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plague wolves plog

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Sorceror Sval

Aspiring Champion Azgar

Aspiring Champion Brother Razgaroth

Brother Calipus

Brother Darval

Squad Razgaroths hounds

Squad Azgars Reavers

Heres a few pics of some of my plague wolves sorry if they are not great pics im having to use my shockingly bad mobile phone camera. From top to bottom its Sorceror Sval the Bloated then aspiring champiom azgar and razagaroth then 2 random plague marines and 2 nearly fully painted 5 man squads im not a great painter and i find it hard to pay attention.

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Now ive had some interesting ideas for Sval. One idea is i make a second model for him as fluff wise my idea is the dp that they actually hear believing it to be nurgle is being tricked by Tzeench and when he finds out he asks the plague wolves for their help to get his revenge. As such they willingly agree to help a Tzeench warband find 9 artefacts to unlock this portal in which a powerful ancient tzeench daemon is trapped. Anyway they find the artefacts and the world where the portal is and the ritual commences. Just as the prince us about ro come through using plasma and nelta they destroy the artefacts preventing the prince from being released as such the tzeench warband begin to attack mine abd even tho it tirns into a victory for the forces of nurgle Sval is gravely injured only by doing a very risky ritual can they save him in which he kind of ascends and becomes possessed/half daemon with the exception of he has full control over his new gift. He also has a unusual ability to control possessed warp talons and lesser daemons
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After i have painted my 2 rhinos to break up the monotomy of painting marines im gonna paint my plague bearers and maybe my nurglings question is

Do i do them the same colour skin as ny marines armour or a btighter green (skarsnik green) or a darker green (stegadon green i believe its called)

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So a little update. I came 2nd to last in the tournament but it was fun and i did better than i expected as i expected to come last. I was also gifted a armless and back packless dark angel who im gonna turn into a sorceror ir a apostle or a chosen or cypher and a built rhino to replace my first one which is falling apart
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No picture update but heres a bit of fludf behind my warband/chapter/legions master.

Grandmaster Sevarion Nurglitch Plaguelord of Nurgleth Exalted Champion of Pestilence

Sevarian Nurglitch once known as Aestarion Tyrinus was the chapter master of the Iron Sabtes. At the time of their fall he was close to death. At the time of the ritual which would see the Iron Sabres be reborn as the Plague Wolves Aestarion Svarl and several other key members souls were taken into the warp by Nurgleth to be put throygh the 7 trials. While 3 of their brothers failed to pass the test and were spawned or died the other 4 bot only passed but were rewarded. Upon returning Aestarion before the Iron Sabres renounced the chapter nane and his name renaming himself Sevarion Nurglitch and the Iron Sabres the Plague Wolves. His gifts from Nurgle included a one handed Daemon Scythe which has a Daemon Prince bound within. Sevarions latent psyker abilities wete unlocked by Nurgleth and ss such Svarl has been teaching his master to control his powers.


Svarls powers were enhanced and gave him a great mastery over sorcery. Even before the Draconian crusade and his rebirth he seemed to have a natural ability to bind daemons to his will now he seems to have a dominion over them and not just those of Nurgleth.

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