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New Codex destroyed my army just as I finished it...


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You don't need to be that patient, in 3 days Exterminatus is out and that's supposed to be the last BA release for this wave. So in 3 days you know if you can play your current list as-is, or what you need to get to bring it back to battle-forgedness...it's been 4 years, what's 3 days :)

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I wouldn't bother waiting for some limiting formations. Just buy a tac squad, run it as two 5 man units in Razorback and enjoy your army as a fully legal and bound force, you'll be able to run it in the detachment offering +1 Initiative on the charge as well!



-Librarian/Libby Dread

-Sanguinary Priest with jump pack

-Tac Squad x 5, Combi Plasma, Plasma, Razorback with TL Lascannon/Las Plas

-Tac Squad with Combi Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Razorback with TL Lascannon/Las Plas

-10 Assault Marines

-10 Sanguinary Guard


-2 Baal Predators




This is the makings of a great army!

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I feel your pain.  I was totaling my army using the new prices and slots to see what I had.  Approaching 6000 7800 points of Blood Angels, and barley viable as an Unbound Force.  My HQ, HS, and Elite slots are slam packed for prime choices.


EDIT:  Updated number to refelct current total.

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I wouldn't bother waiting for some limiting formations. Just buy a tac squad, run it as two 5 man units in Razorback and enjoy your army as a fully legal and bound force, you'll be able to run it in the detachment offering +1 Initiative on the charge as well!


-Librarian/Libby Dread

-Sanguinary Priest with jump pack

-Tac Squad x 5, Combi Plasma, Plasma, Razorback with TL Lascannon/Las Plas

-Tac Squad with Combi Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Razorback with TL Lascannon/Las Plas

-10 Assault Marines

-10 Sanguinary Guard


-2 Baal Predators


This is the makings of a great army!

Yeah I like the look of your list a lot, would just have to pick up a single new box of BA tactical and make one more rhino. Not to bad and a pretty affordable way to get back to my battleforged list. Haven't done the math though might be a little short of 2000 but looks like a great base to what I already have.


Just worried about my ASM effectiveness, used to run them with Corbulo jumping out a stormraven to secure contested objectives mid to late game. They were already a little underwhelming before the update and without Corbulo now I'm definitely worried. But I can always replace them later if need be or even proxy them as tactical for a bit.


Also damn I didn't realize Exterminatus was being released so soon, guess I'll have all the info I need soon!

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... which is just your point of view and completely subjective. Personally, if I want an army of Baal Scorpions (Nurglings) backed up by Thunderfire Cannons then Unbound allows me to do that and I'm damn-well going to have fun playing with it!


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I'm pretty sure the rulebook states unbound lists have to be agreed up front by your opponent :-P


If I was running unbound I'd run 3 Knights in the detachment where they re roll invuls and do d3 stomps supported by 7 flyers.


My opponent won't have much fun

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Got a page number for that? As for your example, no one is denying that Unbound lists aren't subject to abuse but that's not what was intended and this is really going off topic now. Unbound was a suggestion for the OP to use his force as it is, which is fine.


(For what it's worth, you can run your example as a Battleforged list using the Imperial Knight Codex, two Adeptus Astartes Stormwing dataslates and a Marauder.)

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I'm pretty sure the rulebook states unbound lists have to be agreed up front by your opponent :-P


If I was running unbound I'd run 3 Knights in the detachment where they re roll invuls and do d3 stomps supported by 7 flyers.


My opponent won't have much fun

That is true.

But the rule is more general, you even need "permission" to play a CAD or Baal-Detachment or even ASM itself.

What it basically says is: "You cannot force your opponent to play you." (which in my opinion is probably already covered by the law in your country)


I also think people overrate the "lameness" of Unbound.

Yes, you can do nasty things with it but you can also do nasty stuff within Detachments.

And how many players would actually do it?

I'm willing to bet that 9 out of 10 people that play Unbound do it for stuff like "Blood Angels without Tactical-marines".

That is perfectly fine; if someone wants to lose his Trait-reroll ánd +I1 on the charge, just because he hates the troops, then I'll allow it.

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I don't dislike unbound because of power trip players, I dislike it because it feels like a gimmick and quickly becomes boring - and almost everyone who has experienced it agrees.


I think it's bad advice to tell someone, simply go unbound!

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Unbound lets me play my army, but I'm not sure how a 5th edition army following old FOC rules would fair against my battle forged recently updated brothers armies. If I was going to make an unbound army it probably wouldn't look anything like the army I have. Plus neither of my brothers like to play unbound armies and we agreed on battle forged armies awhile back.


It's just not a very good unbound army, and not a legal battle forged one anymore. So some changes are definatly needed.

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I don't dislike unbound because of power trip players, I dislike it because it feels like a gimmick and quickly becomes boring - and almost everyone who has experienced it agrees.


I think it's bad advice to tell someone, simply go unbound!


Not if the player wants to play a themed army they've been working on for a while. 


This whole anti-unbound thing is fine for tourney concerns (kinda) - but for a dude who wants to play the models he has spend time and effort on, electing to purposely exclude a a perfectly clear and perfectly implementable rule because of potential abuses that are unrelated to the game the OP would have is just beyond silly.


Rule says:


"The two main ways of organising an army are the Unbound method and the Battleforged

method. Both players need not use the same method.
Unbound Armies
The Unbound method is the easiest way to organise an army: simply use whichever
units from your collection you want. Besides being a quick way to get your models
on the tabletop, the Unbound method also allows you to try out exciting combinations in
your army, such as fielding a whole force of Tanks or Flyers, or even of special characters."



Having said that, I think theres always room to grow, adapt and change your lists - but when GW put something in the book that allows us to play with the models we want, I find it a little rich to throw that away because other people may abuse that. 

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On the one hand, I totally get it. I've now got way more sanguinary priests than I could ever hope to use, and I wish I had built both my assault squads as jump squads because they're now much better (and RAS is dead - long live RAS).


On the other hand... eh... man up, brother! Do you really want a game that's held back from innovation? I know that everyone has a pretty cynical attitude towards GW - and perhaps some of it is deserved - but our new 'dex does work. It's fun, playing with it feels like being a Blood Angels commander, and it's sufficiently powerful without being easy-button. Don't go crazy - stick to your budget - and just go back to playing smaller games while your collection catches up. It's not like you weren't going to buy more toys anyway, is it?

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Op have you looked at the flesh tearers detachment? You get 6 fast attack slots and if you roll a 10 then you get rage. No longer have to run Unbound. msn-wink.gif

and the minimum requirements are 1 hq, 1 troop, 1 fast. full list is 1-2 HQ, 1-4 Troop, 1-6 Fast attack, 0-3 Elite, 0-3 Heavy, 0-1 LoW. looks like that would work reasonably well for your collection.

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Yeah this detachment would be pretty easy to fit with your list. take a sanguinary priest since you have some laying around by yourself a scout squad. I recommend eBay you could probably field an entire scout company for $100 and voila. If you want more priests then take another detachment. Though to use this detachment you have buy shield of Baal which isn't cheap.
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