to say lore is one thing, gameplay is another. Truth be told I would be more concerned about the units left outside formations. 

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I'd definately like more CSM formations, but that would just mean the loss of cult troops outside of one particular formation and would trade in the cult benefits for objective secured or other cool things you could get. What I do like is the idea of marks upgrading basic CSM/havocs/bikers/chosen to PM/KB/NM/TS like in 3.5...


btw jeske, let me as a native speaker correct the german in your sig: "Und wahrlich ich sage euch: Es wäre besser diesem Menschen, dass er nie geboren wäre."

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I'm not a huge fan of formations generally, because although I appreciate they're designed with the best will in the world, I don't necessarily want to be told what to take. I get that you are rewarded for doing so - but I'd rather choose units based on their own merits, generally.


I can however see that this is probably the way it'll go: it's not altogether bad, but if the formation isn't designed with flexibility in the latter slots (FA/HS, etc.) - we may struggle. Even now, I wouldn't be trading my Fast Attack slots in like in past, because I want to maximise Heldrakes for instance...

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I would cry inside. Unless the Tau and Eldar and other armies were brought down with a bump hard, then I wouldn't care. And if they created a half decent Iron Warrior Formation, I might even be happy.


Honestly, such changes are only in the context of what surrounds them, if you still have grossly overpowered armies like Tau and Eldar (that with each new release, seem to be getting more and more powerful) and then you weaken others that were already weak compared to the two aforementioned armies, then it's a bad thing, if its used to redress such powercreeps and have themed armies then it's a good thing.

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You realy think I ever gave[or could give] an idea to anyone?

But am glad to hear that people would welcome such a change. It is a nice see the chaos community welcome a change without the n word being spread around by all.





Honestly, such changes are only in the context of what surrounds them, if you still have grossly overpowered armies like Tau and Eldar (that with each new release, seem to be getting more and more powerful) and then you weaken others that were already weak compared to the two aforementioned armies, then it's a bad thing, if its used to redress such powercreeps and have themed armies then it's a good thing.


Eldar will[probably???] get a formation book too. Swordwind hosts, court of the young king, jester troups, the wild hunt. Formationless they would of course spank everyone till the new codex, but they are doing this anyway.




und wahrlich is sage euch es wäre besser diesem menschen dass er nie geboren wäre



why the akkusative? and am not asking because I think am right, my knowladge of foreign languages comes from custom documents.

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why the akkusative? and am not asking because I think am right, my knowladge of foreign languages comes from custom documents.


Actually, let me first give you this new corrected version: "Und wahrlich ich sage euch: Es wäre besser diesem Menschen, dass er nie geboren wäre."


do you mean the dative "diesem"? It's actually biblical speech, there is a similar quote somewhere in matthew 26.24. Today "für diesen" (preposition + accusative) would be the norm. Both however express to whose advantage the verbal act happens (dativus commodi).

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It would depend on the details of such a formation, but if the units I would normally take suddenly added up to a formation, great. If the formation rules solved issues generated by the current codex (be it points, or power level) then great. If CSM formations only served to entice me to buy a unit that for some reason I don't already have, then I'd be a little grumpy (but if that formation solved a current issue, then I'd be less grumpy)


I guess I'd compare any new CSM formations to the Helbrute dataslate, and for the points cost of the same models pre-formation. Also, I agree with King Jackal: the best scenario would have formations that don't require a named character.

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If it would work out and give us formations worth taking? Sure be fine by me, but generally I'm not a big fan of large formations. If they get too big they make the army list rather inflexible. But if it's a small formation that's not so bad. 

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I'm expecting to see Space Marine chapter rules dusted off and used for the Legions, I'm hoping that we'll also see the Legion special troops becoming add-ons for standard units, so you get Legion terminators, Chosen, Raptors and Havocs, at a cost of flexibility (mono-lists only, use Allies for more than one god)
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I hope we get something to better represent the legions, ala the space marine chapter tactics. I would also be disappointed to lose cult troops; I play Death Guard consisting of plague marines, not watered down MoN marines. Reasonable formations would be fine, but barring that I guess I would have to play unbound... Meh. Here's hoping to some loving treatment in the next dex.
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