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2nd autocannon havocs squad worth it or not?

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I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "Mechanized" when 3 of your Heavy support slots will be infantry in that case. Rhinos? They would benefit from extra AV on the table.


An Autocannon and Lascannon sponson Pred is fairly decent


Have you played with a Predator Executioner?

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To run a predators you need at least 3 other av13 or higher targets. Otherwise it dies turn one, if it can draw LoS to enemy units. Also plasma template weapons are super bad post BA codex.


as far as 2ed havock unit goes. No it would not be a good idea to run them, unless you play no missions and/or you have 3 pm melta squads in your list.

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Infernal Relic Predator with Plasma Destroyer is only 110pts, this gives you a unit shooting 3 blast templates at S7 AP2 and no "Gets Hot".


How does the relic pred not suffer from gets hot?


Also plasma template weapons are super bad post BA codex.


How has one codex made plasma blasts bad?

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Infernal Relic Predator with Plasma Destroyer is only 110pts, this gives you a unit shooting 3 blast templates at S7 AP2 and no "Gets Hot".



How does the relic pred not suffer from gets hot?


Also plasma template weapons are super bad post BA codex.



How has one codex made plasma blasts bad?

Do Plasma Destroyers have 'Gets Hot?' All the versions I can find don't?

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I thought it did, but now I'm really not sure. It seems the newest version of the executioner plasma cannon in the new AM book does, and I've seen AM opponents role for gets hot but the older FW version may not have gets hot. 


Damn FW for not printing the weapon stats in IA13, really how hard would that have been. 

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Have to ask but what else would you be using with them? It's all fair enough to ask what you have but without knowing what else is likely to hit the table it's tough to reply properly.


You have said mechanized which most would guess at tanks, rhinos, and bikes. But you've already said your heavies are basically infantry. Please expand :tu:

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Have to ask but what else would you be using with them? It's all fair enough to ask what you have but without knowing what else is likely to hit the table it's tough to reply properly.


You have said mechanized which most would guess at tanks, rhinos, and bikes. But you've already said your heavies are basically infantry. Please expand :tu:

Basically im working towards a full mech list as such i would be buying the havocs rhinos so that should they become threatened they can get the hell out of there

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How easy is it to convert one? or would i just be best off getting the one forgeworld sell

You may be able to do something with the ectoplasma cannons from the Forgefiends, which could be very cool

I've been thinking about doing this for a while, budget is too tight at present, but I'd be interested to see examples. I think that it should be an option for chaos predators anyway. And land raiders for that matter

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