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anyone tempted by the blood angels new codex


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I am toying with ideas of drop pod BA army rules to represent my Night Lords I'd like to start after the new year. I've seen many less chaos-y legions played using loyalist rule sets over the years. Got to work with what you got.
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Dante at 500 pts is half an army, bit OP.


My CSM will always be CSM, my BA forever BA. This codex looks less powerful then last one, but much more balanced. Me likely.

I agree my sorceror turned into great unclean one managed to grind down a unit of death company and get dante down to 1 wound my poor daemon only nanaged to pass 1 invun all game :(

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Well those who know me and read my posts know full well how I dislike "count as" armies. I am a CSM player first, a Chaos Daemons player second so bar looting the new BA sprues for some nice trinkets I am not interested in them. I am of the idea though to buy the new Sanguinary Priest and convert him into a CSM model. I see him quite striking in the Black Legion scheme and all I would need is perhaps a change of the helmet and little else. 


In terms of gameplay sooner or later my gameclub will be flooded with Blood Angels... Here in Italy they are considered a sort of "national" chapter so almost every marine player has some BA in his basement. 

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Fluff wise there are too many libbies used in BAs, gamewise they may be interesting, but buying 30+ jump pack models may not be the thing chaos players want to do.

Why would they be buying 30+ jump packs again?


chaos player. 0 jump pack units since 4th ed gav dex. used. new BA codex obligatory 8-10 DC, obligatory 8-10 sang guard[have to buy 10 anyway]. 10-15 RAS. assuming one has enough weapons to to the sanguard, that is 5-6 boxs of raptors/talons. Not everyone likes that. Ah forgot the 2 Libby most armies will be using. Thankfuly we do use bikers, so if someone decides to run 8/8/2x5+sm ally we have the models. But still 5-6 box to play 1 build  is a lot of cash.




In terms of gameplay sooner or later my gameclub will be flooded with Blood Angels... Here in Italy they are considered a sort of "national" chapter so almost every marine player has some BA in his basement.



Because of all those puttos right?

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In terms of gameplay sooner or later my gameclub will be flooded with Blood Angels... Here in Italy they are considered a sort of "national" chapter so almost every marine player has some BA in his basement.



Because of all those puttos right?



Actually is a bit more than that. The first thing is that the Blood Angels are based upon the Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri, second thing is that their "artistic and learned" flair is a tribute to the Renaissance era and third, the Blood Angels until recently used mostly italian names like Lorenzo and so on. If one would read more in detail their fluff many more details could be glimpsed and it is no secret that here in Italy they are the most played SM army. Also there is the concept of "guiding the dead to their doom", the "tears of an angel" and so on which are countless little citations from the Divina Commedia. 

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Fluff wise there are too many libbies used in BAs, gamewise they may be interesting, but buying 30+ jump pack models may not be the thing chaos players want to do.

Why would they be buying 30+ jump packs again?


chaos player. 0 jump pack units since 4th ed gav dex. used. new BA codex obligatory 8-10 DC, obligatory 8-10 sang guard[have to buy 10 anyway]. 10-15 RAS. assuming one has enough weapons to to the sanguard, that is 5-6 boxs of raptors/talons. Not everyone likes that. Ah forgot the 2 Libby most armies will be using. Thankfuly we do use bikers, so if someone decides to run 8/8/2x5+sm ally we have the models. But still 5-6 box to play 1 build  is a lot of cash.


Looks at Jeske's post. Looks at the majority of BA posts planning to use Sanguine Wing to either Deepstrike Assault Terminators or the two VV squads from another Formation, which means only two squads with JPs at most as other formation demands the last Elite slot be filled with a Sternguard.


Yep, still don't see it. I guess I need those "One army rules the Codex" blinders. Carry on then.

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The only thing that really annoys me with ba is their +1 I on the charge and the fact death company are still better than bezerkers. I mean are you really telling me a marine in the grip if the butchers nails and khorne wont ignore the pain but some guy reliving sanguiniuses last few moments will....
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Tempted, sure. The problem is I'm also tempted to actually pick up the new BAs and start running them legit, which is awful, them being filthy loyalists and all, but I've always liked aspects of their fluff and the new minis own bones, so. I'd have an excuse to finally buy a death company kit. Anyway, the point is if I wound up doing that, I wouldn't want to double up on the same army rules-wise, so running my CSM as counts-as BA while also running actual BA would... not be very much fun, especially since I plan to do that exact thing with my Wolves and counts-as SW sometime this year so I can get skullcrushers as counts-as thunderwolves.


I like counts-as when it's done well, but I don't think I can commit to it, so I'm going to have to pass. I'd encourage other people to do it, though.

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