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whats your favorite artefact and why

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The Black Mace. I love turning my Daemon Prince into Sauron.



That makes me want to convert the Sauron model into a Daemon Prince..and especially against squishy t3 models you really are annihilating as many guys as Sauron is in that clip.


My favorite item has to be the axe of blind fury though, nothing like having a lord running around chopping everything he faces up.  


The Sauron model is unfortunately just a little taller than a terminator and wouldn't translate too well into a daemon prince... I did convert myself a Sauron-esque mace for my daemon prince, though.

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#1 - Burning Brand... by a country mile it's my favourite.  It's the flamer in 40k.  It's extra funny when you get +1S to ranged weapons off a Gift of Mutation.
#2 - Black Mace... on a Daemon Prince, obviously.
#3 - Slaves to the Voices... for the Sorcerer who just keeps on giving... Daemons.
#4 - Daemonheart... for the Nurgle Lord on Bike who just wants to troll everything your opponent can throw at him.
Once I had my Slaanesh Lord with Brand and Jump Pack, I never had cause to regret using him... pretty much all the opponents who faced him, hated him almost immediately after he fired for the first time.  True, he was sub-optimal (he should have been on a Bike, and should have had a Lightning Claw instead of a (Daemonic) Power Sword) but I really couldn't have cared less.


Mmm... burny, burny goodness... :devil:

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I really like the Hand of Darkness as well, especially on a I6 Slaanesh Lord. Burning Brand on a Jump Lord is also quite dangerous.


My past favorites are the Khorne Glaive and the Dark Blade. Both were just wonderful. Actually all of the 3.5 relics were cool.


Too bad Daemonheart is bound to CS. I just can't justify not taking VotLW for fluff reasons (and the fact that I mainly play against Loyalists).

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