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First Game with the New 'Dex


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I had my first game with the new 'dex, and boy was it a hell of a game!

Let me tell you about it.

This was the second game in a narrative campaign I'm playing. My Eldar opponent won the last game and thus owned the initiative to determine the rules of the second game. The mission he created was this: we roll for an Eternal War mission, as usual, with one difference. Each of us nominated three non-HQ characters, each of which got 30 points of free wargear. Each of these characters was worth 3 VPs to the opponent - effectively, killing these characters was a new primary objective.

My list was composed of a bare bones jump priest (plus a bolt pistol) and a ML 2 jump librarian running with eight sanguinary guard (some axes, some swords, two inferno pistols, and one fist), a furioso dreadnought with double heavy flamers and talons a five-man sniper scout squad, ten tactical marines with two flamers, a three-man bike squad with two meltaguns, a ten-man assault squad with two meltaguns, a stormraven, and a fully loaded dakka predator. My three characters were my tactical sergeant (veteran, with a power fist), my assault sergeant (veteran, with an inferno pistol and a power sword), and my biker sergeant (veteran, with a power fist).

My opponent, on the other hand, had an autarch with all sorts of awful upgrades riding on a jetbike and a squad of shining spears, a squad of ordinary guardian jetbikes, ten guardians riding in a wave serpent, ten rangers, five scorpions riding in a falcon, a vyper, and a jetfighter. The non psychic one. I don't know who his characters were, because as you'll see... it didn't much matter biggrin.png.

So, how did it go? I started off at a serious disadvantage. A series of disastrous dice rolls had my army coming in piecemeal, and for a while I thought I was going to lose. However, one early stroke of good luck - a combat squad of assault marines managing to chase the entire squad of jetbike guardians off the edge of the board after a single round of combat - took the edge off my numeric disadvantage. The tide really turned, however, when my sanguinary guard arrived. Their shooting decimated the shining spears, who tried to run away after their shooting failed to kill more than one of the guard. Then the sanguinary guard beat the autarch and his remaining spear in combat and actually managed to run down the autarch. Then they punched a falcon to death. It was awesome.

Other highlights included: my dreadnought jumping out the back of a zooming stormraven, not scattering at all, and turning the surviving scorpions and rangers into twitching charred Eldar corpses.

By the time my storm raven hovered and my tacs got out, it was just mop-up. In the end, all my opponent had left was his jetfighter, leaving my dreadnought, surviving sanguinary guard and priest warlord, and tacs in full control of the remaining objectives, not to mention first blood, linebreaker, slay the warlord, and three of his objective-characters dead (whereas my tactical sergeant had survived).

It was a bloody game. It felt a lot like being an actual Blood Angels commander. The red haze came down and I charged into battle, there was blood and death and chaos and I never felt quite in control of the situation, but when I finally lifted up my head and looked around... most of my men were daed, but almost all of my opponents were dead, and we had won!

For the Emperor!


Anyway, I'm happy with the new 'dex. It's solid. The Sanguinary discipline did not fail to deliver, sanguinary guard worked very well at their new cost and ability to take a larger squad, the priest is a great support character. With the librarian buffing himself, I was able to go toe to toe with Eldar autarchs and come out swinging! I'm looking forward to seeing what the priest or the librarian can do supporting a real combat character, like a captain! I definitely missed the ability to spam priests and give every key squad FNP, but army-wide Furious Charge and I 5 on the charge definitely did work.

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I sadly lost my first one vs eldar ... the luck, however was epically agasint me that game. his feel no pain warlord trait worked at least 50% or the time, I twice rolled three ones to wound with the storm raven missiles, failed a 3 inch charge.



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