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anyone tempted by the blood angels new codex


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I bought the spanking new BA dex yesterday; death company seem a pretty amazing unit to represent world eaters assault troops!


Fast rhinos and dual claw wielding world eater dreads seem to fit the bill for me. Finally have a use for the night jump pack khorne bad-ass lord now too.


I dont know why people blast it. For the price of a codex you effectively can make a whole army from your same models. Us 1-0 GW

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the arachnids in HR were technicly tyranids, they have whole sub species they send in front of the main wave. There was a sub race of human looking ones, who werent happy to be eaten by the hive and runing away from them. The fools thought that if they warn other races, they wouldnt get BttH. Boy were their wrong.

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Looks at Jeske's post. Looks at the majority of BA posts planning to use Sanguine Wing to either Deepstrike Assault Terminators or the two VV squads from another Formation, which means only two squads with JPs at most as other formation demands the last Elite slot be filled with a Sternguard.


Yep, still don't see it. I guess I need those "One army rules the Codex" blinders. Carry on then.


How would you explain 3 storm ravens in a chaos list?[not ot mention cash actualy needed for them and the tacticals or at least their weapon load outs]. Plus its a codex+supplement offten meaning you can't take ally. VV are horrible, they do absolutly nothing other units do. And even if someone plays where formation+multi CAD+ally are allowed, they do not fit in to a normal sized army. it is impossible to optimize them unless one plays more then 1750pts. On the other hand the normal 8/8/2x5+ally or 8/10/10+5+no ally set up fits in to a normal sized list and is one CAD.

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I hear the latest formation, one of them is allowing assault out of Deep Strike?


Is....is GW finally coming around to assault?

I beleive that formattion requires 3 storm ravens.
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If you're count asing, 1.)why would you care about explaining how a Chaos warband either took them with them when they turned Traitor or salvaged them from loyalists they fought? 2.)you're already saying they have to buy jump packs so obviously buying isn't an issue and 3.), what you believe to be useless does nothing to change the fact most of the BA forum apparently disagrees with you and is looking at Drop Pods and Dreads.


I hear the latest formation, one of them is allowing assault out of Deep Strike?


Is....is GW finally coming around to assault?

I beleive that formattion requires 3 storm ravens.
Three Storm Ravens loaded up with three ten man tacticals.
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Once again it is the new shiny. I will most likely look at it, read the fluff, shrug my shoulders and go back to my forge to work on my IW. The new models look great and maybe I might find a part I'd like to use, perhaps BA casualties hanging off my defiler or land raider are in order?

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Once again it is the new shiny. I will most likely look at it, read the fluff, shrug my shoulders and go back to my forge to work on my IW. The new models look great and maybe I might find a part I'd like to use, perhaps BA casualties hanging off my defiler or land raider are in order?

I'm sure someone like Forte can find a use for the Tac Sergeant's flayed armor.
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Y'know, I've missed out on seeing the new BA stuff when it was getting confirmed as rumours so I'm a little behind, but I gather from the minis there are heavy flamers in tac squads now. I like that. I love fire for my Word Bearers, and I've been wanting to build an assault company for a while. Raptors are great, but they don't really cut it as the core of an assault company. Maybe I should be looking in this direction after all. I'd certainly be set for fire with the Baal, and I'd also finally have an excuse to chaos-up a Furioso (life goal) - I'd just have to drop it from a stormraven.


I could ally this "assault company" with my skullcrushers, too. If I'm going to be a horrible counts-as garbage beast I might as well at least consider going all in.

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No. I will stick my veterans. We do not call it the Long War for nothing.

My Blood Angels look forward to continuing the Long War soon...


It will be extremely interesting fighting the new Blood Angels. I'll need to do some studying on your new Furious Charge across the board and assaulting from deepstrike planes. 

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I hear the latest formation, one of them is allowing assault out of Deep Strike?


Is....is GW finally coming around to assault?

I beleive that formattion requires 3 storm ravens.



Hmm, so a hefty investment (almost like they design it this way...) but still. A shame the Stormraven is my least favorite flyer, but I'm into Dark Magi Chaos at the moment anyway...

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No. I will stick my veterans. We do not call it the Long War for nothing.

My Blood Angels look forward to continuing the Long War soon...

It will be extremely interesting fighting the new Blood Angels. I'll need to do some studying on your new Furious Charge across the board and assaulting from deepstrike planes.
I don't have enough storm ravens for that.
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To use as counts as world eaters?

Furious charge for all. Death company as really angry marines


I was about to shout Heresy but what do you shout at Heretics that go loyal?


To be honest no matter how good the rules I did briefly try the previous BA codex for NL and felt clean so dropped it. Plus knowing where you sit on the Allies Matrix just fills me with shame.


Also BA jump pack army isn't a good way to represent NL it is a good way to represent a Raptor cult but they are not a mutually exclusive to the VIII legion as most people think.

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As I stated before I have thoughts and plans to run my Night Lords army with new BA book but that's as a drop pod army (read Soul Hunter) something that just can't happen without forge world (we don't play FW rules around here) with the chaos dex. Sadly the loyalist books just work better for traitor legions that don't use much for daemons like Night Lords or Alpha Legion. But that's always been the case since 3.5.
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But the new BA dex is just a shiny version of the marines dex with some stuff replaced with Death co, special name aphotecaries and some random stuff. 


I wonder when the masses figure out about the part where all astartes dexes are 90% the same.

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Well true but it has always been more of that. The basic dex usually had a lot of different chapters within it but not a lot to define it out side of the stereotypes. The individual codexs gave so much more fluff then the main book. Because really lets be honest if they combined the forces of imperium into one book it would be a couple hundred pages long by the time they rolled around with it. Which would mean less sales as people just had to buy one book not to mention riots in the streets when they changed one aspect for a edition but not others and forced you to buy that 200+page book all over again.


Don't get me wrong I would love it if you just had to buy the rules book and a single book for the armies but I don't ever see this happening.

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